Performance Polling

Under the Performance polling tab, you can see performance data collection options such as:

Data Collection

Using this option, Performance Data collection can be scheduled for the given number of polls. Except for Availability check and health, other performance parameters like memory usage data can be collected at the scheduled number of polls. This would be helpful in decreasing the load on the system of the users who want to monitor availability and health alone.

For eg., If the polling interval of a particular server monitor is one minute and the performance data is scheduled to be collected once in five pollings. In this case, the availability of the server is checked every minute whereas the performance data like CPU Memory is collected every five minutes.


Under the Server tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure the polling status by:

Monitor Type - This will be the default polling status for any new monitor added. All monitors of this type will have the default polling status unless specific customization is applied to individual monitors.

Monitors - Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

  • Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type' will also change any customizations done for its monitors.
  • When multiple monitors are selected, the Monitor type configuration value will be displayed to avoid any further confusions.
  • While selecting a single monitor, displaying the individual value for a monitor can result in losing behavior uniformity. To avoid that, we display the Monitor type conifguration value.
  • In this context, "Configure Data Collection Settings" and "Configure Data Collection Interval" behaviour are being discussed.
  • Disk I/O Statistics Monitoring: Using this option, Disk IO Stats can be disabled to never collect data, collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for the servers. On enabling the option, Data Collection will happen for Disk IO stats and you can see the details of Disk IO Stats in the Server details page. If it is not enabled, Data Collection will be stopped for Disk IO Stats.

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX, Linux, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered for "3" consecutive polls: This option allows you to remove the disk I/O from Applications Manager if it's not detected during data collection. You can specify the number of consecutive polls after which the system will delete the disk I/O if it remains undiscovered.
  • Disk Monitoring: The Disk Monitoring option can be disabled to never collect data, collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for monitoring of Local Disk. By default, Local Disk monitoring is enabled for all Windows servers.

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX, FreeBSD, HP, Linux, MAC OS, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Network Mapped Drives and Volume Mount Points are supported only for Windows Monitors.
    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to delete the disk from Applications Manager if a particular disk is not discovered in the data collection. Users can choose to configure the number of polls after which the disk will be deleted if it is not discovered.
    • Ignore specified Components: You can set Applications Manager to ignore data collection of specified disks. Specify multiple disks separated with commas.

      Note: Details associated with Windows Network Mapped drives and Windows Volume Mount Points will not be collected in SNMP mode.

  • Memory Utilization:You can use this option to disable data collection (never collect data), collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for the monitoring of memory utilization of specific servers if required.

    Supported Server Monitor: Linux

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Skip buffer and cache from monitoring: This option allows you to exclude monitoring for specific servers based on monitor type or monitor level.
      • All the servers will have memory utilization monitoring enabled by default.
      • You can also choose to skip monitoring for the required servers by specifying their hostnames in the textbox, if required.
  • Inode Monitoring: You can use this option to disable data collection (never collect data), collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for Disk Inode Monitoring. However, Inode statistics will not be collected in SNMP mode.

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX, Linux.

  • Process & Service monitors availability:

    Data Collection Settings: You can also configure the Process & Service monitors to display processes and service monitors as 'down' when the server is down.

    • Show Process monitors as down when the server is down:

      Supported Server Monitors: AIX, FreeBSD, HP, Linux, MAC OS, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    • Enable process-instance for exact match:

      Supported Server Monitors: AIX, FreeBSD, HP, Linux, MAC OS, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    • Show Windows Service monitors as down when the server is down:

      Supported Server Monitor: Windows

    • List All Processes:

      Supported Server Monitor: AIX, FreeBSD, HP, Linux, MAC OS, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

      You can use this option to list all the current processes by clicking the 'Breakup of CPU/Memory Utilization in this server' link in the RCA message, which is displayed when the threshold is breached for the CPU and Memory attributes of Server monitors.

      Note: By default, this option is disabled for all servers. Therefore, the list will only contain the top 5 processes.

