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Availability Settings

This section explains the availability settings that can be made in Applications Manager. To access availability Settings, click the Settings tab and click Availability Settings.

Trigger E-mail alert when RUM Agent goes down

Using this option, you can send shutdown notification mail to admin user by triggering e-mail alert whenever RUM Agent goes down. However, SMTP server and e-mail ID needs to be configured to admin user in order to send e-mail notification.

Allowed idle time for Real User Monitor

Use this option to specify the maximum allowed idle time (in minutes) for which the Real User Monitor can be without data collection. In case the monitor has not polled the data (due to webpages not receiving any views) for more than the allowed idle time specified, the availability of the monitor will be affected, provided the option Affect monitor availability in idle state is enabled in the RUM's Add/Edit Monitor page.

Trigger E-mail alert when EUM Agent goes down

Using this option, you can send shutdown notification mail to admin user by triggering e-mail alert whenever EUM Agent goes down. However, SMTP server and e-mail ID needs to be configured to admin user in order to send e-mail notification.

Modify availability status of EUM based monitors when EUM Agent goes down

Usually, when an EUM agent goes down, previous availability state will be retained for all the EUM-based monitors. Using this option, you can now modify the availability status of EUM-based monitors whenever the EUM agent goes down.

Show Monitor Status as Up during Maintenance

Using Downtime Scheduler, you have the option to schedule a time period for which monitoring is not needed. If you want to show the availabilty of monitors under maintenance as Up, irrespective of their previous state, select this option.

Clear Health Alert during Maintenance Period

When you schedule a downtime or unmanage a monitor, it will show the last health status. If the monitor is down before a downtime or maintenance, it will be displayed as 'Down'.

If you choose this option, then Applications Manager will clear the last health status of the monitor.

Check for Network Availability

When Applications Manager is out of the network or is not connected to the network, the status of all the Monitors that are currently been monitored will be shown as 'Down'. You can avoid this by enabling the 'Check for Network Availability' option.

When this option is enabled, Applications Manager will generate alarms for the unavailability of resources only if the specified host is reachable in the network. For example, let us assume that the system/host which runs the Applications Manager has been isolated from the network. Enable this option and specify a hostname in the network (preferably not the hostname where Applications Manager runs). Now, Applications Manager tries to ping that machine for its availability in the network. If not available, alarms are not generated and resources are not shown as down.

You can also specify the IP of your routers, gateways, etc., to check the system/host which runs the Applications Manager is present in the network.

Check for URL Availability

When the Applications Manager is out of the network or if external proxy settings are not configured, the status of all the URLs that are currently been monitored will be shown as 'Down'. You can avoid this (and false alarms) by enabling the 'Check URL Availability' option.

When this option is enabled, Applications Manager will generate alarms for the unavailability of URL only if the other specified URL - reference URL is not down. For eg, let us assume that the system/host which runs the Applications Manager has been isolated from the network. Enable this option and specify another URL say for eg., google.com which is expected to be up always. Now, Applications Manager tries to monitor URL for its availability. If not available, it checks reference URL, if the reference URL is available the alarms are generated. If the reference URL itself is not available (meaning the machine is out of network or any such case) false alarms are not generated and URL is not shown as down. Further a mail is sent to the configured mail address intimating the same. Application dependency mapping for better alarm management

Availability Timeout Check

Using this option, you can set timeout for checking availability globally.

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