Availability Report Calculation in Applications Manager

Monitor Availability Calculation

Monitor availability calculation facilitates measurement of the availability and performance of a system or service over a specific period. Applications Manager's monitor availability calculation feature helps you to ensure system or service reliability and early detection of performance issues or potential failures.

Applications Manager provides an option to track the state of monitors and display the data in Availability reports along with Product downtime. There are 4 states for a monitor, as listed below:

  • Up
  • Down
  • UnManaged
  • Scheduled Maintenance

Note: The option to track and display Product downtime will be supported in the Availability reports & widgets from Applications Manager v171100.


Uptime = Total time - (Unmanaged + Scheduled Maintenance + Product Downtime)

Uptime % = (uptime/total downtime)*100

Downtime % = (downtime/total time)*100

Scheduled Maintenance %= (Scheduled Maintenance/total time)*100

Unmanaged %= (Unmanaged time/total time)*100

Product downtime % = (Product downtime/total time)*100

There are 3 different options available in Report Settings for performing Availability calculation. Enabling any one of the following options, will exclude the downtime in the respective category, from availability calculation:

  • Do not include Scheduled maintenance in availability reporting.
  • Do not include Unmanaged state in availability reporting.
  • Do not include Product downtime in availability reporting.

Monitor Group Availability Calculation:

You can calculate Monitor group availability based on the option chosen in Report settings. The 2 available options are:

Application Cluster:

  • If Application cluster is selected, then availability will be calculated based on Availability status history of the monitor group.
  • By default, the monitor group's availability will be marked as down if any one of the monitors belonging to that particular group is down. (This can be altered in the Monitor group page → Monitor group Actions → Configure Alarms → Availability → Define Alarm rules)
  • Availability is calculated based on the Uptime, Downtime and Scheduled Maintenance time of the monitor group with the same formula as mentioned above for monitors.

Services group:

  • If Services group is selected, then availability will be calculated based on the Availability status history of the monitors in the group.
  • The Availability of the monitor group is calculated based on the Uptime, Downtime and Scheduled Maintenance time of the monitors in the group. The Monitor group's availability will be the average of the calculated availability of monitors in that group.

For example, a monitor group contains 3 monitors. The monitor group report is generated for "Yesterday" time period. Only one monitor is shown as Down for the entire chosen day.

Application Cluster:

If the Alarm Rule option is not modified for the respective monitor group, the group will be down even when any one of the monitors associated with it is down. Hence, the uptime % of the group will be 0.

Services group:

When Services group option is selected, since only one among the 3 monitors are down for the complete time period, the uptime % of the monitor group will be 66%.