This API will be used to execute alarm actions like Assigning, Unassigning, Clearing Alarms and Adding, Listing Annotations in Applications Manager.
API for XML Response:
API for JSON Response:
Supported HTTP methods: POST
Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User
Field | Description |
apikey | The API key of the user performing the operation. |
action | PickupAlarm / UnpickupAlarm / ClearAlarm / AddAnnotation / ListAnnotations |
entity | The entity field should have value [Resource ID of Monitor]_[Attribute ID]. This is a unique identifier for an alarm in Applications Manager. |
message | Specify the message used to annotate an alarm. |
username | Username used to pickup the alarm on the absence of which, the username of the apikey will be used. |
XML Input:
XML Response:
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/AlarmAction"><result><response response-code="4000"><message>Successfully Cleared the Alarm!</message></response></result></AppManager-response>
JSON Input:
JSON Response:
{"response":{"result":[{"message":"Successfully Cleared the Alarm!"}],"uri":"/AppManager/json/AlarmAction"},"response-code":"4000"}