Siebel Server Monitoring


Applications Manager lets you monitor the status of Siebel server components that are essential to keeping the application up and running. You can monitor as far down as the process level CPU and memory utilization of a Siebel task. Auto-discover your entire Siebel Enterprise; get out-of-the-box performance graphs showing Application Object Manager and Enterprise Application Integration Stats of processes within your enterprise.

Creating a new Siebel monitor

Using the REST API to add a new Siebel server monitor: Click here

Follow the steps given below to create a new Siebel Enterprise Server monitor in Applications Manager:

  1. Copy the APMSiebelCommands.txt file (located under <Applications Manager Home>/working/resource directory) and paste it under <Siebel Installation folder>/bin directory.
  2. Click on Add New Monitor under New Monitor in the Applications Manager web client.
  3. Click on Siebel Enterprise Server under ERP.
  4. Enter the Display Name of the monitor.
  5. Provide the Host Name or IP Address of the server where Siebel is installed.
  6. Select the Mode of Monitoring (SSH or WMI).
    • If SSH, provide the port number (default is 22), username and password information of the Siebel server. You have an option to configure Public Key Authentication (Username and Private Key). You can also give a Passphrase if the private key is protected with one. Also, you can specify the command prompt value, which is the last character in your command prompt. Default value is $ and possible values are >, #, etc.
    • If WMI, provide the username and password of the Siebel server.
  7. Enter the credential details like user name and password for authentication, or select the required credentials from the Credential Manager list by enabling the Select from Credential list option.
  8. Enter the Siebel Gateway Server and Enterprise Server names.
  9. Enter the Siebel administrator name (administrator or equivalent user) and Password.
  10. Enter the path to the Siebel Installation Directory.
  11. Specify the Timeout in minutes. Default value is 10 minutes.
  12. Specify the Discovery Interval in minutes for the automatic discovery and monitoring of child monitors.
  13. Enter the polling interval time in minutes.
  14. If you are adding a new monitor from the Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  15. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box to which you want to associate the Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  16. Click Add Monitor(s). Upon adding the Siebel Server monitor, you can view the details of the newly added Siebel Server monitor.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Siebel server under the ERP Table. Displayed is the Siebel Server bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab, gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:

Monitor Information

Name Name of the Siebel server monitor
Last Polled at  Specifies the time at which the last poll was performed.
Next Poll at  Specifies the time at which the next poll will be performed.
Associated Groups  Denotes the monitor groups associated with the Siebel server monitor.


Availability history for last 6 hours Name of the Siebel server monitor
Performance history for last 6 hours Specifies the time at which the last poll was performed.
CPU Utilization Displays the current CPU utilization of the server.
Memory Utilization Displays the current memory utilization of the server.
Statistic Name Siebel application statistic name.
Statistic Value Siebel application statistic value.
Description Description of the statistic.
Transactions from PIM in Progress Number of inprocess transactions from PIM
Global Data Cursor Cache Misses Number of global data cursor cache misses
Tests Successful Number of tests that were successful
Global Data Cursor Cache Objects Number of objects currently in the global data cursor cache
Transactions form Siebel in Progress Number of inprocess transactions from Siebel
Maximum OOB Component Time Maximum OOB Component Time
Global Data Cursor Cache CPU Total CPU time spent on creating global data cursor objects in cache (in seconds)
Failed Transactions from Siebel Number of failed transactions from Siebel
Global Data Cursor Cache Memory Total memory spent on creating global data cursor objects in cache (in bytes)
Global Data Cursor Cache Hits Number of global data cursor cache hits
Events Processed Total number of events processed
Data Cursor Cache Objects Number of objects currently in the data cursor cache
Failed Transactions from PIM Number of failed transactions from the PIM
Events Processed Rate Rate of Processing the events
Data Cursor Cache Memory Total memory spent on creating data cursor objects in cache (in bytes)
Number of Component Crashes The number of times a process of the component has crashed.
Data Cursor Cache Misses Number of SQL data cursor cache misses
Number of Component Restarts The number of times a process of the component has restarted.
Number of Errors Total number of level 0 and 1 errors.
Number of object rows assigned This statistics represents the cumulative number of records assigned by this component since the server was started
PSP Cache Hit Total Total PSP Cache Hit Number
PSP Cache Miss Total Total PSP Cache Miss Number
SQL Object Cache Memory Total memory spent on creating SQL object objects in cache (in bytes)
Data Cursor Cache CPU Total CPU time spent on creating data cursor objects in cache (in seconds)
Completed Transactions from Siebel Number of completed transactions from Siebel
Completed Transactions from PIM Number of completed transactions from the PIM Server
Average OOB Queue Size Average OOB Queue Size
SearchEvents Processed Rate Rate of Processing the records during indexing
Average OOB Component Time Average OOB Component Time
SearchEvents Processed Total number of records processed during indexing
Tests Failed Number of tests that failed
Tests Attempted Number of tests that were started
Data Cursor Cache Hits Number of SQL data cursor cache hits


Component Specifies the name of the Siebel component.
Component Group Specifies the name assigned to the Siebel component group.
RunState Specifies the value returned for the state of the component. An example value of RunState is offline
ActiveMTSProcess The number of running multi-threaded shell (MTS) processes.
RunningTasks The current number of running tasks for the component.

