CouchBase Monitoring


CouchBase Server is an open-source, distributed NoSQL document-oriented database and key-value store that is optimized for interactive applications. CouchBase is designed to provide easy-to-scale key-value or document access with low latency and high sustained throughput. Applications Manager helps to actively monitor all aspects of a CouchBase server like health, availability, response time etc., and helps take informed decisions in case of downtimes.


  • For Applications Manager to access and monitor the CouchBase server, ensure that the firewall on your network and Applications Manager installed server allows outgoing communication on the TCP port (CouchBase port number).
  • The URL of the syntax given below should be accessible from the Applications Manager installed machine.


Creating a new CouchBase server monitor

Supported Versions: Couchbase v7.0 and below

Using the REST API to add a new CouchBase monitor: Click here

To create a CouchBase server monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select CouchBase from Database Servers.
  3. Specify the Display Name of the CouchBase monitor.
  4. Enter the HostName or IP Address of the host where CouchBase process runs.
  5. Enter the Port where the server is running.By default, it will be 8091.
  6. Specify the Polling Interval in minutes.
  7. Choose the Monitor Group with which you want to associate the CouchBase server to, from the combo box (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  8. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers the CouchBase server from the network and starts monitoring it.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on CouchBase under the Database table. Displayed is the CouchBase bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab, gives the availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the health status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the monitor name to see all the database details listed under the following tabs:

Monitor Information:

This tab contains all general information regarding the monitor like Monitor name, port, hostname, username, associated groups etc.

Performance Overview

Total Memory (MB) Total memory available for the cluster.
Used Memory (MB) RAM usage of the cluster.
Free Memory (MB) Free memory available.
Cluster Disk Utilization (GB) Total disk usage of the cluster.
Total Cluster Storage (GB) Total disk space available for the cluster.
Other Data (GB) Disk used by other data other than Couchbase.
Usable Free Space (GB) Maximum free space available for Couchbase server.

Server Nodes

Server Node Name Server IP address where the Couchbase is running.
RAM Usage RAM usage of the server.
Swap Usage Swap usage of the server
CPU Usage CPU usage of the server.
Data Usage Data usage of this node.
Disk Usage Disk usage of this node.
Node Memory Utilization Memory Utilization of the alloted memory.
Active Items Active data is the data written in this node.
Replica Items Replica item is the copy of item from another node.
Node Disk Usage Individual node disk consumed by Couchbase.
Background Data Fetches Data not in cache and pulled from the disk.

Data Buckets

Data Buckets
Bucket Name Name of the bucket.
Bucket Type Bucket type can be either Memcached or CouchBase.
Nodes Number of nodes available in the CouchBase server.
Item Count Number of objects stored in the bucket.
Used RAM Quota Memory used from the given quota (in MB).
RAM Quota Memory allocated for this bucket (in MB).
Quota Memory Utilization Amount of memory utilized from the available quota (in %).
Data Usage Data used by this bucket (in MB).
Disk Usage Disk used by this bucket (in MB).
Docs Fragmentation Indicates how much fragmented data is to be compacted compared to real data for the data files in this bucket (in %).
OOM/sec Number of back-offs sent per second to client SDKs due to "out of memory" situations from this bucket.
Current Connections The number of connections per host.
Resident item ratio Ratio of items that are kept in memory versus stored on disk.
Total disk drain rate Number of items actually written to disk from the disk queue.
Memory Headroom This value indicates when you need to  allocate more memory to a bucket.
Bucket Operation Details
Bucket Name Name of the bucket.
Ops/sec Number of operations per second for this data bucket.
Gets/sec Number of reads (GET operations) per second from this bucket.
Total Gets/sec Total number of GET operations per second from this bucket.
Sets/sec Number of writes (SET operations) per second to this bucket
Deletes/sec Number of delete operations per second for this bucket
CAS Ops/sec Number of operations with a CAS ID per second for this bucket.
Cache Miss Ratio Ratio of the objects fetched from disk as opposed to memory (in %). Value should be as for be as close to 0 performance.
Bucket Disk Details
Bucket Name Name of the bucket.
Disk Creates/sec Number of new items created on disk per second for this bucket.
Disk Updates/sec Number of items updated on disk per second for this bucket.
Disk Reads/sec Number of reads per second from disk for this bucket.
Disk Fetches/sec Number of operations required to fetch the items from disk.
Disk Write Queue Number of items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket.
Disk Write Failures Number of disk write failures.
Disk Read Failures Number of disk read failures.
Disk Usage Disk used by this bucket (in MB).