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Enterprise Edition


ManageEngine Applications Manager - Enterprise Edition allows you to monitor more number of servers and applications in a distributed setup. You can configure independent Applications Manager installations to monitor resources and then collectively view the data from all these independent Applications Manager installations (Managed Server) from a single installation (Admin Server).

Enterprise Edition - Working

As a first step, Admin Server has to be started. When a Managed Server starts, it contacts the Admin Server for registering itself (based on the Admin Host/ SSL Port provided during installation). The Admin Server assigns a unique ID to this Managed Server called the "Server ID". Each managed Server is identified by its Server ID. Every 5 minutes, the Admin Server contacts the Managed Servers that are registered to it and fetches the required data from each of the Managed Servers. You can view all the data from the Managed Servers in the Admin Server console itself.

Installation and Setup

To learn how to install Applications Manager Enterprise Edition setup, refer here.

Converting the Professional Edition to Enterprise Edition

If you are using Applications Manager as a standalone server (Professional) and want to convert it into a distributed setup (Enterprise Edition) without losing the Configuration Information, you will have to do the following steps:

  • Perform a fresh installation of Admin server of Applications Manager and start the same.
  • Now, in the existing standalone Applications Manager setup, click on link Convert standalone server into Managed Server under the Settings tab → Global Settings. (You can convert only one standalone server to Managed server. You can add more Managed Servers through fresh installations.)
  • You will have a popup requesting details of the Admin Server Host and Admin Server SSL port. Provide the details to complete the conversion from Standalone server to Managed Server.
  • You can verify under the Settings tab → Support if the type of Server is Managed Server.

Note : It is possible to convert a Standalone installation to a Managed Server only if there are no other Managed Servers already added to the Admin server i.e., only if you are just installing a new Admin Server. If you already have a Enterprise Setup (Admin Server/Managed Server), you cannot convert a Standalone Server to be a part of the setup. It is not possible to change from Admin server type to a Standalone setup or vice versa without reinstalling the product. 

Warnings :

  • It is not possible to revert from Managed server back to Standalone setup although it will still be functioning without any problems.
  • We do not recommend moving a Managed server from one admin server to another.

Browse through the following sections to learn more about Enterprise Edition:

Note: Visit Enterprise Edition FAQ for details on when to, how to set up Enterprise Edition.

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