Discussed below are the prerequisites for managing the various monitors:
Note: IPv6 support is available for all monitors.
While monitoring Glassfish application servers, make the following changes in the domain.xml file and then restart it:
The configuration line should look like this:
<jmx-connector accept-all="true" address="" auth-realm-name="admin-realm" enabled="true" name="system" port="8686" protocol="rmi_jrmp" security-enabled="false"/>
The prerequisites for managing the various versions of JBoss server are:
To monitor JBoss, the http-invoker.sar should be deployed in the JBoss Server. The application (http-invoker.sar) is by default deployed in the JBoss server.
If the http port of the JBoss server is changed then the port number in the attribute InvokerURLSuffix should also be modified in <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/deploy/http-invoker.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml file.
To monitor JBoss 5.x version, jbossagent.sar should be deployed in JBoss server. To deploy, follow the steps below:
Note: JBOSS 6 EAP should be added as JBoss 7
To monitor JBoss 6.x version, jbossagent.sar should be deployed in JBoss server. To deploy, follow the steps below:
<bean class="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata">
<property name="serviceName">
<property name="port">1090</property>
<property name="description">RMI/JRMP socket for connecting to the JMX MBeanServer</property>
JBoss Version 7.x and above (EAP version 6 and above)
Standalone Mode:
EAP Setup:
Applications Manager uses the Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) provided by Oracle Application Server to monitor the same. For this reason, the DMS Servlet has to be made accessible to the system where the Applications Manager is running.
To enable the access, please follow the instructions provided below
[The instructions are referred from the Oracle website: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B14099_19/core.1012/b14001/monitor.htm]
By default, the dms0/AggreSpy URL is redirected and the redirect location is protected, allowing only the localhost ( to access the AggreSpy Servlet.
To view metrics from a system other than the localhost you need to change the DMS configuration for the system that is running the Oracle Application Server that you want to monitor by modifying the file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/dms.conf on UNIX, or%ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\Apache\conf\dms.conf on Windows systems.
The following example shows a sample default configuration from dms.conf. This configuration limits AggreSpy to access metrics on the localhost ( The port shown, 7200, may differ on your installation.
Example: Sample dms.conf File for localhost Access for DMS Metrics
# proxy to DMS AggreSpy
Redirect /dms0/AggreSpy http://localhost:7200/dmsoc4j/AggreSpy
#DMS VirtualHost for access and logging control
OpmnHostPort http://localhost:7200
By changing the dms.conf configuration to specify the host that provides, or serves DMS metrics, you can allow users on systems other than the localhost to access the DMS metrics from the location http://host:port/dms0/AggreSpy.
Caution: Modifying dms.conf has security implications. Only modify this file if you understand the security implications for your site. By exposing metrics to systems other than the localhost, you allow other sites to potentially view critical Oracle Application Server internal status and runtime information.
To view metrics from a system other than the localhost (, do the following:
Example: Sample dms.conf File for Remote Host Access for DMS Metrics:
# proxy to DMS AggreSpy
Redirect /dms0/AggreSpy http://tv.us.oracle.com:7200/dmsoc4j/AggreSpy
#DMS VirtualHost for access and logging control
Listen tv.us.oracle.com:7200
OpmnHostPort http://tv.us.oracle.com:7200
<VirtualHost tv.us.oracle.com:7200>
ServerName tv.us.oracle.com
Restart, or stop and start the Oracle HTTP Server using Application Server Control Console or using the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server opmnctl command.
For example,
%opmnctl restartproc process-type=HTTP_Server
%opmnctl stopproc process-type=HTTP_Server
%opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server
After performing the above steps, please ensure that you are able to access the URL http://<host>:7200/dmsoc4j/AggreSpy from the Applications Manager system.
To check if a user has select privilege:
We suggest you to execute the below query directly in your Oracle machine and check if a connected user has select privilege or not :
If there is no row selected or privilege column does not have select value for the above table_name columns, then the user doesn't have privilege to access the table.
