Upgrade APM Insight .Net Agent
Since version 6.0, .NET agent has the capability to manage updates automatically without user intervention. Also, the MSI based installer has the capability to overwrite any existing installations while retaining the settings. APM Insight .NET agent can be upgraded from server using any of the following ways:
- Auto Upgrade
- Manual Upgrade from AppManager Console
- Manual upgrade from user terminal
Note: Auto upgrade will only work for major version changes in agent. Minor version changes will not be covered.
Auto Upgrade
- You can choose to automatically upgrade to the latest agent version directly from the web client, without downloading from the website manually.
- By enabling the Agent Auto-upgrade option, Applications Manager will automatically download the new agent zip file for upgrade when a new agent version is available.
- By default, Auto-upgrade option is disabled. To enable, navigate to APM tab → Your application → Action → Edit → APM Insight Agent Configuration Profile → Edit, then enable the Agent auto-upgrade option along with Update Schedule Time and click Save.
- This will ensure that whenever a new version of the agent is available, it is automatically upgraded without user intervention
Note: During an upgrade, IIS will be reset. Choose a convenient schedule by selecting the day of the week and time where a short application downtime (for a couple of minutes) will be acceptable.
- Once the agent is successfully downloaded, a notification will be shown informing the date/time of the scheduled update, along with the option to cancel the scheduled update.
Manual Upgrade from AppManager Console
- When a new version of the agent is available, following message will be displayed at the top of the APM Insight details page "Agent v6.1 released. The deployed agent version at this instance is 6.0. along with Update Agent and Release Notes button"
- Click Update Agent and select a convenient time window to schedule the agent upgrade.
- On doing so, the alert message changes to "Agent update will happen shortly...".
Note: IIS will be reset during the upgrade resulting in a short application downtime (for a couple of minutes) during the upgrade process. Choose the schedule window accordingly.
- Once the agent is successfully downloaded, a notification will be shown informing the date/time of the scheduled update, along with the option to modify/cancel the scheduled update.
- If the agent is unable to download the zip from the Applications Manager server, causing error in the agent update, a message will be displayed as "Problem encountered during agent update."
Manual Upgrade from user terminal
- Whenever a new version of the agent goes live, the users will be notified in the APMInsight details page. The latest agent can be downloaded from Add APMInsight monitor page.
- Download the latest APM Insight .NET Agent (apminsight-dotnetagent.msi) file or from AppManager, navigate to APM tab → Add Monitor → .NET → Configure now → Click Download agent button.
- Once the latest version has been downloaded, login to the machine where the old agent is installed.
- Install the latest version by double clicking on the MSI. During installation, an option to overwrite the existing installation will be shown.
- Proceed with the installation. It will overwrite the existing version without loss of any settings.