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Enable/Disable Actions API

ManageEngine Applications Manager provides REST APIs for bulk enabling or disabling of alarms actions configured for a monitor or monitor-groups.

API to Enable/Disable Alarms for a monitor

  • https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/EnableDisableAlarmsAction?apikey=[ API key ]&resourceid=[ RESOURCEID]&alteraction=[enable/disable]
  • https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/EnableDisableAlarmsAction?apikey=[ API key ]&haid=[ MONITORGROUPID ]&alteraction=[enable/disable]

Supported HTTP methods: GET, POST

Allowed roles: Administrator

Request Parameters

Field Description
API Key The key generated from "Generate API Key" option in the Settings tab.
resourceid resourceid=[ RESOURCEID ] where RESOURCEID is the AM_ManagedObject.RESOURCEID of the monitor to be unmanaged.
alteraction The enable or disable action.
haid ID of the monitor group/sub group for which actions should be enabled/disabled.

Example Input


Example Output

<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/EnableDisableAlarmsAction"><result><response response-code="4000"><message>Enable/Disable alarms done successfully.</message></response></result></AppManager-response>

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