To grant Privilege:
Use the following query:
grant select on <tablename> to <username>;
Example: grant select on V_$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS to monitoruser;
Note: As above, you have to give grant permission on all the tables mentioned in the above query.
Browse through the following links to monitor Tomcat server for respective versions:
To monitor Tomcat 7.x and above, an application named Manager must be running in it for Applications Manager to monitor the Tomcat server. By default, this application will be running in the server. If you have customized the Manager application (Eg. \qamanager), then you can use the option "Tomcat Manager Application URI" in the client, for Applications Manager to monitor the Tomcat server.
To allow requests from specific client addresses in the Tomcat server, add the IP address of the host machine where Applications Manager is installed to the allow attribute in the context.xml file. This file is located in the CATALINA_HOME/webapps/manager/META-INF/ directory. By default, the Tomcat server allows requests from all client addresses.
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow=".*" />
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow="192\.168\.1\.100" />
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow="192\.168\.1\.100|192\.168\.1\.101|10\.0\.0\.1" />
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" deny="192\.168\.1\.100" />
Default configurations in tomcat-users.xml in Tomcat Server:
<role rolename="tomcat" />
<role rolename="role1" />
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat" />
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1" />
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1" />
After adding the roles for the "tomcat" user, the modified entries will be as follows:
<role rolename="tomcat" />
<role rolename="role1" />
<role rolename="manager" />
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager-gui,manager-jmx" />
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1" />
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1" />
On making the configuration changes, restart the Tomcat server.
Now, while adding a new Tomcat monitor, specify both the username and password as tomcat when discovering the Tomcat server.
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
allow=".*" />
1) After adding the Manager role in tomcat-users.xml, you should be able to access the endpoints <Host>:<PORT>/manager/status and <Host>:<PORT>/manager/jmxproxy from the Applications Manager installed machine (Provide manager user credentials).
2) If the application is not accessible, add the following entry in server.xml, under 'Engine' context:
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
3) Restart the server and try to access manager application.
4) By default, GZip compression is disabled for Tomcat. To learn how to enable GZip in Tomcat, refer here.
To monitor Tomcat 5.x and 6.x, an application named Manager must be running in it for Applications Manager to monitor the Tomcat server. By default, this application will be running in the server. If you have customized the Manager application (Eg. \qamanager), then you can use the option "Tomcat Manager Application URI" in the client, for Applications Manager to monitor the Tomcat server.
To monitor Tomcat server,
Default configurations in tomcat-users.xml in Tomcat Server:
<role rolename="tomcat" />
<role rolename="role1" />
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat" />
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1" />
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1" />
After adding the roles for the "tomcat" user, the modified entries will be as follows:
<role rolename="tomcat" />
<role rolename="role1" />
<role rolename="manager" />
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager" />
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1" />
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1" />
On making the configuration changes, restart the Tomcat server.
Now, while adding a new Tomcat monitor, specify both the username and password as tomcat when discovering the Tomcat server.
1) After adding the Manager role in tomcat-users.xml, you should be able to access the endpoints <Host>:<PORT>/manager/status and <Host>:<PORT>/manager/jmxproxy from the Applications Manager installed machine (Provide manager user credentials).
2) If the application is not accessible, add the following entry in server.xml, under 'Engine' context:
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
3) Restart the server and try to access manager application.
4) By default, GZip compression is disabled for Tomcat. To learn how to enable GZip in Tomcat, refer here.
Applications Manager agent has to be deployed in Tomcat Servers 3.x and 4.x to monitor them. Moreover, Tomcat 3.x and 4.x needs no user name and password.
To deploy the agent for Tomcat Server 3.x
To deploy the agent for Tomcat Server 4.x
To deploy the agent for Tomcat Server 4.x and Apache server combined
Click on the following topics to know more about the prerequisites for various versions of WebLogic server.