AOM Statistics

Application Object Manager Statistics

Average Connect Time The time required to perform all the activities required to establish an interactive session (such as authentication, initialization, and allocating the necessary resources) with Object Manager.
Average Response Time The average (mean) time required to respond to an end-user action. If application performance is deteriorating, the metric value increases.
Statistic Name Siebel application statistic name.
Statistic Value Siebel application statistic value.
Description Description of the statistic.
Average Request Size The average size of request messages (in bytes)
Average Reply Size The average size of reply messages (in bytes)
Average Requests Per Session The average number of requests per Object Manager session
Total Think Time The total end-user think time (in seconds)
Average Think Time The average end-user think time between requests (in seconds)
Object Manager Errors The number of errors encountered during Object Manager session
Reply Messages The number of reply messages sent by the server
Request Messages The number of request message received by the server
Total Database Response Time The total Database Response/Processing Time (milliseconds)
Total Reply Size The total size (in bytes) of reply messages
Total Request Size The total size (in bytes) of request messages
Total Response Time The total Object Manager response time (msec)

Database Statistics

Average Execution Time The average (mean) amount of time the database requires to process the SQL statement after the statement is parsed.
Average Fetch Time The average (mean) amount of time the database requires to fetch records by an SQL statement after the statement is parsed.
Statistic Name Siebel application statistic name.
Statistic Value Siebel application statistic value.
Description Description of the statistic.
SQL Cursor Cache Misses The number of SQL cursor cache misses
SQL Cursor Total Cpu The total CPU time spent on creating SQL cursor objects in cache (in seconds)
SQL Parse Time The total elapsed time for SQL parse operations (in seconds)
Number of SQL Fetches The total number of SQL fetch operations
SQL Object Cache Objects The number of objects currently in the SQL object cache
Number of SQL Executes The total number of SQL execute operations
SQL Object Cache Misses The number of SQL object cache misses
SQL Cursor Cache Hits The number of SQL cursor cache hits
Number of SQL Parses The total number of SQL parse operations
SQL Object Cache Hits The number of SQL object cache hits
SQL Object Cache CPU The total CPU time spent on creating SQL object objects in cache (in seconds)
SQL Fetch Time The total elapsed time for SQL fetch operations (in seconds)
Avg SQL Parse Time The average time for SQL parse operations (in seconds)
SQL Execute Time The total elapsed time for SQL execute operations (in seconds)


Statistic Name Siebel application statistic name.
Statistic Value Siebel application statistic value.
Description Description of the statistic.
Tasks Exceeding Configured Capacity The number of tasks stated that exceeded configured capacity
CPU Time The total CPU time for component tasks (in seconds)
Num of DLRbk Retries The number of Retries due to Deadlock Rollbacks
Num of Exhausted Retries The number of Times All Retries are Exhausted
Elapsed Time The total running time elapsed for component tasks (in seconds)
Number of Sleeps The total number of sleeps for component tasks
FDR Avg time between aging Avg Seconds per buffer wrap
Sleep Time The total amount of sleep time for component tasks (in seconds)
FDR Buffer Life in seconds Seconds since buffer was created
Num of DBConn Retries The number of retries due to DB Connection Loss
Minimum Peak Memory Usage Peak Mem used by task. Rolls up differently than MaxPeakMemory
Maximum Peak Memory Usage The Peak Memory used by task. Rolls up differently from MinPeakMemory
Total Tasks The total number of tasks completed for server components
FDR Buffer Wraps The number of buffer wraps

EAI Statistics

Statistic Name Siebel application statistic name.
Statistic Value Siebel application statistic value.
Description Description of the statistic.
EAI Receiver Total Messages Processed The total number of messages processed by the Enterprise Application Integration receiver.
Siebel Adapter Total Query Calls The total cumulative size of output property sets (in KB) for all queries
Siebel Adapter Total Sync/Upsert Calls The total number of non-query (synchronize, upsert, update or insert) calls made to Siebel Adapter
Total XML Converter Size of Input Buffer The total cumulative size of input buffer (in KB)
Siebel Adapter Total Query Size The total cumulative size of output property sets (in KB) for all queries
Siebel Adapter Total Sync Size The total cumulative size of input property sets (in KB) for all non-query calls (synchronize, upsert, update or insert)
Total XML Parser Calls The total number of XML parser calls
Total XML Converter Size of Output Buffer The total cumulative size of output buffer (in KB)
Total XML Generator Calls The total number of XML generator calls


Tasks Running The current number of concurrent task instances running in the Siebel component.
Tasks Paused The tasks that have been temporarily placed in a suspended state.
Tasks Completed The tasks that have run to completion.
Tasks Exited with Errors The tasks that encountered an error during its processing and exited.
Tasks Killed The tasks that were not able to shut down cleanly, and were forced to shut down.
Error Tasks
Component Name of the Siebel component.
TaskID The operating system identification number assigned to the task.
Run State Current run state for the Siebel task (Running, Paused, Stopping,
Task Status A task may be in one of four states
  • Running
  • Paused
  • Stopping
  • Completed
Task Label The task label.
Start Time The time when this task started.
End Time The time when this task ended.

Active Sessions

Component Specifies the name of the Siebel component.
TaskID Siebel task ID for the application OM that handles the user session.
Run State The running state of the users' sessions for the selected Siebel Server.
Hung State The state of the users' sessions for the selected Siebel Server not responding.
DB Session ID A unique session number created for the user
OM Login Object Manager login ID of the user.
Task Status Current status of the task i.e running or paused.

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