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Configure Global SNMP Trap

Global SNMP Trap action supports the sending of alerts generated by Applications Manager as SNMP Traps to your Trap Listeners. You can configure Global SNMP Trap action in Applications Manager to send alerts to SNMP trap listeners. The alerts generated can be viewed from SNMP trap listeners at the corresponding destination address and port.

Follow the steps given below to create a global SNMP Trap action:

  1. Click 'Global Trap Action' under Settings → Traps → Global Trap Action. It takes you to 'Create Global Trap Action' page.
  2. Select the SNMP Trap Version from the drop-down box. You can select either v1,v2c or v3.
  3. Enable or disable the action by choosing the appropriate radio button under Status. By default, the 'disable' button is selected.
  4. Specify the hostname where the SNMP Trap listener is running under Destination Address.
  5. Specify the port at which traps are received in the Destination Port field.

For SNMP V1 and V2C:

Enter the Community String of the trap. The default value is 'public'.

For SNMP V3:

Enter the UserName and Context Name.

Select a Security Level : NoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv or AuthPriv.

  1. Select the Filter By All Monitors & Monitor Groups option to send traps for every alerts generated in all Monitors/Monitor Types/Monitor Groups. If unselected, you can provide filters based on the following:
    • Monitor: Select the monitors for which you want to send traps.
    • Monitor Type: Select the monitor types for which you want to send traps.
    • Monitor Groups: Select the monitor groups for which you want to send traps.
  2. Select the Severities based on which traps should be sent. (Critical, Warning, Clear, Unknown)
  3. Select the Attribute types for which you want to send traps. (Health, Availability, Others)
  4. Finally, click on Save to complete the configuration.

Once you have configured the global trap action, traps will be sent to the configured destination address and port whenever an alert is generated . The trap will be received in the SNMP listener as OID as mentioned in the below table. To receive trap, the following Applications Manager MIBs should be downloaded from <Applications Manager Home>\working\mibs directory :

  • SNMPv2-TC
  • RFC1213-MIB
  • SNMPv2-SMI
Attribute Trap Varbinds
Subject APPLICATION-MANAGER-MIB::trapMessage (.
Monitor Name APPLICATION-MANAGER-MIB::monitorname (.
Type APPLICATION-MANAGER-MIB::monitortype (.
Attribute APPLICATION-MANAGER-MIB::attribute (.
Severity APPLICATION-MANAGER-MIB::severity (.
Generated Time APPLICATION-MANAGER-MIB::createdtime (.



To receive trap from Applications Manager, the following MIBs from <Applications Manager home>\working\mibs directory should be added to corresponding SNMP Trap receiver:
  • SNMPv2-TC
  • RFC1213-MIB
  • SNMPv2-SMI
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