Get Monitor Group Availability API

You can use this API is used to pull up availability data on a monitor group in Applications Manager. Depending on the output format that you require, you can use one of the following APIs:

getMonitorGroupAvailabilityInfo API

Sample Request:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/getMonitorGroupAvailabilityInfo?apikey=[REST API Key]

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below:

Field Description
apikey * The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the Settings tab.
IncludeSubGroup Specify 'IncludeSubGroup=trueif you also wish to know the availability status of the sub-group within the monitor group.
CustomTime Specify CustomTime=true for custom time availability report. If CustomTime is true then you must provide StartTime and EndTime.
StartTime The start time of the report, in milliseconds.
EndTime The end time of the report in milliseconds.

The time period for which the report should be created. If this parameter is not provided then today's availability is shown. Possible values are:

  • 0 = Todays Availability
  • 1 = Last 7 Days Availability
  • 2 = Last 30 Days Availability
  • 3 = Yesterday Availability
  • 5 = Last 1 Year Availability
  • 6 = This week Availability
  • 7 = This month Availability
  • 8 = This year Availability
  • 9 = This quarter Availability
  • 11= Last month Availability
  • 12= Last week Availability
HAID The ID of the monitor group. In Applications Manager, you can find the groupID of a monitor group using the following method:
  • Click on the Group Name in the Monitor Groups table. This will open the Monitor Group details page
  • The URL of the Monitor Group details page will be in the following format:


  • The HAID in the URL is the Group ID that you require, in this case, 10000040.

* mandatory

Sample Inputs


To include sub-group:


For service availability calculation:


For custom time availability report:


To set the Report Period:


To filter with HAIDs:


Sample Outputs


Sample Inputs and Outputs

To include sub-group




<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/getMonitorGroupAvailabilityInfo">
<response response-code="200">
<Availability ResourceID="10001368" DisplayName="App2-level1" Unavailable="0" Available="100"/>
<Availability ResourceID="10001369" DisplayName="App2-level2" Unavailable="0" Available="100"/>
<Availability ResourceID="10000252" DisplayName="App - 1" Unavailable="100.0" Available="0.0"/>


getMonitorGroupAvailability API

Sample Request:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/getMonitorGroupAvailability?apikey=[REST API Key]

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below:

Field Description
apikey * The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the Settings tab.
IncludeSubGroup Specify IncludeSubGroup=true if you also wish to know the availability status of the sub-group within the monitor group.
CustomTime Specify CustomTime=true for custom time availability report. If CustomTime is true then you must provide StartTime and EndTime
StartTime The start time of the report, in milliseconds.
EndTime The end time of the report in milliseconds.

The time period for which the report should be created. If this parameter is not provided then today's availability is shown. Possible values are:

  • 0 = Todays Availability
  • 1 = Last 7 Days Availability
  • 2 = Last 30 Days Availability
  • 3 = Yesterday Availability
  • 5 = Last 1 Year Availability
  • 6 = This week Availability
  • 7 = This month Availability
  • 8 = This year Availability
  • 9 = This quarter Availability
  • 11= Last month Availability
  • 12= Last week Availability
HAID The id of the monitor group. In Applications Manager, you can find the groupID of a monitor group using the following method:
  • Click on the Group Name in the Monitor Groups table. This will open the Monitor Group details page
  • The URL of the Monitor Group details page will be in the following format:


  • The HAID in the URL is the Group ID that you require, in this case, 10000040.

* - mandatory

Sample requests:


To include sub-group:


For service availability calculation:


For custom time availability report:


To set the Report Period:


To filter with HAIDs:


Sample Output


Sample Inputs and Outputs

To include sub-group




Today Availability Report
ResourceID,DisplayName,Uptime %,Downtime %
10000252,App - 1,0.0%,100.0%