  • Service Fault Status Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitor: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Ignore specified Components: You can configure Applications Manager to exclude data collection for specified Service Fault statuses. Specify multiple Service Fault names separated by commas.
  • Server Error Alert Settings: This option allows you to configure the server errors for which the alerts need to be generated. Following are the list of server errors for which alerts can be triggered:
    • Alert If Disk is removed: Generates an alert when a disk is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: AIX, FreeBSD, HP, Linux, MAC OS, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    • Alert If Network Interface is removed: Generates an alert when a network interface is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: AIX, Linux, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    • Alert If Network Adapter is removed: Generates an alert when a network adapter is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: AIX (SSH/Telnet), Windows (WMI).

    • Alert If IPMP Group is removed: Generates an alert when an IPMP Group is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    • Alert If IP Address is removed: Generates an alert when an IP Address is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    • Alert If Multipathing is removed: Generates an alert when Multipathing is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    • Alert If HBA Port is removed: Generates an alert when a IPMP Group is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    • Alert If Zpool is removed: Generates an alert when a Zpool is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    • Alert If the Server is restarted in between the polling: Generates an alert when a server is restarted between data collection polls. After the alert is generated, the server's health will be temporarily affected, clearing in the next poll. This alert detail will then be captured in the Availability History report as well.

      Supported Server Monitors: AIX, FreeBSD, HP, Linux, MAC OS, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    • Alert If Process is restarted in between the polling (Windows-WMI Mode): Generates an alert when a process is restarted between data collection polls. After the alert is generated, the server's health will be temporarily affected, clearing in the next poll. This alert detail will then be captured in the Availability History report as well. However, this is applicable only for Windows servers through WMI mode.

      Supported Server Monitor: Windows (WMI)

    • Alert If any Scheduled Task is removed:Generates an alert when any Scheduled Task is removed from the server.

      Supported Server Monitor: Windows (WMI)

    • Alert in every polling for Scheduled Task Status:Generates an alert when a Scheduled Task Status is modified in every data collection poll.

      Supported Server Monitor: Windows (WMI)

  • System Fault Status Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitor: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Ignore specified Components: You can configure Applications Manager to exclude data collection for specified System Fault statuses. Specify multiple System Fault names separated by commas.
  • LPAR CPU Stats monitoring: You can use this option to disable data collection (never collect data), collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for LPAR CPU Stats monitoring of IBM AIX servers.

    Supported Server Monitor: AIX(SSH/Telnet)

  • Network Adapter Monitoring: You can use this option to disable data collection (never collect data), collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for Network Adapter monitoring.

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX(SSH/Telnet), Windows (WMI).

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove an Adapter from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the Adapter will be deleted if not discovered.
  • Network Interface Monitoring: You can use this option to disable data collection (never collect data), collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for Network Interface monitoring.

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX, Linux, Novell, Sun Solaris, Windows.

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove an interface from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the interface will be deleted if not discovered.
    • Ignore specified Components: You can configure Applications Manager to ignore the data collection for specified interfaces. Specify multiple interfaces by separating them with commas.
  • NTP Stats monitoring: You can use this option to disable data collection (never collect data), collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for NTP Stats monitoring.

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX, Linux.

  • Hardware monitoring: Server Hardware Health monitoring can be used to disable data collection (never collect data), collect data at every poll, or collect data at customized intervals for hardware monitoring in servers. You can also opt the various hardware components (like power, fan, disk,etc.,) to be monitored by checking the options given.

    Supported Server Monitors: Linux, Windows, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Novell (HP and Dell) in WMI and SNMP mode only.

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove hardware from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the hardware will be deleted if not discovered.
    • Usesr can choose to customize alerts for hardware device monitoring. If the status of the device matches with the values defined in the severity text box, then the device status is displayed as the corresponding severity. For example, the nonCriticalLowerstatus need not be defined as a 'Warning' status, it can also be defined as 'Clear' according to user requirement. The alarm severities are:
      • Critical Severity: If the status matches with any of the values defined in the Critical Severity text box, then APM displays the status of the hardware device as Critical. The values defined by default are failed, error, failure, nonRecoverable, criticalUpper, criticalLower, nonRecoverableLower and critical.
      • Warning Severity: If the status matches with any of the values defined in the Warning Severity text box, then APM displays the status of the hardware device as 'Warning'. The values defined by default are degraded, warning, nonCritical, nonCriticalUpper, nonRecoverableUpper and nonCriticalLower.
      • Clear Severity: If the status matches with any of the values defined in the Clear Severity text box, then APM displays the status of the hardware device as 'Clear'. The value defined by default is ok.

