API execution could result in error conditions. In case of an error, the error information would be sent in the response body. The response body will have <error> as the child node along with the appropriate error code.
The list of HTTP error codes are tabulated below:
Code | Description |
4000 | Operation Completed Successfully. |
4000 | Credential added successfully. |
4000 | Credential updated successfully. |
4000 | Credential deleted successfully. |
4002 | The specified resourceid in request URI should be an integer. |
4003 | The specified resourceid in request URI is wrong. |
4004 | The specified apikey [ "+apiKey+" ] in the request is invalid. Kindly log in to Applications Manager and check for the key in generate key in Admin tab. |
4005 | The specified type in request URI is wrong. |
4006 | The given ResoureID in the URL is wrong or repeated. |
4007 | The specified monitorname in request URI is wrong. |
4008 | The specified request URI is incorrect. |
4016 | The specified method in request URI is incorrect. |
4024 | The given taskid in the URL is wrong. |
4025 | The specified taskname in the URL is already exist or empty. |
4032 | The specified parameter in request URI is incorrect. |
4033 | The taskName cannot be empty. |
4034 | The taskName already exists. |
4035 | The taskStatus should be either enable or disable. |
4036 | The taskType should be either group or monitor. |
4037 | Improper resourceid in the request. |
4038 | The startTime should be of the format (HH:MM). |
4039 | The endTime should be of the format (HH:MM). |
4040 | DestinationAddress DestinationPort GlobalTrap are mandatory for v1 trap |
4041 | The effectFrom should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM . |
4042 | Task Method should be any one among Daily,Weekly or Once. |
4043 | The totalNumber should be between 1 to 7 only. |
4044 | The customTaskStartTime should be of the format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM). |
4045 | The customTaskEndTime should be a valid date format like (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM). |
4046 | The startDay,startTime,endDay,endTime for weekly Maintenance are incorrect. |
4048 | The given taskid in the URL is not an integer. |
4049 | The monitor is under maintenance. Try pollnow after maintenance. |
4050 | The monitor cannot be polled when unmanaged. |
4055 | Mail server is not configured (This error occurs when the user tries to create an E-mail action using REST API without configuring mail server.). |
4064 | Kindly buy the License to avail the Applications Manager API's. |
4071 | Smtp Server could not be connected. |
4072 | Proxy Server is not configured |
4073 | Proxy configuration failed |
4074 | Smtp Mail Server Connection Error |
4075 | Modem is not properly connected. |
4076 | Smtp host name/port should not be empty |
4080 | DestinationAddress DestinationPort GlobalTrap are mandatory for v2 trap |
4105 | Unknown Problem occured while calling a Rest API |
4128 | Server Error while processing the request. |
4201 | The pollInterval should be a valid whole number. |
4202 | The type should not be empty. |
4203 | The groupID should be a valid whole number. |
4204 | The WSDLUrl should not be empty. |
4205 | The field emailid should not be empty. |
4206 | The username and password mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4207 | The popHost, smtpUserName and smtpPassword mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4208 | The rbmagentID mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4209 | The rbmagentID mentioned in the request URL is repeated or invalid. |
4210 | The scriptname mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4211 | The displayname mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4212 | Invalid OS type. |
4213 | The mode should be any one among SSH/TELNET/SNMP/WMI |
4214 | The snmptelnetport should be a valid one. |
4215 | The type mentioned in the request URL is not supported. |
4216 | The timeout should be a valid one. |
4217 | The host should not be empty. |
4218 | The port should be a valid one. |
4219 | The username mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4220 | The password mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4221 | The authentication should SQL or Windows. |
4222 | The serverpath should not be empty. |
4223 | The jndiurl should not be empty. |
4224 | The instance should not be empty. |
4225 | The Transaction mentioned in the request URL should be yes or no. |
4226 | The LDAPServer should not be empty. |
4227 | The LDAPServerPort should not be empty. |
4228 | The MatchingAttribute should be anyone of cn, uid, sn, displayname, givenname, objectclass, dc, ou. |
4229 | The FilterCondition should be one of equals, contains or notequals. |
4230 | The IsSecured field should be either a yes or a no. |
4231 | The TargetAddress mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4232 | The DownloadFile mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4233 | The UploadFile should be either yes or no. |
4234 | The SearchField should not be empty. |
4235 | The TargetAddress should not be empty. |
4236 | The LookupAddress should not be empty. |
4237 | The RecordType should not be empty. |
4238 | The version of WEBLOGIC should be anyone of 6.1,7.0,8.1,9.x,10.x. |
4238 | The JNDIPath should not be empty. |
4239 | The version of JBoss server should be one of the following: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x and newer versions. |
4240 | The version of Tomcat Server should be anyone of 3,4,5,6. |
