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Microsoft Azure Container App

Microsoft Azure Container App - An Overview

Azure Container App is a serverless container service which allows you to run microservices and containerized applications without managing complex infrastructure. It is capable of integrating seamlessly with other Azure services like Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Monitor, and Azure Key Vault.

Applications Manager's Azure Container App monitoring tool provides you with different functionalities to monitor your Azure Container App alongside of other Azure services. It acts as a dedicated monitoring tool to ensure in-depth monitoring of major KPIs like resource utilization, JVM performance, Resilience Statistics etc.

Creating a new Microsoft Azure Container App Monitor

To learn how to create a new Microsoft Azure Container App Monitor, click here.

Monitored Parameters

Navigate to the Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Hover over 'Child Monitors' under Microsoft Azure in the Cloud Apps table, and then select the Container Apps monitor from the displayed tooltip. This action will display the bulk configuration view for Azure Container App in three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

The Microsoft Azure monitor provides a brief detail of the Azure Container App under the given subscription. Following are the list of metrics monitored in Azure Container App Monitoring in their corresponding tabs:

Note: Azure Container App monitoring is supported for Azure Gov Cloud accounts from Applications Manager v173000.

Performance Overview

Note: The metrics under the RESERVED CORES group are only supported for Azure Global accounts.

CPU Cores Used The average number of CPU cores consumed by the container app at the time of polling (in millicores).
Request Rate The total number of requests processed per minute between the poll interval (in requests/min).
Total Requests The total number of requests processed between the poll interval.
Rate of Incoming Data The total amount of network traffic received per second between the poll interval (in MB/s).
Total Incoming Data The total amount of network traffic received between the poll interval (in MB).
Rate of Outgoing Data The total amount of network traffic transmitted per second between the poll interval (in MB/s).
Total Outgoing Data The total amount of network traffic transmitted between the poll interval (in MB).
Memory Working Set The average amount of working set memory used by the container app at the time of polling (in MB).
Replicas The total number of replicas that were created for the container app between the poll interval.
Restarted Replicas The total number of replicas that were restarted for the container app between the poll interval.
Reserved Cores (Max) The maximum number of reserved cores for container app revisions between the poll interval.
Total Reserved Cores The average number of 'Total Reserved Cores' for the container app between the poll interval.

JVM Performance

Note: The metrics under the JVM Performance tab are only supported for Azure Global accounts.

Memory Used per pool The average amount of memory used by each pool at the time of polling (in MB).
Total Memory Used The average amount of 'Total Memory Used' by heap or non-heap at the time of polling (in MB).
Committed Memory per pool The average amount of memory guaranteed to be available for each pool at the time of polling (in MB).
Total Committed Memory The average amount of 'Total Memory' guaranteed to be available for heap or non-heap at the time of polling (in MB).
Memory Limit per pool The average amount of maximum obtainable memory for each pool at the time of polling (in MB).
Total Memory Limit The average amount of 'Total maximum obtainable memory' for heap or non-heap at the time of polling (in MB)
Buffer Memory Usage The average amount of memory used by buffers, such as direct memory at the time of polling (in MB).
Buffer Memory Limit The average amount of total memory capacity of buffers at the time of polling (in MB).
Buffers The average number of buffers in the memory pool between the poll interval.
Threads The average number of executing platform threads between the poll interval.
Total Garbage Collections The total number of JVM garbage collection actions between the poll interval.
Total Garbage Collection Duration The total duration of JVM garbage collection actions between the poll interval.

Resiliency Statistics

Note: The metrics under the Resiliency Statistics tab are only supported for Azure Global accounts.

Connection Timeouts The average number of connection timeouts between the poll interval.
Request Timeouts The average number of requests that timed out waiting for a response between the poll interval.
Request Retries The average number of request retries between the poll interval.
Requests Pending Connection Pool The average number of requests pending a connection pool connection between the poll interval.
Ejected Hosts The average number of ejected hosts between the poll interval.
Ejections Aborted The average number of ejections aborted due to the max ejection percentage between the poll interval.


Resource Group Name The name of the resource group.
Location The location of the container app.
Provisioning State The current provisioning state of the container app. Possible values: Cancelled/ Deleting/ Failed/ InProgress/ Succeeded
Running Status The running status of the container app.
Workload Profile The workload profile name to pin for container app execution.
Application FQDN The fully qualified domain name that serves as a unique address to access the container application over the internet.
Environment ID Resource ID of the environment.
Event Stream Endpoint The event stream endpoint of the container app.
Latest Revision FQDN The FQDN of the latest revision for the container app.
Minimum Replicas The minimum number of replicas of the container app.
Maximum Replicas The maximum number of replicas of the container app.
Inactive Revisions Limit The maximum number of inactive revisions for the container app.
Creation Time The timestamp of container app creation.
Creator Identity Type The type of identity that created the container app. Possible values: Application/ Key/ ManagedIdentity/ User
Last Modified Time The timestamp of the last modification of the container app.
Last Modifier Identity Type The type of identity that modified the container app at the latest. Possible values: Application/ Key/ ManagedIdentity/ User
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