        Note: If the status of the device does not match with any of the values defined in the severity text box, the device status is displayed as 'unknown'. Status values defined within the severity text boxes are comma-separated and case-insensitive.

  • CPU Core Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX, FreeBSD, HP, Linux, MAC OS, Novell, Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet), Windows.

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove a CPU core from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the CPU core will be deleted if not discovered.
  • HBA Port Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove a HBA Port from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the HBA Port will be deleted if not discovered.
  • IP Address Status Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove a IP Address Status from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the IP Address Status will be deleted if not discovered.
  • IPMP Group Status Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove a IPMP Group Status from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the IPMP Group Status will be deleted if not discovered.
  • Multipathing Status Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove a Multipathing Status from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the Multipathing Status will be deleted if not discovered.
  • Errpt Hardware Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitor: AIX

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Ignore specified Components: You can configure Applications Manager to exclude data collection for specified Errpt hardware. Specify multiple Errpt hardware names separated by commas.
  • Print Queu Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitor: Windows (WMI)

  • Kernel Statistics Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitors: AIX, Linux.

  • Zpool Status Monitoring:

    Supported Server Monitors: Sun Solaris (SSH/Telnet)

    Data Collection Settings:

    • Delete entry if it is not discovered "3" consecutive polls: You can use this option to remove a Zpool Status from Applications Manager if it isn't detected during data collection. Specify the number of consecutive polls after which the Zpool Status will be deleted if not discovered.


Supported Server Monitors: Active Directory, File/Directory Monitor, Microsoft BizTalk, Microsoft Dynamics AX, IstioMicrosoft Dynamics CRM/365 (On-Premise), Microsoft Skype for Business, Network Policy Server (Radius Server), Script Monitor, Windows, XenApp.

This option allows you to configure settings for server monitors through WMI mode. Following are the list of WMI mode settings that can be configured for server monitors:

  • Re-execute scripts if output not returned:Enable this option to re-execute the script one more time whenever it fails.

    Note: By default, the settings configured in the Default will be used if the setting is not configured at the Monitor Type level.


This option allows you to configure settings for SSH/Telnet mode supported monitors based on the monitor type. [AIX,Ceph Storage,File / Directory Monitor,FreeBSD,HP-UX,Istio,Kubernetes,KVM,Linux,Mac OS,OpenShift,Script Monitor,Siebel Enterprise Server,Sun Solaris]. Discovery,Execute Program Action and Prometheus Integration uses CLI values under Default monitor type. Following are the list of Telnet/SSH Mode settings that can be configured for monitors based on their monitor type:

  • Execute CLI commands in bulk: By default, all the performance metrics of server like disk, CPU, memory etc.. are collected using separate scripts. Change the configuration to use single script to collect data.
  • CLI login prefix: Enable this option, if the console requires a keystroke to enter the prompt.
  • CLI Session Caching: By default, a new session is created on every data collection of a server. Change the configuration to use a single session.
  • CLI login timeout (sec): Use this field to configure the timeout duration in seconds for a CLI login.
  • Bulk Execution response timeout (sec): When the Execute CLI commands on bulk option is enabled, use this field to configure the timeout duration in seconds.
  • Command response timeout (sec): When the Execute CLI commands on bulk option is disabled, use this field to configure the timeout duration of single scripts in seconds.

Database Servers

  • Enable MySQL Database Monitoring - By default, the data collection for MySQL database tables takes place for every polling. You can customize it, such that the data collection for databases takes place only once in a day or to never collect data.
  • Enable Sybase Database Monitoring - By default, the data collection for Sybase database tables takes place for every polling. You can customize it, such that the data collection for databases takes place only once in a day or to never collect data.
  • Rediscover instance of Mongo DB, Cassandra and Redis - By default, rediscovering instances of Mongo database, Cassandraand Redis happens in 60 minutes. You can customize the time interval which instance of Mongo database, Cassandra and Redis are rediscovered.
  • Oracle Monitoring - By default, only failed backup jobs of Oracle will be monitored.


