UDP Port

Creating a new UDP Port monitor

Using the REST API to add a new UDP Port monitor: Click here

To create a UDP Port monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on Add New Monitor link under New Monitor.
  2. Select UDP Port under Services category.
  3. Specify the display name for the monitor.
  4. Specify the IP Address or hostname of the host in which the application service is running.
  5. Specify the UDP Port number in which the service is running.
  6. Specify the Wait Time/Timeout in seconds.
  7. Specify the Command to be executed after connecting to the service through the UDP Port given.
    • Only text format command type is supported. Command varies based on the Application Service monitored. Eg: For DNS service command will be "netstat demo.g3.com"
    • A UDP port monitor is designed specifically to monitor UDP services that support interactive commands. If a service does not support such commands, it is recommended to use a script monitor to track the service. Refer to know more.
  8. Specify the Match Content/String to be searched in the response after executing the command. Ensure that the content you try to match is present in the response.
  9. Specify the polling interval time in minutes.
  10. If you are adding a new monitor from a Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  11. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box with which you want to associate the UDP Port monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  12. Click Add Monitor(s). This will add the UDP Port monitor and the monitoring will start based on the polling interval configured.

Security/Firewall Requirements - The UDP server host and port should be accessible from the machine where Applications Manager is installed.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on UDP Port under the Services table. Displayed is the UDP Port monitor's bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view tab enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Below are the list of metrics that are monitored in Applications Manager's UDP Port monitor:

Performance Overview

Availability Connects to the server configured for monitoring and retrieves the details pertaining to the validity and authenticity of the UDP port.
Response Time Amount of time taken to connect to the port, execute the given command, search the string and provide response (in ms).

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