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Hazelcast Monitoring Tool

Hazelcast - Overview

Hazelcast is an open source in-memory data grid based on Java that provides central, predictable scaling of applications through faster in-memory access to frequently used data which helps in reducing the query load on databases and improves speed. In a Hazelcast grid, data is evenly distributed among the nodes of a cluster, allowing for horizontal scaling both in terms of available storage space and processing power.

Applications Manager aids you in monitoring your Hazelcast environment by keeping track over various key performance metrics of your Hazelcast servers in real-time. It helps you to monitor important metrics such as memory details, thread details, cluster and its associated node details along with various distributed implementation of interfaces such as Maps, Multi Maps, Queues, Topics, etc. which overall plays a crucial role in determining how your applications are performing in a Hazelcast environment.

Creating a new Hazelcast monitor

Supported versions : Hazelcast 4.x and older versions

Follow the steps given below to create a new Hazelcast monitor:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select Hazelcast under Services category.
  3. Specify the Display Name.
  4. Enter the Host Name of the server on which the Hazelcast cluster is running.
  5. Specify the JMX Port. For default installations of Hazelcast, the JMX port number is 1099.
  6. In the Additional JMX Port field, specify the ports separated by commas if JMX is enabled in any other JMX ports of the machine that is running the Hazelcast cluster.
  7. Enter the credential details like username and password of the Hazelcast server for authentication, or select the required credentials from the Credential Manager list after enabling the Select from Credential list option. If no authentication is required, then leave the fields blank.
  8. Specify the JNDI Path. For default installations of Hazelcast, the JNDI path is /jmxrmi.
  9. Specify the Polling Interval in minutes.
  10. Choose the Monitor Group with which you want to associate the Hazelcast server to, from the combo box (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  11. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers the Hazelcast server from the network and starts monitoring it.

In case you are unable to add the monitor even after enabling JMX, try providing the below argument:

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category view by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Hazelcast under the Services category. Displayed is the Hazelcast server bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the availability history of the Hazelcast server in the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the health status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days, some key performance indicators of the Hazelcast server such as CPU Utilization and Memory Utilization along with heat charts for these attributes.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configuration.

Click on the monitor listed to view detailed performance metrics of the Hazelcast server. These metrics are categorized into eight different tabs for easy understanding. 


Parameter Description
Total Physical Total amount of physical memory allocated to the machine (in GB).
Free Physical Amount of physical memory that is free (in GB).
Committed Virtual Amount of virtual memory committed (in GB).
Total Swap Space Total amount of swap space available in the machine (in GB).
Free Swap Space Amount of swap space that is free (in GB).
Daemon Number of Daemon threads available.
Peak Number of Peak threads available.
Thread Count Number of Live Threads available.
Total Started Total number of threads started.
Committed Heap Amount of heap memory committed (in GB).
Initial Heap Amount of initial heap memory (in GB).
Maximum Heap Amount of maximum heap memory (in GB).
Used Heap Amount of heap memory used (in GB).
Committed Non Heap Amount of non heap memory committed (in GB).
Initial Non Heap Amount of initial non heap memory (in GB).
Maximum Non Heap Amount of maximum non heap memory (in GB).
Used Non Heap Amount of non heap memory used (in GB).
Connection Details
Active Connections Number of active connections including member or a client.
Client Connections Number of active client connections.
Client Endpoint Number of clients connected.
Total Connections Count Total number of connections available.
Event Details
Event Queue Capacity Maximum capacity of the event queue.
Event Queue Size Current size of the event queue.
Event Threads Number of threads currently used by the event queue.
Response Queue Size Current size of the response queue.
Operation Details
Executed Operations Total number of operations executed.
Operation Threads Number of threads currently used to execute operations.
Remote Operation Number of operations executed by remote process.
Running Operations Total number of operations that are currently running.
Partition Details
Total Partition Total number of partitions available.
Active Partition Number of partitions that are currently active.

Cluster Details

Parameter Description
Master Address Current master address of the Hazelcast cluster.
Cluster Safe Indicated whether all the data is safe when any of the node in the cluster fails.
Local Member Safe Indicated whether all the data is safe when the currently connected node in the cluster fails.
Proxies Number of client side proxy implementations.
Members Total number of members available in the cluster.
Port The port of currently connected node in the Hazelcast network.
Currently connected Nodes
Node Name Network details of all the nodes in cluster.


Parameter Description
Map Details
Name Name of the map.
Backup Number of backups present.
Backup Entry Number of backup entries present.
Backup Memory Cost Size of the backup memory (in bytes).
Dirty Entries Number of dirty entries present.
Event Operations Number of event operations occurred.
Get Operations Number of Get operations occurred.
Heap Cost Heap cost of the map (in bytes).
Hits Number of hits occurred.
Locked Entries Number of locked entries present.
Owned Entries Number of owned entries present.
Owned Memory Cost Size of the owned memory (in bytes).
Put Operations Number of put operations occurred.
Remove Operations Number of Remove operations occurred.
Size Total number of owned and backup entries present.

Replicated Maps

Parameter Description
Replicated Map Details
Name Name of the replicated map.
Event Operations Number of event operations occurred.
Get Operations Number of Get Operations occurred.
Hits Number of hits occurred.
Owned Entries Number of owned entries present.
Put Operations Number of put operations occurred.
Remove Operations Number of Remove operations occurred.
Size Total number of owned and backup entries present.

Multi Maps

Parameter Description
Multi Map Details
Name Name of the multi map.
Backups Count Number of backups present.
Backup Entries Count Number of Backup entries present.
Backup Entry Memory Cost Size of the backup memory (in bytes).
Dirty Entries Number of dirty entries present.
Event Operations Number of event operations occurred.
Get Operations Number of Get Operations occurred.
Hits Number of hits occurred.
Locked Entries Number of locked entries present.
Owned Entries Number of owned entries present.
Owned Entries Memory Size of the owned memory (in bytes).
Put Operations Number of put operations occurred.
Size Total number of owned and backup entries present.


Parameter Description
Queue Details
Name Name of the queue.
Backup Items Number of backup queues present.
Empty Poll Operations Number of empty operations occurred without any output.
Event Operations Number of event operations occurred.
Offer Operations Number of offer/put/add operations occurred.
Rejected Offer Operations Number of rejected offer operations occurred.


Parameter Description
Topic Details
Name Name of the topic.
Publish Operations Total number of published operations in this topic.
Receive Operations Total number of received operations in this topic.


Parameter Description
Configuration Details
Spec Vendor Name of the Java specification vendor.
Spec Version Version of the Java specification vendor.
JVM Name Name of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
JVM Vendor Name of the JVM offering vendor.
Address Current master address of the Hazelcast cluster.
Group Name Name of the cluster group.
Instance Name Name of the Cluster instance.
Status Status of the JVM running.
Version Version of the Hazelcast cluster.
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