Using this option, You can Enable or Disable Data Collection for Web Applications, EJBs and Servlet Statistics for Weblogic servers. The list of Weblogic servers are displayed by selecting the checkbox. Data Collection will happen for the Weblogic components that are displayed under the corresponding Enable listbox.

By default, EJB and Servlet Data Collection are disabled. You can enable Data Collection for EJB and Servlet by selecting the Weblogic server from Disable list box and move it to the Enable listbox and save the configuration.


Enable data collection

  • By Default, the data collection for MS SQL scheduled jobs will be disabled. You can enable it by checking the Start collecting data for MS SQL scheduled jobs checkbox.
  • Check the Delete MSSQL jobs checkbox to delete jobs from the monitor details page.
  • To enable Secure Connection (SSL), check the Connect with SSL Encryption checkbox.
  • To monitor Data/Log file, DBCC CHECKDB & DBCC INDEX Command Status, and VLF Details, Applications Manager establishes connections to each database in the respective SQL Server and fetches the required metrics. If you do not want to allow this, check the Disable connections to database(s) option to disable the monitoring of the mentioned components.


  • When connectivity problems occur, try connecting again(after 10 seconds) before showing the Monitor's Availability as down: When a monitor is down due to intermittent network connectivity, you can make sure that the SQL monitor is not completely down by checking this option to check the connection one more time before throwing an alert.

Database Metrics

  • Collect SQL Data File / Log file details once in an hour: Select the "Collect SQL Data File / Log file details once in an hour" option to enable the collection of Data / Log file & VLF related metrics once every hour. If this option is deselected, data will be collected during each poll.
  • Collect VLF details once in a day: Enable "Collect VLF details once in a day" option to collect VLF details once a day.


  • Start collecting data for MS SQL scheduled jobs: By default, the data collection of MS SQL scheduled jobs will be disabled. You can enable or disable it here. When you select this option, the following will be monitored: Job status, Next Scheduled time, Time Taken and Retry count.
  • Enable SQL-Jobs History: Select the "Enable SQL-Jobs History" checkbox to keep the execution history of each job for the given period of time- which you can specify.
  • Delete jobs from Applications Manager when it is removed from SQL Server: Select "Delete jobs from Applications Manager when it is removed from SQL Server" checkbox to delete the scheduled jobs automatically from the monitor details page when deleted from the SQL Server.
  • Alert Skipped Jobs: Check the "Alert Skipped Jobs" checkbox to get an alert when a job's execution is skipped from its schedule.
  • Allow MSSQL Job management actions in Professional / Managed servers: By enabling the 'Allow MSSQL Job management actions' option, you can perform SQL Level Job Action(start/stop/enable/disable/delete/create/edit) from MS SQL monitor. Only Admin and Delagated admin users can perform this action when it is enabled.
  • Show MSSQL Job management actions in Admin Server: By enabling the 'Show MSSQL Job management actions in Admin Server' option, you can perform SQL Level Job Action(start/stop/enable/disable/delete) from the Admin Server, only when 'Allow MSSQL Job management actions' option enabled in respective Managed Server.


  • Delete backup entries from APM when its database is removed: Select "Delete backup entries from Applications Manager when It's database is removed" option to delete the backup entries corresponding to the SQL server that has been removed from Applications Manager; although the backup files will exist on the server. You can also mention the number of days for which you want the backup details to be stored.


  • Enable SQL-Replications: To collect and monitor replication details of a SQL server, select the "Enable SQL-Replications" option.
  • Enable SQL-Replications Failed History: Select this option to keep the history of failed replications.
  • You can also mention the number of days for which you want the replication agent history to be maintained.

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection of the SQL Server Performance metrics listed here. Once enabled, you can also customize the polling interval of these metrics.

Note: The customized time interval should be greater than or equal to the polling interval of the monitor.


  • Monitor type: Select the desired Monitor type from the Monitor type drop down list.
  • Monitor: This option helps you to perform monitor level configuration.
  • Metric: From the provided drop down list, you can choose metric to be Database, Process list or Session. Once you click the Process list metric, Days to retain process-list of MySQL option will be visible. Process list metric configuration will be available only for Monitor level.
  • Default polling status: Using this option, you can enable or disable data collection for database and session tables, to take place Once in every Hour, Once in a Day, during every Poll or Never collect data. By default, the data collection takes place for every polling.
  • Finally, you can enable/disable datacollection for Database Tables and Sessions using the provided options and save the configuration.


