Sybase ASE Monitoring Tool

Creating a new Sybase monitor

Supported Versions: Applications Manager's Sybase monitoring tool supports Sybase ASE 12.5.3 and above.

Prerequisites for monitoring Sybase metrics: Click here

Using the REST API to add a new Sybase monitor: Click here

To create a Sybase database server monitor, follow the given steps:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select Sybase.
  3. Enter the IP Address or Host Name of the host.
  4. Enter the SubNetMask  of the network.
  5. Enter the port number in which sybase is running.
  6. Enter the polling interval time in minutes.
  7. If you are adding a new monitor from a Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  8. Provide the user name and password of user who has permission to access the Sybase database. The user name specified for collecting the data from Sybase should have either System Administrator role or the user should be the DB owner for master database.
  9. Specify the Database Name.
  10. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box with which you want to associate Sybase database server Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  11. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers Sybase database server from the network and starts monitoring them.

Monitored Parameters

  • Availability tab gives the availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view tab enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the following tabs listed to view the following information:

Monitor Information

Name Specifies the name of Sybase server monitor.
Health Specifies the health (Clear, Warning, Critical) of the Sybase server.
Type Specifies the type you are monitoring.
Version Specifies the version of the database server.
Port Specifies the port number at which the database server is running.
Server Status The current status of the database server itself
Started Time The date and time that the database manager was started
Host Name Specifies the host at which the database server is running.
Host OS Specifies the OS of the host where the database server is running.
Last Alarm Specifies the last alarm that was generated for the database server.
Last Polled at Specifies the time at which the last poll was performed.
Next Poll at Specifies the time at which the next poll is scheduled.
Availability Shows the current status of the server - available or not available.


Connection Time Time taken to get connected to the Sybase database ASE server (in milliseconds).
Total Memory Total amount of memory available for the ASE server (in MB).
Used Memory Amount of memory used by the ASE server (in MB).
Free Memory Remaining amount of memory available for the ASE server (in MB).
Used Memory Percentage Amount of memory used by the ASE server (in percentage).
Max Remote Connections The number of max remote connections available in the ASE server.
Remote Connection Percentage Percentage of the amount of active remote connections after the ASE server has restarted.
Active Remote Connections The number of active remote connections after the ASE server has restarted.
Max User Connections The number of max user connections available in the ASE server.
Active User Connections The number of active user connections after the ASE server has restarted.
User Connection Percentage Percentage of the amount of active user connections after the ASE server has restarted.
Max Locks Total number of locks configured to be held in the ASE server.
Active Locks Number of locks that are in active state.
Active Lock Percentage Percentage of active locks with total locks configured.
Max Disk I/O Total number of disk I/O available in the ASE server.
Active Disk I/O Number of disk I/O that are active and currently in use.
Active Disk I/O Percentage Percentage of active disk I/O with the max disk I/O.
Max Procedure Cache Total amount of procedure cache allocated for Sybase ASE server.
Procedure Cache Used Amount of procedure cache that are currently in use.
Procedure Cache Used Percentage Percentage of procedure cache used with the max procedure cache.
Stored Procedure Request Rate Number of stored procedure requests processed per second.
Configured Data Cache Amount of data cache configured during the server startup (in MB).
Current Data Cache Amount of data cache that are currently in use (in MB).
Data Cache Hit Ratio Ratio of Logical Reads to Cache Searches performed for default cache (in percentage).
Procedure Cache Hit Ratio Ratio of difference between procedure requests and load to requests made (in percentage).


Database Details
DB Name Name of the database instances.
Total Size Total amount of space allocated for the database (in MB).
Used Size Amount of space used in the database (in MB).
Free Size Remaining amount of space available in the database (in MB).
Used Size (%) Amount of space used in the database (in percentage).
Log Size Amount of space allocated for logs in the database (in MB).
Log Used Amount of space used from the allocated log space in the database (in MB).
Log Used (%) Amount of space used from the allocated log space in the database (in percentage).
Creator Name of the user who created the database.
Health Health status of the database.
Database Backup Details
DB Name Name of the database.
Backup Status Status of the backup performed.
Backup Start Time Date and time at which backup was started.
Backup Age Amount of time elapsed since the last backup (in hours).
Suspended Processes Number of processes that are currently suspended due to the database transaction log being full.
Transaction Log Full Indicates whether the database transaction log is full. (Yes or No)
Last Checkpoint Date and time at which checkpoint was last run for this database.
Last Transaction Log Dump Date and time of this database’s most recently successful transaction log dump.
Transaction Details
Type The type of the transaction
Coordinator The coordinator of the transaction
State The state of the current transaction like it is started or in process or ended
Connection The type of connection
DB Name The database name in which the transaction is executed
Process Name The process which is executing the transaction
Transaction Name The name of the transaction
Start Time The time at which the transaction started


This tab displays the performace of top 10 queries in terms of various factors such as CPU Time, Memory Usage, Run Time and Wait Time.

  • Top 10 queries by CPU - Displays the list of top 10 queries with high CPU Time.
  • Top 10 queries by Memory Usage - Displays the list of top 10 queries with high Memory Usage.
  • Top 10 slow running queries - Displays the list of top 10 queries with high execution time.
  • Top 10 most waited query - Displays the list of top 10 queries with high Wait Time.

Below are the list of metrics that are displayed in this tab:

Process ID ID of the process currently connected to ASE server.
DB Name Name of the database currently in use.
Query Displays the database query that is running.
CPU Time Amount of time taken by the CPU to execute the query (in milliseconds).
Wait Time Amount of time for which the task has waited to execute the query (in milliseconds).
Execution Time Amount of time taken for the query to be executed (in seconds).
Memory Usage(kB) Amount of memory utilized to execute the query (in kilobytes).
Physical Reads Number of buffers reads that have been performed from disk while executing the query.
Logical Reads Number of buffers reads that have been performed from cache while executing the query.


Command Process Details
Process ID ID of the process currently connected to ASE server.
Process Name The name of the process currently connected to ASE server
Host Name/IPAddress The Host Name / IP address of the process connected to ASE
User Name The name in which the process is connected to ASE
DB Name The name of the Database to which process is connected to ASE
Command The command executed by process connected to ASE (command shown here limits to 255 chrs)
Status The current status of the process
Physical IO The Physical IO of the process
Memory Usage The memory used by the process
Time Blocked Amount of time blocked by the process (in seconds).

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