Microsoft Azure Bastion

Microsoft Azure Bastion - An Overview

Azure Bastion services provide secure and flawless RDP and SSH connectivity to Azure virtual machines and leverages Azure’s security infrastructure. It aids you in ensuring encrypted connections over SSL, enhances security, simplifies management, and integrates with existing Azure services to provide a comprehensive solution for secure VM access. Implementing Applications Manager's Azure Bastion monitoring tool guarantees high performance, security and reliability for your Azure Bastion services.

Creating a new Microsoft Azure Bastion Monitor

To learn how to create a new Microsoft Azure Bastion Monitor, click here.

Monitored Parameters

Navigate to the Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Hover over 'Child Monitors' under Microsoft Azure in the Cloud Apps table, and then select the Bastions  monitor from the displayed tooltip. This action will display the bulk configuration view for Azure Bastion in three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

The Microsoft Azure monitor provides a brief detail of the Azure Bastion under the given subscription. Following are the list of metrics monitored in Azure Bastion Monitoring in their corresponding tabs:

Performance Overview

Parameter Description
Communication Status The recent communication status of the bastion. Interpreted from numeric values: 1 - Good and 0 - Bad. (Aggregation Type: Average)
CPU Utilization The average of CPU utilized by the Azure Bastion service at the time of polling (in %).
Memory Used The average amount of memory used by the Azure Bastion service at the time of polling (in MB).
Total Memory The average amount of 'Total Memory' stats for the Azure Bastion service at the time of polling (in MB).
Total Sessions The total number of sessions established for the Azure Bastion service between the poll interval.


Parameter Description
Resource Group Name The name of the resource group.
Location The location of the resource.
Provisioning State The current provisioning state of the resource. Possible values: Deleting/ Failed/ Succeeded/ Updating
SKU Tier The SKU of the Bastion host. Possible values: Developer/ Basic/ Standard/ Premium
DNS Name The DNS name of the Bastion host.
Kerberos Authentication Indicates whether the Kerberos feature of the Bastion Host resource is enabled or not. Possible values: Enabled/ Disabled
Copy and Paste Indicates whether the Copy and Paste feature of the Bastion Host resource is enabled or not. Possible values: Enabled/ Disabled
Native Client Support (Tunneling) Indicates whether the Tunneling feature of the Bastion Host resource is enabled or not. Possible values: Enabled/ Disabled
IP-based Connection Indicates whether the IP Connect feature of the Bastion Host resource is enabled or not. Possible values: Enabled/ Disabled
Shareable Link Indicates whether the shareable link of the Bastion Host resource is enabled or not. Possible values: Enabled/ Disabled
No. of Scaling Instances The total number of scale units for the Bastion Host resource.