ManageEngine Applications Manager provides List Monitor API that allows the user to list details of monitor by the following categories.
This API lists all the monitors of a given type that are configured in Applications Manager for the user corresponding to the API Key. This details displayed includes the Health and Availability of the monitor types, image type, Health outages and Critical/Warning/Clear/UP/Down count for each monitor type.
API for XML Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListMonitor?apikey=[ API key ]&type=[ TYPE in AM_ManagedObject table ]
API for JSON Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListMonitor?apikey=[ API key ]&type=[ TYPE in AM_ManagedObject table ]
Supported HTTP methods: GET
Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User
API for XML Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListMonitor?apikey=[ API key ]&resourceid=[ Resourceid ]
API for JSON Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListMonitor?apikey=[ API key ]&resourceid=[ Resourceid ]
Supported HTTP methods: GET
Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User
API for XML Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListMonitor?apikey=[ API key ]&type=all
API for JSON Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListMonitor?apikey=[ API key ]&type=all
Supported HTTP methods: GET
Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User
Field | Description |
apikey | The key generated from "Generate API" option in the Settings tab. |
type | "type=<monitor type>" is used to list all the monitors in a specified monitor type. <monitor type> is TYPE in AM_ManagedObject table like Linux, Windows XP, MYSQL-DB-server, Apache-server, UrlMonitor, Tomcat-server, etc. To get all monitor types we need to pass 'all' as the value for the field type. |
resourceid | The resource ID of the monitor |
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/ListMonitor"><result><response response-code="4000"><Monitor DetailsPageURL="/" HEALTHATTRIBUTEID="1931" ASSOCIATEDGROUPS="Name:Applications Manager;Id:10000029,Name:SubGrp11;Id:10000105" RESOURCENAME="" Managed="true" HEALTHSEVERITY="1" AVAILABILITYATTRIBUTEID="1930" AVAILABILITYMESSAGE="Resource up. <
>The resource app-windows:9090_Windows 7 is available." AVAILABILITYSEVERITY="5" TYPESHORTNAME="Windows" TYPE="Windows 7" DESCRIPTION="Network Resource" HOSTNAME="" RESOURCEID="10000035" HEALTHMESSAGE="Health of app-windows:9090_Windows 7 is critical. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. aaa is down <br>2. 111 is down <br>" PORT="-1" DISPLAYNAME="app-windows:9090_Windows 7" RCAPageURL="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000035&attributeid=1931" HEALTHSTATUS="critical" HOSTIP="" IMAGEPATH="/images/icon_monitors_windows.gif" AVAILABILITYSTATUS="up" LASTALARMTIME="1409221314773"/></response></result></AppManager-response>
Note: You can obtain the resourceid of a monitor by executing the ListMonitor API request. The output of this request contains resourceid of the monitor, among other values.
Response Fields | Decription |
DISPLAYNAME | Monitor's Display Name |
RESOURCEID | Monitor's Resource ID |
TYPE | Monitor type like Windows, Linux |
Health Details | Contains HEALTHMESSAGE - Which gives the Health Root Cause Message HEALTHATTRIBUTEID - Health Attribute ID HEALTHSTATUS - Current health status of the monitor. It can have values clear or warning or critical HEALTHSEVERITY - Health status in number. Number 1 represents critical, 4 represents warning and 5 represents clear. |
Availability Details | Contains AVAILABILITYMESSAGE - Which gives the Availability Root Cause Message AVAILABILITYATTRIBUTEID - Availability Attribute ID AVAILABILITYSTATUS - Current availability status of the monitor. It can have values up or down AVAILABILITYSEVERITY - Availability status in number. Number 5 represents up and number 1 represents down. |
Managed | True - the monitor is in Managed state, False - the monitor is in Unmanaged State |
RESOURCENAME | Monitor's Resource Name |
DESCRIPTION | Description of the Resource like Network Resource |
RCAPageURL | URL that links to Root Cause Analysis details |
DetailsPageURL | URL that links to details page of the monitor |
LASTALARMTIME | This is the time (Unix epoch in milliseconds) at which last alarm has been generated. |
IMAGEPATH | This monitor type's icon image path |
ASSOCIATEDGROUPS | Monitor groups to which this monitor is associated with |
TYPESHORTNAME | Display name of the monitor type. |
HOSTNAME | Name of the server which is being monitored or the server in which application is installed and being monitored from Applications Manager. |
LAST_POLLED_TIME | Last data collected time for the monitor (Unix epoch in milliseconds). Parameter is not included when ListMonitor API is executed from Central server. |
PORT | Port number used by the application. |
HOSTIP | IP Address of the server which is being monitored or the server in which application is installed and being monitored from Applications Manager. |
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