4241 | The version of Websphere Server should be anyone of 5.x,6.x,7.x |
4242 | The mode of Websphere Server should be BASE or ND. |
4243 | The soapport should be a valid whole number. |
4244 | The version of Oracle Application Server should be anyone of 10.1.2 or 10.1.3. |
4245 | The SSL of OracleEBS should be yes or no. |
4246 | The systemnumber of SAP Server should not be empty. |
4247 | The logonClient of SAP Server should not be empty. |
4248 | The language of SAP Server should not be empty. |
4249 | The specified taskMethod and taskid does not match. |
4250 | The starttime should less than endtime. |
4251 | Check for the date time configuration of weekly. |
4252 | The customTaskStartTime should be less than customTaskEndTime. |
4253 | The method for UrlMonitor should be post or get. |
4254 | The httpcondition for UrlMonitor should be as follows. LT for <, GT for >, EQ for =, NE for !=, LE <= and GE for >=. |
4255 | The url should not be empty. |
4256 | The version of Exchange Server should be any one of 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003. |
4257 | The databasetype of QueryMonitor should be any one of MySQL, Oracle, DB2, MsSQL, Sybase, Postgres. |
4258 | The databasetypename of QueryMonitor should not be empty. |
4259 | The showqueryoutput of QueryMonitor should be any one of yes or no. |
4260 | The queries of QueryMonitor should not be empty. |
4261 | The name for adding Monitor Group already exists. |
4262 | The name should not be empty. |
4263 | The grouptype should be either monitorgroup or webappgroup. |
4264 | The userid in the request url is wrong or the values are repeated. |
4265 | The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 6. |
4266 | The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 7. |
4267 | The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 8. |
4268 | The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 9. |
4269 | The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 10. |
4270 | The accessKey should not be empty. |
4271 | The SecretAccessKey should not be empty. |
4272 | The apacheurl should not be empty. |
4273 | The serverstatusurl should be either true or false. |
4274 | The listenerport should not be empty. |
4275 | The serverconnectionchannel should not be empty. |
4276 | The jmxurl should not be empty. |
4300 | No EUM agent name configured. Please provide the EUM agent names(eumAgents) or the EUM agent ID(eumAgentsID) |
4301 | Some of the EUM agent names/IDs are invalid |
4302 | Error while fetching data for the EUM agent. Error - {0} |
4303 | The fetchType mentioned in the request URL should be either 1 or 2 - 1 for POP / 2 for IMAP. |
4304 | The fsTLSEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4305 | The fsHost, fsUserName and fsPassword mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4306 | The fsPort mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4307 | The fetchType mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. Provide fetchType=1 for Pop Server and fetchType=2 for IMAP Server |
4308 | The tlsEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty |
4309 | The fetchEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty |
4310 | The url should not be empty |
4310 | When adding a URL monitor via Rest API, the URL field should not be empty. |
4311 | The urlMethod should be P or G. |
4311 | When adding a URL monitor via Rest API, the urlMethod field should not be empty. |
4312 | The httpValue should be a valid Integer. |
4313 | The httpCondition should be LT or GT or EQ or NE or LE or GE. |
4314 | Some parameter missing for edit URL.For editing URL monitor either one of the following 'type with resourceid' or 'type with url' or 'type with displayname' is needed. |
4315 | The verifyError should be true or false. |
4316 | The url is not created before. |
4320 | Error occurred while editing the monitor. |
4321 | Parameter for Edit Monitor is missing. For editing monitor either the monitor resourceid or displayname is required. |
4322 | Unable to find Monitor with the given resourceid or display name. Verify the details provided. |
4323 | The Record Type mentioned for DNS Monitor is invalid. |
4324 | The Search Field mentioned for DNS Monitor is invalid. |
4325 | The domain name should not be empty. |
4326 | The given EUM monitor details is not for parent monitor. Try to edit again using the parent monitor details. |
4340 | The fsSSLEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. |
4341 | The sslEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty |
4342 | Agent -{0} mentioned in the URL request not supported for RBM Monitor. RBM monitors support only agents running in Windows |
4444 | Error |
4445 | The Managed Server is Down. |
4446 | The value of datafrequency not equal to 1 or 2 in showpolleddata API. |
4447 | The GetQueryOutput Rest Api Returns an Empty Row Values. |
4500 | The monitor group is not Associated to the Delegated Admin of this API key. |
4509 | Monitor already present in the DB. |
4512 | The specified time in request URI is incorrect. Either it is more than the current time or not a proper time |
4522 | Monitor group name already available. |
4523 | Monitor group name should not be empty. |
4524 | Owner name(s) [own] in the URL is wrong. |
4525 | Given location in the URL is wrong. |
4526 | Problem in editing monitor group. |
4540 | This API is not available for Admin Server. |
4550 | The username and password mentioned in the request URL should not be empty when nginxauth is true. |
4551 | The HostController/ServerName should not be empty if LaunchType of JBoss server is 'DOMAIN'. Applicable for version 7.x and above. |
