Nginx Plus


The best way to ensure your NGINX Plus servers are healthy and stable is to set up a robust NGINX Plus monitor which can provide thorough monitoring and swift alerting services. Applications Manager's NGINX Plus monitoring tool collects important metric data and interprets it in visual and tabular formats for easy understanding. Its monitoring capability is not limited only to web servers and websites; it can monitor your entire IT infrastructure. To know more, refer NGINX monitoring.

Creating a new NGINX Plus monitor

To monitor a Nginx Plus instance follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to New Monitor ---> Nginx Plus (under Web server/services).
  2. Enter the Display Name of the Nginx Plus monitor.
  3. Enter the Host Name or IP Address of the host where Nginx Plus instance is running.
  4. Enter the port of the Nginx Plus instance. By default, it will be 443.
  5. If the Nginx Plus instance should be accessed over an HTTP(s) connection only, check SSL is enabled checkbox. For HTTP connections, uncheck the checkbox. It will be checked by default.
  6. Enter your Username and Password if the Nginx Plus server is authenticated. Else, if you have predefined credential details, click Select from Credential List and select your desired credentials.
  7. Click on the Test Credentials button to test the access to the Nginx Plus Server.
  8. Specify the Polling Interval in minutes.
  9. Choose the Monitor Group with which you want to associate the Nginx Plus monitor (optional). You can also create a new monitor group and add this monitor under it.
  10. Click Add Monitor to save.
  • Security/Firewall Requirements: The Nginx Plus server host and port should be accessible from the Applications manager installed machine.
  • User Privilege: The required user credentials must be provided.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Nginx Plus under the Web Server/Services Table. Click on the desired Nginx Plus monitor to view the attribute data.

Nginx Plus monitor displays 6 metric tabs excluding the Monitor Information tab. They are:


Parameter Description 
Connection Details
Connections Accepted Number of connections accepted.
Connections Dropped Number of connections dropped.
Percentage of connections dropped Number of connections dropped in percentage.
Active connections Number of active connections.
Idle connections Number of idle connections.
SSL Connections
SSL connections established Number of SSL connections established.
HTTP Requests
HTTP requests received Number of HTTP requests received.
HTTP request rate Rate of HTTP requests received in number of requests/ minute.
Current HTTP requests Number of HTTP requests currently being handled.

Server Zones

Zones Overview
Zone Name of the Upstream zone.
Requests received Number of requests received.
Requests in process Number of requests in process.
Requests discarded  Number of requests discarded.
Response Code 1xx Number of Information response codes.
Response Code 2xx  Number of Successful response codes.
Response Code 3xx Number of Redirection message response codes.
Response Code 4xx Number of Client Error response codes.
Response Code 5xx Number of Server Error response codes.
Bytes Received Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes received in KB/minute.
Bytes Sent Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes sent in KB/ minute.


Zone Name of the server zone.
HTTP requests received Number of HTTP requests received.
Response Code 1xx   Number of Information response codes.
Response Code 2xx   Number of Successful response codes.
Response Code 3xx Number of Redirection message response codes.
Response Code 4xx  Number of Client Error response codes.
Response Code 5xx Number of Server Error response codes.
Bytes Received Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes received in KB/minute.
Bytes Sent Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes sent in KB/ minute.
Upstream Servers
Server Name Name of the server.
Host Name of the host.
Port Port Number
Zone Name of the zone. 
Response Time(ms) Time taken to respond in ms.
Health Checks Failed(%) Number of health checks failed in %. 
HTTP requests received Number of HTTP requests received.
Response Code 1xx Number of Information response codes.
Response Code 2xx Number of Successful response codes.
Response Code 3xx Number of Redirection message response codes.
Response Code 4xx Number of Client Error response codes.
Response Code 5xx Number of Server Error response codes.
Bytes Received Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes received in KB/minute.
Bytes Sent Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes sent in KB/ minute.


Cache Overview
Cache Name     Name of the cache
State     State of the cache
Current Size(MB) Current size of the cache memory in MB
Max Size(MB) Maximum size of the cache memory in MB
Hit Ratio(%) Cache hit ratio in percentage 
Valid Responses Read Number of valid responses read
Expired Responses Read Number of expired responses read
Responses Read Total number of responses read
Responses missing in cache Number of responses missing in cache
Expired Responses present in cache not read Number of expired responses which are present in the cache and haven't been read
Responses not looked in cache (Proxy Bypass) Number of reponses sent without involvement of the cache memory
Responses not read Number of responses which weren't read
Responses Written Number of responses written


Zone Name of the server zone
Current Connections Number of connections currently made
Connections Received Number of connections received
Response Code 2xx   Number of Successful response codes
Response Code 4xx  Number of Client Error response codes
Response Code 5xx Number of Server Error response codes
Requests discarded Number of requests discarded
Bytes Received Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes received in KB/minute
Bytes Sent Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes sent in KB/ minute

TCP/UDP Upstreams

Zone Name of the Upstream zone.
Current Connections Number of connections currently made.
Connections received Number of connections received.
Bytes Received Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes received in KB/minute.
Bytes Sent Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes sent in KB/ minute.
TCP/UDP Servers
Server Name Name of the server.
Host Name of the host.
Port Port Number.
Zone Name of the zone.
Response Time(ms) Time taken to respond in ms.
Health Checks Failed(%) Number of health checks failed in %.
Current Connections Number of connections currently made.
Connection Received Number of connections received.
Bytes Received Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes received in KB/minute.
Bytes Sent Rate(KB/Min) Rate of bytes sent in KB/ minute.