RBM Metrics and Descriptions

Click on the Monitors tab to access the Monitors Category View and select Real Browser Monitoring from the Web Server/Services category. The RBM bulk configuration view will be displayed, organized into four tabs:

    • Availability tab displays the Availability history of the monitored 'synthetic transaction' for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
    • Performance tab displays the Health Status and events of the monitored 'synthetic transaction' for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
    • List view enables you to perform admin configurations in bulk.
    • RBM dashboard provides an overview of the current status of the configured synthetic transactions from multiple locations.


Following are the list of metrics shown in the Real Browser monitor's details page under the corresponding tabs:

Monitor Information

Name The display name configured for the monitor. (The EUM Agent's name will be appended at the end for the individual synthetic transaction mapped to the agents)
Page Load Timeout (in seconds) The maximum seconds the synthetic transaction will wait for a webpage to load completely before attempting a timeout.
Show Performance Metrics Indicates whether the 'Network requests' waterfall graph for each step will be displayed or not.
Associated Groups The monitor groups to which the particular monitor is linked.
Think Time (in seconds) The total amount of time to wait for the webpage to load between steps, before triggering the next action configured in the synthetic transaction.
Show Screenshot Indicates whether the screenshots captured at each step will be displayed or not.
Accept untrusted/expired certificate Indicates whether untrusted or expired SSL certificates will be accepted in order to proceed to the next step in the configured synthetic transaction.

Performance Overview

The metrics in the following table will be displayed on the summary page, which shows the performance summary of all the agents to which the particular synthetic transaction is mapped.

EUM Agents
RBM The name of the Real Browser monitor, appended with the names of the EUM agents it is linked to.
Average Page Load Time (in ms) The average time taken to complete a single step of the synthetic transaction. (A single synthetic transaction may have multiple steps)
Transaction time (in ms) The time taken to complete all the steps of the synthetic transaction.
Step page load time (ms) by location
Steps The display names of the steps configured to be executed under the synthetic transaction, along with the time taken for each step (in ms).

The following performance metrics will be displayed on the detailed monitor page when you click on an individual monitor in the EUM Agents table.

Network Performance Metrics

Average Page Load Time The average time taken to complete a single step of the synthetic transaction (in ms). (A synthetic transaction may consist of multiple steps)
Transaction time The time taken to complete all the steps of the synthetic transaction (in ms).
Page Load Time (ms) of Steps
Page Load Time (ms) of Steps A graphical representation of the time taken to complete the steps configured under the synthetic transaction.
Step page load time (ms) by location
Steps A snapshot of the steps configured to be executed under the synthetic transaction, including the display name of each step, the time taken to complete each step (in ms), and its current health status.
Screenshots This section includes a series of screenshots of the webpage loaded during the corresponding steps of the synthetic transaction added for monitoring.
Resource size % A graphical representation of the resource size breakdown for the webpage loaded during the corresponding steps of the synthetic transaction. (The recorded resource types include HTML, CSS, Script, Image, etc)
Resource count % A graphical representation of the breakdown of the count of resources loaded for the webpage during the corresponding steps of the synthetic transaction. (The recorded resource types include HTML, CSS, Script, Image, etc)
Resource Name The list of resources (primarily URLs) that load in the background for the webpage to load completely.
Status Code The response code of the resources that load in the background for the webpage to load completely.
Size in KB The size of the resources that load in the background for the webpage to load completely (in KB).
Content Type The content type of the resources that load in the background for the webpage to load completely.
Network Performance
Redirection Time The time taken for the browser to redirect from one URL to another, such as from a shortened URL to the complete URL.
Domain Lookup Time The time taken to resolve a domain name into an IP address.
Connection Time The time taken for the browser to establish a TCP connection with the website's IP address.
Secure Connection Time The time taken to establish a secure connection (e.g., SSL/TLS) between client and server.
Network Latency The delay for data to travel from the source to the destination.
Download Time The total time required to receive the complete response, including the final byte of the webpage, from the source server.
Blocking Time The duration for which the request from the browser is stalled or delayed before being dispatched to the source server of the website.
Duration The total time taken to complete the entire process of loading a webpage, from the initiation of the browser request to the completion of resource downloads and the readiness for use.

Webpage Load Time Breakdown


The following diagram shows the different stages of loading a webpage, monitored by the Real Browser Monitor (RBM):

  1. Navigation Start: The beginning of the webpage loading process.
  2. Network Time: Time spent on network-related tasks like:
    • Redirection: Following redirects
    • DNS: Resolving the domain name.
    • Connection: Establishing a connection with the server.
    • Server Time: Server processing the request and sending the first byte.
  3. First Byte Time: Time taken to receive the first byte of data from the server.
  4. Download Time: Time taken to download all required resources (HTML, images, scripts).
  5. Front End Time: Time spent on tasks for rendering the webpage:
    • Document Rendering: Structuring the page.
    • Page Rendering: Making the page visually ready and interactive.
    • Page Load Complete: The page is fully loaded and ready for use.

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