Follow the steps given below:
You should set the weblogic.disableMBeanAuthorization and weblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookupEnabled variables to true for enabling data collection. Follow the steps given below:
-Dweblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookupEnabled=true Click here for Sample startWLS.cmd/sh
You should set the weblogic.disableMBeanAuthorization and weblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookupEnabled variables to true for enabling data collection. Follow the steps given below:
-Dweblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookupEnabled=true Click here for Sample startWLS.cmd/sh
In the remote WebLogic server, navigate to <Weblogic Home>/weblogic92/server/lib directory. From there, copy Weblogic.jar to <Applications Manager Home>\working\classes\weblogic\version9 directory in the machine where Applications Manager is running.
In the remote WebLogic server, navigate to <Weblogic Home>/wlserver/server/lib directory. From there, copy Weblogic.jar, wlclient.jar, wljmsclient.jar, wlthint3client.jar to <Applications Manager Home>\working\classes\weblogic\version10 directory in the machine where Applications Manager is running.
In the remote WebLogic server, navigate to <Weblogic Home>/wlserver/server/lib directory. From there, copy wlclient.jar and wljmxclient.jar to <AppManager Home>\working\classes\weblogic\version12 directory in the machine where Applications Manager is running.
WebLogic certificate has to be imported to <Applications Manager Home>/working/jre/lib/security/cacerts file. This certificate can be imported through <Applications Manager Home>/bin/WeblogicCertificate.bat/sh files.
WeblogicCertificate.bat [import] [Full path of weblogic server certificate] [alias name]
C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\AppManager\bin> WeblogicCertificate.bat import "C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\MyDomain\root.cer" mykey
* If customer is monitoring all three versions of weblogic (10.x, 11g, 12C), then get the jars from latest version of WebLogic (Version 12c).
* SSL option is enabled in the UI only for version 9 and above.
The ports that need to be opened when the Weblogic Monitor is behind the firewall: Two-way communication between WebLogic listening port (default : 7001) and Applications Manager web server port (default : 9090).
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dbea.home="C:\WebLogic\WL7.0" -Dweblogic.disableMBeanAuthorization=true -Dweblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookupEnabled=true -Dweblogic.management.username=%WLS_USER% -Dweblogic.management.password=%WLS_PW% -Dweblogic.management.server=%ADMIN_URL% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%STARTMODE% -Djava.security.policy="%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server
goto finish
@echo on
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dbea.home="C:\WebLogic\WL7.0" -Dweblogic.disableMBeanAuthorization=true -Dweblogic.management.anonymousAdminLookupEnabled=true -Dweblogic.management.username=%WLS_USER% -Dweblogic.management.password=%WLS_PW% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%STARTMODE% -Djava.security.policy="%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server
For base deployment:
You have to modify the Performance Monitor Interface (PMI) Specification Level from "None" to "Standard". Then deploy the perfServletApp.ear file, which uses the PMI infrastructure to retrieve the performance information from WebSphere Application Server, in the WebSphere. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
For Network deployment:
You have to modify the PMI Specification Level from "None"to "Standard" in all the WebSphere Servers in Network Deployment. Then deploy theperfServletApp.ear file, which uses the PMI infrastructure to retrieve the performance information from WebSphere Application Server, in any one of the WebSphere Servers in the Network Deployment. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
Note: Steps to check whether WebSphere monitor has been correctly set
To modify PMI specification level:
Make sure that a WebSphere Admin User is added to the monitor group of the perfservletApp, if global security is enabled in Websphere. To do so, go to WebSphere Admin console → Applications → Installed Applications → Choose perfservletapp → Security role to user group mapping → Choose Monitor Role → Associate the admin user → Save directly to the master configuration.
To check the perf servlet output, open the following url from your browser:
http://localhost:<PORT>/wasPerfTool/servlet/perfservlet?connector=SOAP&port=8880 <PORT> - 9080 (Default)
Steps to Check whether Websphere monitor has been correctly set
For Base Deployment:
To ensure whether the PMI & perfServletApp are configured properly in WebSphere, invoke the below URL & check whether the data is returned in XML format.
For Network Deployment:
To ensure whether the PMI & perfServletApp are configured properly in WebSphere, invoke the below URL & check whether the data is returned in XML format.