  • SNMP Version: Using this option, you can choose different SNMP versions (v1/v2c) to monitor the SNMP devices/servers in SNMP mode.
  • SNMP Trap Storm:You can configure to disable your trap listeners whenever trap storm occurs.
    • Disable all trap listeners when total trap storm occurs: Using this option, you can disable all trap listeners when the total incoming traps rate exceeds the configured value.
    • Disable specific trap listener when individual trap storm occurs: Using this option, you can disable the specific trap listener when the incoming identical traps rate exceeds the configured value.

    By configuring the above settings, SNMP trap listeners will be disabled temporarily for the configured duration.

    Note: Changing the time duration / restarting Applications Manager will enable the temporarily-disabled SNMP trap listener(s).


Under the HTTP(s)-URLs tab, you can change the following settings:

  • Enable logging of Responses for the Http(s) Urls and Http(s)-Url Sequences monitoring in Applications Manager - Enabling this option allows you to log the responses of the HTTP(s) URLs or HTTP(s) Sequences in \working\Debug-Info\URL Directory.
  • Send Responses of the Http(s) Urls and Http(s)-Url Sequences along with configured alarms when the availability is down - This option allows Applications Manager to send the alarms along with the link to the responses of the HTTP(s) URLs Sequences that you have logged. This response will be send whenever the availability of the HTTP(s) URLs goes down.


Note: In build versions prior to 174200, this tab was named Amazon instead of Cloud.

Cloud - Settings

The Log API Responses option enables logging of API responses fetched for all Cloud monitors. The logs are stored in the file /logs/EUMLogs/urlresponselog.txt.

Note: This option will automatically disable itself after 3 hours.

Amazon Data Collection - Settings

Here are the data collection settings that you can configure:

  • You can set the Unique Identifier for EC2 instances to be either the instance ID or an Instance Name/Tag name.
Caution: Once set, changing the Unique Identifier will result in the existing monitors being deleted. In AWS Console, if a new instance is launched with same name as of an already terminated instance, it will be merged with the existing monitor in Applications Manager. While merging, existing unmanaged EC2 instances will be automatically changed to "Manage" status, from Applications Manager Version 16360.
  • Enable the Alert for Terminated EC2 Instance option to receive notification when an instance is stopped.
  • Enabling the Remove terminated EC2 Instances option completely removes terminated EC2 Instances from the Applications Manager console in the next poll. By default, this option is disabled. Enable it if you find a terminated EC2 instance in the Applications Manager console, after it was removed from the AWS console (If a user terminates an EC2 instance it will be removed from the AWS console after 60 minutes.)

Note: The option Tag name will be retained as it is for Applications Manager Versions till v16350. Renaming as Instance name will be applicable only from Applications Manager Version 16360.

Web Services

Under the Web Services Operation - Settings tab, you can set the Operation's Execution time beyond which to enable logging of responses for the Web Service's Operation in Applications Manager. The responses of the web services operations are logged in the following directory: working\Debug-Info\WebService Directory.

Ping Monitor

Applications Manager allows you to configure packets to be sent for ping monitoring.

Optimize Data Collection

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed in the Optimize Data Collection tab. Once enabled, you can also customize the polling interval of these metrics.

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. The Optimize Data Collection option works as follows for the following monitor types:

Java Runtime

Applications Manager allows you to update the number of days to retain Thread dumps of JRE Monitor without restart. The number of days is 30 by default.

Tomcat Server

You can enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed here:

  • Web Applications Details
  • Servlets Details
  • DataSource Connection Pool Details
  • Thread Pool Details
  • Global Request Processor Details
  • Memory Pool Details
  • Garbage Collector Details
  • Stuck Threads

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.


You can enable/disable data collection of the S3 Bucket metrics.

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.

Script Monitor

Applications Manager allows you to Enable Script Row Deletion. For example, consider the script monitor's tabular data. If the Enable Script Row Deletion option is enabled, each time a new row is created , the previously configured thresholds and actions will be removed. If the option is disabled, all the configurations will be retained.