4553 | File/Directory Name should be specified with Absolute Path |
4554 | The content field cannot be empty. |
4555 | The Hostname field cannot be empty. |
4556 | The Username field cannot be empty. |
4557 | Private Key cannot be empty if Key Based Authentication is chosen |
4558 | Script to be Monitored should not be empty |
4559 | Working directory(directory from which the script is executed) should not be empty |
4560 | The value for the parameter table_row (Number of tables) is invalid. |
4561 | The Tablename field cannot be empty. |
4562 | Either String attributes or Numeric Attributes that are present in that table should be given for monitoring |
4563 | Unique column for the table should not be empty. |
4564 | Prompt cannot be empty if the new host is selected |
4574 | VMware Horizon View Connection Broker is supported only when the product is running on a Windows Server |
4600 | Parameters should not be empty. |
5001 | The credential name should not be empty. |
5002 | The type should not be empty. |
5003 | The Credential Name already exists. Choose another name. |
5004 | The given Credential ID is not exist. |
5005 | Credential ID should not be empty. |
5006 | Credential ID should be a valid whole number. |
5007 | am.webclient.credentialManager.adminRestriction |
5008 | The type is null or empty. |
5009 | Something went wrong. |
5010 | Access is denied to perform this operation in Managed Server as SSO is enabled. |
5011 | The trapName should not be empty. |
5012 | The trapStatus is either empty or invalid. |
5013 | The trapVersion is either empty or invalid. |
5014 | The severity is either empty or invalid. |
5015 | The enterpriseOID is either empty or invalid. |
5016 | The trapType is either empty or invalid. |
5017 | The specificType should not be empty. |
5018 | The specificType is either empty or invalid. |
5019 | The trapOID is either empty or invalid. |
5020 | The v3UserName is either empty or invalid. |
5021 | The trapHost is invalid. |
5022 | The associateTrapSeverity is invalid. |
5023 | The filterCondition is invalid. |
5024 | The filterText cannot be empty if the filterCondition is present. |
5025 | The filterText is invalid. |
5026 | The filterCondition cannot be empty if the filterText is present. |
5027 | The criticalCondition and the criticalThreshold should not be empty if the severity is varbindbased. |
5028 | The criticalCondition is invalid. |
5029 | The criticalThreshold cannot be empty if the criticalCondition is present. |
5030 | The criticalThreshold is invalid. |
5031 | The criticalThreshold should not have multiple values if the criticalCondition is WHOLE. |
5032 | The criticalCondition cannot be empty if the criticalThreshold is present. |
5033 | The warningCondition is invalid. |
5034 | The warningThreshold cannot be empty if the warningCondition is present. |
5035 | The warningThreshold is invalid. |
5036 | The warningThreshold should not have multiple values if the warningCondition is WHOLE. |
5037 | The warningCondition cannot be empty if the warningThreshold is present. |
5038 | The clearCondition is invalid. |
5039 | The clearThreshold cannot be empty if the clearCondition is present. |
5040 | The clearThreshold is invalid. |
5041 | The clearThreshold should not have multiple values if the clearCondition is WHOLE. |
5042 | The clearCondition cannot be empty if the clearThreshold is present. |
5043 | The clearCondition and the clearThreshold should not be empty. |
5044 | The warningCondition and the warningThreshold should not be empty. |
5045 | The criticalActions is not required since critical severity is not configured. |
5046 | The warningActions is not required since warning severity is not configured. |
5047 | The clearActions is not required since clear severity is not configured. |
5048 | The action IDs are either invalid or does not exist. |
5049 | The monitor group IDs are either invalid or does not exist. |
5050 | The given trap listener name already exists. |
5301 | Proxy error. This error code is returned when Applications Manager is not able to establish a connection with the host. |
5302 | The JConnect mentioned in the request URL should be yes or no. |
5303 | discoverPDB parameter should be given as yes or no. |
5304 | Socket Read Timeout / Query Execution Timeout value is invalid. |
6000 | Field is mandatory and cannot be empty. |
6001 | Page Load Timeout should be an integer between 1 and 30. |
6002 | Value for the field should be an integer. |
6003 | Wait after load should be an integer between 1 and 10. |
6004 | Value for the field should be true or false. |
6005 | Polling Interval should be greater than 30. |
6006 | Value for discoverOption should be one of the three: [0, 1, 2]. |
6007 | The version of Horizon should be '7.x', '7.13', or '8.x'. |
6011 | Provided End time is lesser than the Start time |
6022 | Please provide valid hostname. |
6023 | Please enter a valid instance name. |
6024 | Please provide valid username. |
6025 | Please enter a valid password. |
6026 | Timestamp should be greater than current server time. |
6027 | The request URI must contain StartTime parameter when CustomTime is true. |
6028 | The request URI must contain EndTime parameter when CustomTime is true. |
6030 | The data collection operation is currently in progress. Please wait a few seconds before polling again. |
6031 | The username or password specified is incorrect. Kindly check. |
6032 | Please use the web browser to log into your user account first, and then proceed with using the mobile application. |