Note: Also check whether WebSphere admin user is added to the monitor group of the perfservletApp.
How to locate SOAP Port?
1. Login to Admin console
2. Expand the server link on left side tree. Click on Application Servers
3. In Base mode, various WebSpheres will be listed down. Click on the WebSphere's name- > Under Additional Properties, click on End Points link -> click on SOAP connector address. You can get the SOAP port from there.
4. In Network Deployment mode, Click DMGR - > Under Additional Properties, click on End Points link -> click on SOAP connector address - You can get the SOAP port from there.
How to find the HTTP Transport port?
1. Login to Admin console
2. Expand the Server link on left side tree, Click on Application Servers
3. Various WebSpheres will be listed down. Click on the WebSphere's name- > Under Additional Properties, click on Web Container link -> click on HTTP Transports link. You can get the HTTP port from there.
For Base mode:
For Network deployment mode:
To enable Global security:
JMX MBeans are used to monitor Resin Application server's activity. To enable JMX, open Resin.XML and add the below JVM arguments or start Resin.exe with the below JVM arguments
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false
Replace 1099 with the actual port number of the JMX agent
JMX MBeans are used to monitor Jetty server's performance. To enable JMX,
To monitor Apache Geronimo Server, add the following java runtime options to the startup file of your application:
Replace 1999 with the any free port available.
You can find the startup file here : <Geronimo-Installation-Directory>/bin
To monitor Microsoft .NET Framework, the user must have Administrator privileges. To monitor the Microsoft .NET framework, follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
Note: If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
For monitoring Cassandra database server, the given prerequisites should be followed:
To perform effective monitoring of DamengDB in Applications Manager, the monitor user must be granted the Data Viewer privilege. Refer here to know more about how to grant this privilege to the newly created user.
A DB2 user with SYSMON instance level authority is required for monitoring DB2 server.
To monitor 'Long Running Queries', the user must have the following authorization:
To monitor 'Session details', the user must have any one of the following authorizations:
Granting a privilege to user:
Login to DB2 command line processor and execute below statement:
GRANT <authority> ON DATABASE TO USER <user-name>
where, <authority> can be any one of the following: CONNECT, LOAD
To learn how to grant a privilege to a user, refer here.
JDBC Driver:
To monitor IBM Informix DB, make sure that the ifxjdbc.jar file is present in the location:<ProductHome>\working\classes directory. The jar file can be copied from the IBM Informix installation location, <IBM Informix Home>\jdbc\lib\jar. Restart Applications Manager after copying the file.
User Privileges:
To add an Informix DB monitor, a user requires Connect database-level privileges and he should be able to access sysmaster database.
If Kingbase database is installed in remote server, it should allow connections from Applications Manager installed server. For this follow the steps given below:
User privileges required: Applications Manager uses Kingbase database's subsystem statistics collector & some built-in views such as pg_class, pg_database, pg_indexes, pg_locks, pg_namespace, pg_proc, pg_replication_slots, sys_stat_statements, pg_tables, pg_trigger, pg_user to monitor Kingbase database server activity. The user provided for monitoring should have at least read-only access to statistics collector and above mentioned views.
For Kingbase version below 10,
For Kingbase version above 10,
Extensions to be enabled in Kingbase Database server:
For monitoring a Microsoft SQL database server, the SQL user account used for monitoring should have access to MASTER, MSDB and DISTRIBUTION databases. Users should have the following roles:
sysadmin server role : Go to SQL Server Management Studio → Go to Logins → Choose the respective user and open properties → Go to 'Server roles' and select sysadmin role → Save the option and proceed with adding the SQL monitor in Applications Manager.
1. Provide VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server to the respective SQL user. To grant VIEW SERVER STATE, you can use any of the following methods :
(i) Execute the following query:
(ii) In SQL Management Studio for user Choose Properties → Securables → Click Add ( under Securables ) → Choose 'All objects of the Types...' → Choose Servers → Choose Grant for 'View server state' permission.
