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Hyper-V Cluster Monitoring


A Failover Cluster is a group of independent computers that work together to increase the availability and scalability of Hyper-V Virtual Machines (VMs). Failover clusters also provide Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) functionality that provides a consistent, distributed storage that clustered roles can use to access shared storage from all nodes.

Applications Manager's Hyper-V Cluster Monitoring tool can discover your entire Hyper-V clusters and its underlying components through Hyper-V VMs. The Hyper-V Cluster group allows you to discover virtual resources and categorize them into Nodes, Storage, Network, Clustered VMs, etc.

Monitored Parameters

Hyper-V cluster groups will be listed among monitor groups and can be accessed from the 'Monitor Group' view under the Monitors tab. Within the Hyper-V cluster group,

  • Summary tab provides an overall view of the components of the Hyper-V cluster and their health status. It shows you the cluster details along with the number of Nodes, Storage, Network, and Clustered VMs present in the Hyper-V cluster.
  • Business View tab allows you to configure business views that help you visualize the inter dependencies between your Hyper-V clusters as well as view their health status.
  • Dashboards tab lets you create your own custom pages by adding widgets into your dashboards. By using the Custom Dashboards feature, you can create dashboards of your choice - like Status View of all the Databases, Status view of all Web Applications deployed in the Tomcat Server, etc. If you create a dashboard as a template, the same dashboard can be reused across various Monitor Groups.

Below are the list of parameters that are monitored in the Summary tab:

Cluster Details

Parameter Description
Cluster Details
Number of Nodes The total number of nodes in a cluster.
Max Nodes The maximum number of nodes that can participate in a cluster.
Number of Networks The number of networks used by the server cluster for communication.
Disks in Use The number of disks currently in use in the cluster.
Quorum Owner Node The node name, which currently owns the Quorum Resource.
Quorum Type The current quorum type. The following are the possible values:
  • InputObject
  • Cluster
  • DiskOnly
  • NodeAndDiskMajority
  • NodeAndFileShareMajority
  • NodeMajority
Quorum Path The path to the quorum files.


Parameter Description
Node Name Specifies the label by which the node is known.
CPU Utilization The amount of CPU currently being used by the node (in percentage).
Memory Utilization The amount of memory currently being used by the node (in percentage).


Parameter Description
Disk Name The name of the disk partition.
Volume Label The volume label of the disk partition.
State Current state of the disk partition.
Owner Node The name of the node owning the disk partition.
Mount Points The path of the disk partition.
Path The absolute path (including the drive letter if present) of the disk partition.
Disk Space Details
Disk Name Name of the disk space.
Disk Size (MB) The total size of disk space (in MB).
Disk Used (MB) The total used space in the disk (in MB).
Disk Free (MB) The total free space available in the disk (in MB).
Disk Used Percentage (%) The total percentage of used disk space in a cluster.
Disk Free Percentage (%) The total percentage of free disk space in a cluster.


Parameter Description
Network Name Specifies the name of the network.
Address Provides the IP address for the entire network or subnet.
Role Provides access to the network's role property i.e, the role of the network in the cluster. The following are the possible values:
  • None - The network is not used by the cluster.
  • Cluster - The network is used to carry internal cluster communication.
  • Client - The network is used to connect client systems to the cluster.
  • Both - The network is used to connect client systems and to carry internal cluster communication.
Network State Specifies the current state of the network. The following are the possible values:
  • Unknown - The operation was not successful.
  • Unavailable - All of the network interfaces on the network are unavailable, which means the nodes that own the network interfaces are down.
  • Down - The network is not operational; none of the nodes on the network can communicate.
  • Partitioned - The network is operational, but two or more nodes on the network cannot communicate. Typically a path-specific problem has occurred.
  • Up - The network is operational; all of the nodes in the cluster can communicate.

Clustered VMs

Parameter Description
Clustered VMs
Name The name of the VM cluster.
Owner Node The name of the node owning the VM cluster.
CPU Utilization The amount of CPU currently being used by the VM cluster (in percentage).
Memory Utilization The total amount of memory currently being used by the VM cluster (in MB).
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