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WMI Query Tool

WMI Query Tool can be used to execute WMI Queries through Applications Manager UI and to test the output of the existing Applications Manager VB scripts. Using this tool,

  • Users can query the existing monitor or new monitors also.
  • Users can execute their own WMI queries.
  • Users can obtain the output for the available metrics.
  • Appropriate error messages will be shown when something goes wrong.
  • Output results can be exported by copying to clipboard, generating PDF file, or directly sending it to Applications Manager support.

Note: WMI Query tool is supported for the following Microsoft-based monitor types: Active Directory, Exchange Server, MS Office SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics CRM/365 (On-Premise), IIS Server, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft MQ (MSMQ), Microsoft Skype for Business, Microsoft BizTalk, Network Policy Server (Radius Server), and Windows.

Configuring WMI Query tool

Follow the steps given below to configure the WMI Query tool:

  1. Under Settings tab, click on Self Help Tools under Tools section.
  2. Choose the host for which the WMI queries/scripts need to be executed. In case of new host, follow the below steps:
  3. Enter the hostname/IP address of the Windows host for which the WMI queries/scripts need to be executed.
  4. Enter the credential details like user name and password for authentication, or select the required credentials from the Credential Manager list after enabling the Select from Credential list option.
  5. Enable the Kerberos Authentication checkbox if you want to query the existing monitor or remote server through Kerberos authentication.
  6. Select the Type for which the results have to be checked. They are of 2 types: Monitor Type and Namespace.
    • Monitor Type: Allows you to obtain the output for the metrics available in Applications Manager based on the monitor type selected from the dropdown. After selecting the monitor type, select the metrics for which the output has to be checked from the dropdown.
    • Namespace: Allows you to obtain the output for the metrics of your choice based on the namespace and the WMI query entered. It is an alternative to the WMI Tester tool used in Windows, obtained by executing the wbemtest command.
  7. Specify the Timeout value, in seconds. Default value is 300 seconds.
  8. Click Execute.

On clicking the Execute button, the results for the required query/script will be displayed along with its execution time (in milliseconds) under WMI Tool Response table. You can choose to export the results by copying to clipboard, generating PDF file, or directly sending it to Applications Manager support.

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