2. To monitor Database metrics, we need to provide either one of the following permissions.
3. Provide the following DB roles:
4. To monitor AlwaysOn Availability Groups in Applications Manager, the admin must provide view any definition permission on the server to the respective SQL user. To do so, you can use any of the following methods:
(i) Execute the following query:
(ii) In SQL Management Studio, for user, choose Properties → Securables → click Add ( under Securables ) → choose 'All objects of the Types...' → Choose Servers → Choose Grant for 'view any definition' permission.
5. To monitor Cluster details, use the username and password of the Cluster Domain Administrator. The account should have permission to execute WMI queries on the root/mscluster namespace on cluster server nodes. Enable Firewall access for monitoring. The following are the ports required for monitoring:
Supported Versions: MongoDB 6.0 and older versions. We support mongod services and mongos services
If the MongoDB instance is authenticated, the User should have 'clusterMonitor' role to fetch performance metrics of MongoDB.
The password entered in Applications Manager DOES NOT need to be 'percent encoded' like a typical MongoDB connection string. Refer to know more.
Note: MongoDB versions 3.4 & above are not supported in 32-bit Windows and Linux OS.
Supported Versions: MySQL version 5.0.15 and above, MariaDB 10.4 and above.
Customers using Applications Manager version 170400 and above have MariaDB Connector/J JDBC Driver for MySQL and MariaDB monitoring by default.
For customers using versions below 170400 or who wish to utilize the MySQL Connector/J JDBC Driver for MySQL monitoring, the following prerequisites apply:
To set up a MySQL/MariaDB monitor in Applications Manager successfully, ensure that the following preconditions are met:
To enable these privileges, execute the following queries in the remote MySQL Server:
CREATE USER '<user>'@'<host>' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
CREATE USER '<user>'@'<host>' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '<password>';
CREATE USER <user>@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
INSERT INTO user (Host,User) VALUES('<host>','<user>');
For more information, please refer to the MySQL documentation.
Prerequisites for MySQL SSL server monitoring:
ALTER USER '<user>'@'<host>' REQUIRE <tls_option>;
Note: Possible <tls_option> values include (SSL | X509 | CIPHER 'cipher' | ISSUER 'issuer' | SUBJECT 'subject')
For MariaDB:
To monitor replication and database details, the monitoring user should have privileges to the REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT, SELECT, and SHOW DATABASES commands. Permissions can be granted by executing the following command:
Prerequisites for Neo4j versions 4 and 5:
A user with CONNECT and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE roles are required for Oracle monitoring in Applications Manager. Configure a user with these permissions and use the credentials in Applications Manager
Login as SYS user and run the following queries:
Login as SYS user and run the following queries:
To monitor Oracle DB in Oracle RAC cluster, a user with CONNECT and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE roles are required. Configure a user with these permissions and use the credentials in Applications Manager
To monitor Oracle Pluggable Databases (PDBs) in Oracle RAC cluster, SYS or SYSTEM or COMMON user with CONNECT and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE roles are required. If COMMON user is chosen for monitoring, then the below privilege has to be provided by connecting to the CDB container with SYS user:
If PostgreSQL is in remote server, it should allow connections from Applications Manager server. For this follow the steps given below:
listen_addresses = '*'
Click here for more details on configuring postgresql.conf file.
host all all md5
host all all ::0/0 md5
Click here for more details on configuring pg_hba.conf file.
Applications Manager uses PostgreSQL's subsystem statistics collector & some built-in views such as pg_class, pg_database, pg_indexes, pg_locks, pg_namespace, pg_proc, pg_replication_slots, pg_stat_statements, pg_tables, pg_trigger, pg_user to monitor PostgreSQL server activity. The user provided for monitoring should have at least read-only access to statistics collector and above mentioned views.
GRANT SELECT ON pg_stat_database TO <user-name>
ALTER USER <user-name> WITH Replication;
ALTER USER <user-name> WITH Superuser;
To monitor all the metrics, execute the following query:
Extensions to be enabled in PostgreSQL server:
To monitor top queries by CPU, include the below lines in postgresql.conf file:
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
pg_stat_statements.track = all
Then execute the below query in PostgreSQL:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
After implementing the above steps, restart the PostgreSQL server.
