Alarm Actions API

This API will be used to execute alarm actions like Assigning, Unassigning, Clearing Alarms and Adding, Listing Annotations in Applications Manager.


API for XML Response:


API for JSON Response:


Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User

Request Parameters

Field Description
apikey The API key of the user performing the operation.
action PickupAlarm / UnpickupAlarm / ClearAlarm / AddAnnotation / ListAnnotations
entity The entity field should have value [Resource ID of Monitor]_[Attribute ID]. This is a unique identifier for an alarm in Applications Manager.
message Specify the message used to annotate an alarm.
username Username used to pickup the alarm on the absence of which, the username of the apikey will be used.


XML Input:


XML Response:

<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/AlarmAction"><result><response response-code="4000"><message>Successfully Cleared the Alarm!</message></response></result></AppManager-response>

JSON Input:


JSON Response:

{"response":{"result":[{"message":"Successfully Cleared the Alarm!"}],"uri":"/AppManager/json/AlarmAction"},"response-code":"4000"}