Apply License API

This API allows the user to apply a license in Applications Manager.



[ OR ]

Using multipart/form-data with POST method :


<form action="https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ApplyLicense?apikey=[APIKEY]" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">

<table border="2">

<tr> <td align="center"><b>Upload a License File </td> </tr>

<tr> <td> License File <input name="file" type="file" id="file"><td> </tr>

<tr> <td align="center"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Register"/> </td> </tr>




Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below:

Field Description        
filePath The path to the directory containing the license file.

Sample Requests


[ OR ]


<form action="https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/ApplyLicense?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">

<table border="2">

<tr> <td align="center"><b>Upload a License File </td> </tr>

<tr> <td> License File <input name="file" type="file" id="file"><td> </tr>

<tr> <td align="center"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Register"/> </td> </tr>