Note: After implementing the above steps, a restart of the PostgreSQL server is required for the changes to take effect.
Supported Versions: Redis version 2.4 to 7.0.
To monitor a Redis server, the user must have permission to execute the INFO and PING commands. These permissions can be granted by executing the following commands:
Supported Versions: Applications Manager supports monitoring of Sybase ASE 12.5.3 and above.
To monitor a Sybase ASE database monitor, the minimum privileges required by the user are as follows:
To provide the privileges mentioned above, use the following commands in the Sybase ASE database:
The following are the prerequisites to be implemented to monitor SAP MaxDB in Applications Manager:
Applications Manager supports the monitoring of SQL Anywhere from version 17. We use system procedures for monitoring the SQL Anywhere server.
To monitor SQL Anywhere server, the DB user must have the following privileges:
To know more about system privileges, click here.
List of ports to be opened for communicating with Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure monitor can be added using 3 methods,
1. Create Microsoft Entra (Previously Azure Active Directory) Application:
2. Getting Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret (Application Key):
3. Assign a role to the application:
To know more about assigning a role to the application, refer here.
4. Provide the Tenant ID, Client ID and Application Key (Client Secret) in the Azure new monitor page of Applications Manager.
Follow the steps 1, 2 and 3 mentioned in AD Application & Service Principal.
4. Grant App Registration Permissions
Note: Azure China accounts are supported from Applications Manager v173000.
Note: Remaining fields should remain as default.
1. Installing the Powershell module on Applications Manager server:
For Applications Manager versions 15170 onwards, you must install the Az Powershell module.
To install the Az Powershell module, follow the below steps:
Open Powershell prompt with Administrator privileges. Run the following commands:
# Install the Az module from the PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 6.2.1
To check if the modules are installed successfully:
Open Powershell prompt with Administrator privileges. Run the following command,
If this opens a pop-up asking for Azure credentials, this means the required modules are installed successfully.
For Applications Manager versions till 15160, you must install the AzureRM Powershell module.
To install the AzureRM Powershell module, follow the below steps:
Open Powershell prompt with Administrator privileges. Run the following commands:
# Install the Azure Resource Manager modules from the PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module AzureRM
In case if you get the following error upon executing the above command, then install the downloader from http://aka.ms/webpi-azps
To check if the modules are installed successfully:
Open Powershell prompt with Administrator privileges. Run the following command,
If this opens a pop-up asking for Azure credentials, this means the required modules are installed successfully.
2. Get Subscription ID
3. Create an Organizational account using Microsoft Azure administrator permissions
4. Assign the Global administrator role to your organizational account
The Global administrator role will be assigned to the required user.
After performing all the above steps,
Provide this Subscription ID, Email ID, and Password to respective fields in the New monitor page while using the mode ‘Azure Organizational Account (PowerShell) of Applications Manager.
Users can choose their preferred mode of data collection by performing the following prerequisites:
Follow the steps given below to configure the Azure Monitor Agent in Windows and Linux VMs:
Steps to enable Azure Monitor Agent in the Azure Portal:
Windows Metrics Table
Metric Name in Azure Portal | Metric Name in Applications Manager |
\Processor Information(_Total)\% Privileged Time | Privileged Time |
\Processor Information(_Total)\% User Time | User Time |
\Processor Information(_Total)\Processor Frequency | Processor Frequency |
\Memory\Committed Bytes | Committed Bytes |
\Memory\Available Bytes | Available Bytes |
\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use | Committed Bytes In Use |
\Memory\Pool Paged Bytes | Pool Paged Bytes |
\Memory\Pool Nonpaged Bytes | Pool Nonpaged Bytes |
\Memory\Page Faults/sec | Page Faults/sec |
\Process(_Total)\Thread Count | Thread Count |
\System\Context Switches/sec | Context switches/sec |
\System\Processes | Process Count |
\Process(_Total)\Handle Count | Handle Count |
Linux Metrics Table
Metric Name in Data Collection Rule | Metric Name in Azure Monitor Metrics | Metric Name in Applications Manager |
Processor(*)\% IO Wait Time | cpu/usage_iowait | IO Wait Time (%) |
Processor(*)\% Idle Time | cpu/usage_idle | Idle Time (%) |
Processor(*)\% Processor Time | cpu/usage_active | Processor Time(Linux) (%) |
Memory(*)\% Used Memory | mem/used_percent | Memory Utilization |
Memory(*)\Available MBytes Memory | mem/available | Available Memory |
Memory(*)\Used Memory MBytes | mem/used | Used Memory |
Memory(*)\% Available Memory | mem/available_percent | Available Memory % |
Memory(*)\% Used Swap Space | swap/used_percent | Used Swap Memory % |
Note: The Memory Utilization metric for Linux is supported from Applications Manager v171900.
