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SharePoint Online Monitoring

SharePoint Online - An Overview

SharePoint online is a cloud-based service that allows organizations store, retrieve, search, archeive, track, manage, and report on digitized documents. It is available as a standalone product. SharePoint Online comes in handy when the security requirements are complex and when content management requires custom workflows.

Monitoring SharePoint Online - What we do

Get detailed metrics into the health and affected tenant count of SharePoint Online services, including Access Services, Office Web Apps, Yammer components, etc. Applications Manager also keeps track of the TCP connectivity of various SharePoint Online endpoints as well as the performance of SharePoint applications and sites.

Note: Microsoft 365 monitoring is supported only on Windows installations of Applications Manager Versions till 16300. While, versions from 16310 supports Microsoft 365 monitoring in both Windows and Linux. Also, Powershell mode is supported in Windows, but not in Linux.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on the Sharepoint Online monitors under the Cloud Apps table. Displayed is the SharePoint Online bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab displays the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab displays the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

You can also navigate to the Sharepoint Online bulk configuration view through the Sharepoint Online tab in the Microsoft 365 Monitor page.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:


Parameter Description
Sharepoint Online Service Health Details
Service ID ID of the Sharepoint Online service.
Service Name Name of the service.
Service Status Overall status of the service. Possible values are serviceOperational, investigating, restoringService, verifyingService, serviceRestored, postIncidentReviewPublished, serviceDegradation, serviceInterruption, extendedRecovery, falsePositive, investigationSuspended, resolved, mitigatedExternal, mitigated, resolvedExternal, confirmed, reported, or unknownFutureValue.
Sharepoint Online Issue Details
Feature Group - Feature - Issue ID Indicates the Feature Group, Feature, and Issue ID of the Sharepoint Online service issue.
Issue Status Status of the service issue. Possible values are serviceOperational, investigating, restoringService, verifyingService, serviceRestored, postIncidentReviewPublished, serviceDegradation, serviceInterruption, extendedRecovery, falsePositive, investigationSuspended, resolved, mitigatedExternal, mitigated, resolvedExternal, confirmed, reported, and unknownFutureValue.
Issue Type Type of the service issue. Possible values are advisory, incident, or unknownFutureValue.
Issue Origin Origin of the service issue. Possible values are microsoft, thirdParty, customer, or unknownFutureValue.
Issue Description Indicates the description for the service issue.
Hour(s) since issue occurred Amount of time (in hours) elapsed since the issue has occurred.
Issue Start Time Timestamp at which the service issue was started.
Last Modified Time Timestamp at which service issue was last modified.
Endpoints Connectivity
Endpoint The Sharepoint Online endpoint / URL
Port The port on which endpoint / URL is accessible
Status The status of endpoint/ URL
Reason  The reason for the Status of the endpoint. This parameter is supported from Applications Manager version 16310.
Response Time The time taken for connecting to endpoint/URL


Note: The metrics under the Usage tab are available from Applications Manager version 16470.
Parameter Description
Collected Date
Collected Date for Usage Report The date at which Microsoft 365 last updated the reports archive.
Sites Storage Usage
Total Storage Used The total amount of storage used by the sites (in GB).
Sites Usage
Total Sites The total number of sites.
Active Sites The total number of active sites.
Inactive Sites The total number of inactive sites.
Files Usage
Total Files across sites The total number of files available across the sites.
Active Files across sites The number of active files available across the sites.
Inactive Files across sites The number of inactive files available across the sites.
Unique Files by Activity Type
Viewed or Edited Files (Licensed Users) The number of files viewed or edited by Licensed users.
Synced Files (Licensed Users) The number of files synced by Licensed users.
Shared Internally (Licensed Users) The number of files shared internally by Licensed users.
Shared Externally (Licensed Users) The number of files shared externally by Licensed users.
Active Users by Activity Type
Viewed Or Edited Files (Active Users) The number of active users who have viewed or edited files.
Synched Files (Active Users) The number of active users who have synched files.
Shared Internally (Active Users) The number of active users who have shared files internally.
Shared Externally (Active Users) The number of active users who have shared files externally.
Note:  All the metrics under Usage tab is mapped under Performance polling. To change the polling interval, go to Settings → Performance polling and choose Optimize Data Collection tab, choose SharePoint Online as the Monitor Type, SharePoint Online Usage Statistics as the Metric Name and enable data collection at every poll or configure custom time intervals. (Default and preferred time interval is 12 hours). These are Microsoft Graph API reports (archive) data.

Sites and Applications

Parameters Description Supported By
Powershell mode REST API mode
Sites Statistics (Top 100 Sites based on storage used)
Site URL The sharepoint Site URL
Storage Used (GB) The storage used by sites in GB
Storage Free (GB) The storage free for use for site in GB
Storage Quota(GB) The maximum storage limit allowed to the user. A warning message will be received if the storage size exceeds the specified value.
Total Storage Total storage available in the site
Resources Used* The resources used out of allocated limit
Resources Free* The resources free for use from allocated limit.
Lock State* The lock status of site.
Last Content Modified Time The last content modified time of sharepoint site.
Status The status of site.
Websites Count* The number of websites in sharepoint site collection.
Total Files* The total number of files in the site.
Active Files* Total number of Active files in the site.
Page Views* Number of views of pages in the site.
Visited Pages* The number of pages visited in the site.
Application Statistics (Supported only in Powershell mode)
Product ID Unique ID of the SharePoint application.
Application Name Name of the SharePoint application.
Source Source of the SharePoint application.
Install Errors Number of errors occurred during installation of SharePoint application.
Runtime Errors Number of errors occurred during runtime of SharePoint application.
Upgrade Errors Number of errors occurred during upgrade of SharePoint application.
  • When upgrading to Applications Manager v16310, previously configured alarms and reports will no longer be accessible. Also, REST API mode will be supported but PowerShell mode will be made optional and will be limited to Site Statistics only.
  • Sharepoint Sites Statistics is mapped under performance polling. To change the polling interval, go to Settings → Performance polling and choose Optimize Data Collection tab, set SharePoint Online as the Monitor Type, Site Statistics as the Metric Name and enable data collection at every poll or configure custom time intervals. (Default and preferred time interval is 12 hours, while the preferred value for PowerShell mode is 1 hour but can be increase for huge resources.)

For further troubleshooting details regarding issues in powershell refer here.

For troubleshooting graph api errors in exchange online from Applications Manager version 16310 refer here.

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