Install APM Insight Java Agent in Azure Web App
- Create a new directory under <APP_HOME>/WEB-INF/lib, say appmanager.
- Download latest the APM Insight java agent zip file ( here
- Extract the zip file to a appmanager directory to find agent jar and its configuration files.
- Open the apminsight.conf file in any text editor and include the following keys:
license.key=[LICENSE KEY][HOST]:[PORT]
To learn more about the configurations, visit our Configuration Guide page.
- Bundle your application and deploy it in Azure WebApp service.
- Add the below JVM argument in App Settings under Settings of your WebApp. Refer to screenshot.
- If using Tomcat server, please add Key "CATALINA_OPTS" and value as
- If using Jetty server, please add Key "JAVA_OPTIONS" and value as

- Restart your Webapp once for changes to take effect.
- You can also configure a secure APM URL. Ensure that the connection is stable and free from certificate-related issues.
Example: https://apm-prod-server:8443
- For an Applications Manager failover setup, you can specify multiple hosts in a comma-separated format (supported from Java Agent v6.8), as shown below:, http://apm-prod-server-B:9090