You can also configure health severity based on exceptions occurred in Script/Custom monitor types with the help of 'Affect health when exception occurs' option. Using this option, you can change the health status (and not Availability) of the monitor based on specified exception types for each severity (Critical, Warning, and Clear). After enabling, you can configure by entering the required exceptions for each severity (Critical, Warning, and Clear) in their respective textbox.

Real Browser Monitoring

When the health or availability attribute of a child monitor within an RBM monitor goes down, users will receive an alarm email (if an email action is configured for these attributes). This email will include the monitor's Root Cause Analysis. Furthermore, users can opt to receive HTML files and screenshots of the website from the Real Browser Monitor.

File/Directory Monitor

You can set the File contentCheck string count and the default units used to measure the Directory size and File size.

Database Query Monitor

You can set the Query monitor row count and the Query execution timeout in seconds.


You can enable/disable data collection for the following metrics: Database details, Long Running Query Details, Top 50 Table Row Details, Session Details, and Top Queries by CPU.

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

You can attach query performance details in alert mail for the following metrics: Long Running Query Details, and Top 10 Queries by CPU.

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the PostgreSQL monitor type and the Performance metric. Set the time interval in Configure Long Running Query time interval in minutes tab and enable Attach query performance details in alert mail option to attach the query performance details as HTML file to the alert notification mails raised for the particular metrics.

Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.

Oracle PDB

You can enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed here:

  • Database Size Statistics
  • Lock and Wait Statistics
  • Objects Approaching Max Extents
  • Oracle DB Links
  • Oracle Scheduled Jobs
  • Performance of Data Files
  • Session Details
  • TableSpace Statistics
  • Top 10 Queries by Buffer Gets
  • Top 10 Queries by Disk Reads
  • Users

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

For TableSpace Statistics metrics, the option Calculate Tablespace statistics along with its autoextensible size can be enabled, if you want to include autoextensible size into the TableSpace Statistics metric calculation.

Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.


You can enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed here:

  • Lock and Wait Statistics
  • Top 10 Queries by Disk Reads
  • Top 10 Queries by Buffer Gets
  • Average Executions for database instance
  • Backup Jobs and Blocks Corrupted.
  • Objects Approaching Max Extents
  • Log Apply Gap details in Primary Servers
  • Archive Log Destination Monitoring
  • Log Apply Lag details in Standby Server
  • ASM details
  • Oracle Scheduled Jobs
  • TableSpace Statistics
  • Recovery Area Usage

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

For TableSpace Statistics metrics, the option Calculate Tablespace statistics along with its autoextensible size can be enabled, if you want to include autoextensible size into the TableSpace Statistics metric calculation.

Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.


You can enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed here:

  • Expensive Statements
  • Long Running Jobs
  • System Alerts
  • Backup Catalog
  • Blocked Transactions
  • Caches
  • Schema Details
  • Disk Usage
  • Disk Volume
  • Volume IO Statistics
  • Memory Used by Tables

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.

Exchange Server

You can enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed here:

  • Top Mailboxes By Size
  • Inactive Mailbox Users
  • Server Component States

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors. The customized time interval should be greater than or equal to the polling interval of the monitor.

IBM Websphere MQ

You can enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed here:

  • Listener Statistics
  • Service Statistics
  • Channel Statistics
  • Queue Statistics
  • Performance

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors. The customized time interval should be greater than or equal to the polling interval of the monitor.


You can enable/disable data collection of the metrics listed here:

  • Exchanges
  • Connections
  • Queues

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

Note : Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors. The customized time interval should be greater than or equal to the polling interval of the monitor.

FTP/SFTP Monitor

You can set the FTP file size in MB. The Value is 10 by default. The update will take effect without restart.

JMX Applications

You can set the MBeans list size. The Value is 250 by default. The update will take effect without restart.


You can make use of the following options for performance polling in VMWare ESX/ESXi monitors:

  • Timeout Configuration: Enabling this option will help you to set the VMWare read timeout and the VMWare API connection timeout in seconds. Both Values are 18 0 by default. The update will take effect without restart.
  • Hardware Discovery: Enabling this option will help you to discover all the hardware that are in "Unconfigured state".

