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Sending E-mail

This action will send e-mail to the specified persons in the event of an alarm. To create an e-mail action, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click the New Actionlink at the top menu. It opens Send Email screen, by default.

    Note: If the mail server is not configured already, you will see the Configure Mail Server screen initially. Specify mail server details and continue to configure Send E-mail action.

  2. Specify the following details:
    • Any display name for the action.
    • The from and to e-mail addresses.
    • The subject and message of the e-mail.
    • Choose the format of the message: HTML, Plain Text or Both.
    • Choose whether to append the alarm information generated by Applications Manager to the Email.
  3. If you want to execute the action during specific time periods, enable the Execute Action based on Business Hours option and select the Business Hour during which the action has to be executed. The action can be configured such that it is executed during or outside the selected Business Hours. Use the drop-down menu to select your time window or click on 'Add New Business Hour' to create a new time window.
  4. Click Create Action to finish. This will list the e-mail action name and its details along with the other actions configured.
  5. Click Add New for creating more e-mail actions or Delete (on selecting the respective action's check box) to delete the action.

After creating an e-mail action, you can edit or execute that action. These two tasks can be performed from the View Actions page.

  • To edit the action, click the Edit [ ] icon.
  • You can also have a trial execution of the action. To do so, click the Execute [ ] icon of that action.

The subject and message of the e-mail action can be further enhanced by using Replaceable Tags. Further, you can edit the Email template by changing <mail.html> file present in the <AppManager_Home>/working/conf directory. Restart Applications Manager on changing the <mail.html> file.

E-mail Action in the Enterprise Edition

You can create e-mail actions from the Central Server in Applications Manager, the same as in the Professional Edition, and the actions created automatically sync with the Probe Servers. However, although these actions can be used in the Probe Servers. They cannot be edited from the Probe Servers.

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