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Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Profile

Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Profile - An Overview

Azure Traffic Manager Profile is a key component within the Azure networking services that provides global load balancing and DNS-based traffic routing to ensure high availability and optimal performance for applications and services hosted across different Azure regions or external endpoints.

Application Manager's Azure Traffic Manager Profile monitoring tool provides essential insights and capabilities to ensure optimal performance, availability, and reliability of your globally distributed applications and services. Monitoring your Traffic Manager Profile helps you proactively identify issues, optimize routing decisions, and enhance the overall user experience.

Creating a new Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Profile Monitor

To learn how to create a new Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Profile Monitor, click here.

Monitored Parameters

Navigate to the Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Hover over 'Child Monitors' under Microsoft Azure in the Cloud Apps table, and then select the Traffic Manager Profile monitor from the displayed tooltip. This action will display the bulk configuration view for Azure Traffic Manager Profile in three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

The Microsoft Azure monitor provides a brief detail of the Traffic Manager Profile under the given subscription. Following are the list of metrics monitored in Azure Traffic Manager Profile Monitoring in their corresponding tabs:


Parameter Description
FQDN The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Traffic Manager profile. This is formed from the concatenation of the RelativeName with the DNS domain used by Azure Traffic Manager.
Protocol The protocol used to probe for endpoint health. Possible values:
  • HTTP
  • TCP
Port The TCP port used to probe for endpoint health.
Path The path relative to the endpoint domain name used to probe for endpoint health.
Overall Endpoints Health Status The recent probe status based on the all endpoints configured in this Traffic Manager Profile (Aggregation Type: Minimum). Interpreted from numeric values: 0 - Down, 1 - Up.
Total Healthy Endpoints The total number of endpoints that are healthy at the time of polling.
Total UnHealthy Endpoints The total number of endpoints that are unhealthy at the time of polling.
Total Endpoints The total number of endpoints configured in this Traffic Manager profile.
Rate of Queries Processed The total number of times a Traffic Manager endpoint was returned per minute between the poll interval (in queries/min).
Total Queries Processed The total number of times a Traffic Manager endpoint was returned between the poll interval.


Parameter Description
Top Queried Endpoints
Rate of Queries Processed per Endpoint The 'Top Queried Endpoints' graph displays the top 20 Queried Endpoints based on the rate of queries processed per endpoint (in queries/min).
Endpoints Performance
Endpoint Name The name of the configured endpoint.
Rate of Queries Processed per Endpoint The total number of queries processed per minute by an endpoint between the poll interval (in queries/min).
Total Queries Processed per Endpoint The total number of queries processed by an endpoint between the poll interval.
Endpoint Health Status The endpoint's recent probe status (Aggregation Type: Minimum). Interpreted from numeric values: 0 - Down, 1 - Up.
Endpoints Configuration
Endpoint Name The name of the configured endpoint.
Endpoint Location The location of the configured endpoint.
Endpoint Target The fully-qualified DNS name or IP address of the endpoint. Traffic Manager returns this value in DNS responses to direct traffic to this endpoint.
Endpoint Status The current status of the endpoint. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.
Endpoint Monitor Status The monitoring status of the endpoint. Possible values:
  • CheckingEndpoint
  • Degraded
  • Disabled
  • Inactive
  • Online
  • Stopped
  • Unmonitored
Always Serve If the 'Always Serve' option is enabled, probing for endpoint health will be disabled, and all endpoints will be included in the traffic routing method. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.


Parameter Description
Resource Group Name The name of the resource group.
Location The location of the resource.
Traffic Routing Method The traffic routing method of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values:
  • Geographic
  • MultiValue
  • Performance
  • Priority
  • Subnet
  • Weighted
Profile Status The status of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.
Traffic View Enrollment Status Indicates whether Traffic View is 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' for the Traffic Manager profile. Null, indicates 'Disabled'. Enabling this feature will increase the cost of the Traffic Manage profile. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.
Relative Name The relative DNS name provided by this Traffic Manager profile. This value is combined with the DNS domain name used by Azure Traffic Manager to form the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the profile.
DNS TTL The DNS Time-To-Live (TTL) (in seconds). This informs the local DNS resolvers and DNS clients how long to cache DNS responses provided by this Traffic Manager profile.
Profile Monitor Status The profile-level monitoring status of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values:
  • CheckingEndpoints
  • Degraded
  • Disabled
  • Inactive
  • Online
Probing Interval The monitor interval for endpoints in this profile (in seconds). This is the interval at which Traffic Manager will check the health of each endpoint in this profile.
Tolerated Number of Failures The number of consecutive failed health check that Traffic Manager tolerates before declaring an endpoint in this profile as Degraded after the next failed health check.
Probing Timeout The monitor timeout for endpoints in this profile (in seconds). This is the time during which the Traffic Manager allows endpoints in this profile to respond to the health check.
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