You can enable/disable data collection of the Hardware metrics and configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).


Applications Manager allows you to enable the discovery of your Xenserver resource-pools. The update will take effect without restart.

Oracle Cloud

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus.

  • Enable faster data collection - Enabling this option will make the data collection faster by using multiple threads.

Elasticsearch Cluster

Applications Manager allows you to configure the maximum number of indices that are to be displayed in the Elasticsearch Cluster based on the number of documents available for each index in decreasing order. You can configure the maximum number of indices up to 250.

SAP Server

Following are the list of options that can be configured to monitor SAP server performance metrics:

  • Enable RFC: Allows you to enable/disable the data collection of Remote Function Call (RFC) metrics in SAP server.
  • Alert duration (hours): Allows you to view the list of alerts that were generated within the configured time duration (in hours), under the 'Alarms' tab. Default alert duration value is 24, i.e., the alerts that were generated in SAP server for the last 24 hours (one day) will be shown under 'Alarms' tab. However, if the alert duration value is configured as 0, then all the alerts will be shown without any time limit, under the 'Alarms' tab.

JBoss Server

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the metrics listed here:

  • EJB Details
  • Servlet Details

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All monitors of this type will have the default polling status until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note: Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.


Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the following metrics:

  • Database Details
  • Internal Details
  • Request Details
  • General Details
  • KeySpace Details

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All monitors of this type will have the default polling status until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note: Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.

Microsoft 365

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the metrics listed here:

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All monitors of this type will have the default polling status until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

Note: To adjust the polling interval of the Client Secret Expiry Details metric, navigate to Settings → Performance Polling. In the Optimize Data Collection tab, select Microsoft 365 as the Monitor Type and Client Secret Expiry Details as the Metric Name. Choose 'Configure a custom interval' and set the polling interval to at least 12 hours.

Exchange Online

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the metrics listed here:

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All monitors of this type will have the default polling status until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

Sharepoint Online

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the metrics listed here:

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All monitors of this type will have the default polling status until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

Microsoft Teams

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the metrics listed here:

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All monitors of this type will have the default polling status until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).

Microsoft Azure

You can enable/disable data collection of the following metrics: 

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
  • Azure Billing Statistics mapped under Performance Polling will be enabled by default with a Default Polling Status set to 24 hours. Enabling Azure Billing Statistics will display DAILY EXPENDITURE, BILLING SUMMARY, Top 10 costs by services, and Costs by services groups under the Billing tab.
  • Costs by resource groups and Costs by regions are options available under the Performance Metric of the Microsoft Azure Monitor Type. These options are disabled by default. They will take effect only when Azure Billing Statistics is enabled.
  • Enabling Costs by resource groups will result in the display of Top 10 costs by resource groups & Costs by resource groups under the Billing tab.
  • Enabling Costs by regions will result in the display of Top 10 costs by regions & Costs by regions under the Billing tab.
  • To adjust the polling interval of the Client Secret Expiry Details metric, navigate to Settings → Performance Polling. In the Optimize Data Collection tab, select Microsoft Azure as the Monitor Type and Client Secret Expiry Details as the Metric Name. Choose 'Configure a custom interval' and set the polling interval to at least 12 hours.

Azure Premium Storage Account

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the metrics listed below:

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
  • The default polling frequency for capacity metrics in an Azure Premium Storage Account is set to 1 hour. If you attempt to collect data at intervals shorter than 1 hour by customizing the collection time or choosing 'Collect data during every poll' with a monitoring interval of less than 60 minutes, data retrieval will fail, and an error message will be displayed.
  • Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.

Azure Database for MySQL Server

Applications Manager allows you to enable/disable data collection for the metrics listed below:

Under the Optimize Data Collection tab, select the monitor type and the metric name that you want to enable/disable from the respective drop-down menus. You can configure polling status by:

  • Monitor Type: This will be the default polling status, for any new monitor added. All the monitors of this type, will have the default polling status, until any exclusive customization is done for the monitor.
  • Monitors: Use this option to change the polling status of any particular monitor(s).
Note: Changing the polling status of the 'Monitor Type', will also change any customizations done for its monitors.

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