Steps to enable Azure Monitor Agent in Applications Manager:
Follow the steps given below to enable the Diagnostics Agent for Windows and Linux VMs:
Note: Applications Manager can collect diagnostic metrics from Storage accounts in both public and private links, as long as the storage account is accessible from the machine where Applications Manager is installed. For additional information, please refer to this link.
Steps to Enable Diagnostics Agent for Windows VMs:
Metric Name in Azure Portal | Metric Name in Applications Manager |
\\Processor Information(_Total)\\% User Time | User Time |
\\Processor Information(_Total)\\% Privileged Time | Privileged Time |
\\Processor Information(_Total)\\Processor Frequency | Processor Frequency |
\\System\\Processes | Process Count |
\\System\\Context Switches/sec | Context Switches/sec |
\\Process(_Total)\\Thread Count | Thread Count |
\\Process(_Total)\\Handle Count | Handle Count |
\\Memory\\Committed Bytes | Committed Bytes |
\\Memory\\Available Bytes | Available Bytes |
\\Memory\\% Committed Bytes In Use | Committed Bytes In Use |
\\Memory\\Page Faults/sec | Page Faults/sec |
\\Memory\\Pool Paged Bytes | Pool Paged Bytes |
\\Memory\\Pool Nonpaged Bytes | Pool Nonpaged Bytes |
Steps to Enable Diagnostics Extension for Linux VMs:
Once the diagnostic settings are updated successfully, in the same pane, click 'Metrics' and then click 'Custom' and remove the unwanted metrics. Refer to the below image to view the required metrics and their configuration. Also, set the aggregation intervals to 1 minute (Choose only 'PT1M' and remove other intervals like 'PT1H', 'PT5M', etc.) and finally click 'Save' to save the configuration.
Metric Name in Azure Portal | Metric Name in Applications Manager |
/builtin/disk/averagereadtime | Average Read Time |
/builtin/disk/averagewritetime | Average Write Time |
/builtin/memory/availablememory | Available Memory (MB) |
/builtin/memory/percentusedswap | Used Swap memory (%) |
/builtin/memory/usedmemory | Used Memory (MB) |
/builtin/memory/percentavailablememory | Available Memory (%) |
/builtin/processor/percentidletime | Idle Time |
/builtin/processor/percentiowaittime | IO Wait Time |
/builtin/processor/percentprocessortime | Processor Time(Linux) |
To check whether the diagnostic agent is working properly by storing the diagnostic metrics in the configured Storage Account:
Steps to enable Diagnostic Agent in Applications Manager from v171400
Note: In case if you change the resource group of any Virtual machine in Azure portal, then provide the updated details (Virtual Machine ResourceID and Resource Group Name) in the Edit monitor page of that Virtual machine in Applications Manager for data collection to happen.
Following are the metrics monitored when Guest OS monitoring is enabled:
To enable Guest OS monitoring, go to Edit monitor page of Azure Virtual Machine monitor, click 'Enable Guest OS Monitoring' and provide the username and password of the VM. Enable the 'Use Public IP' option to use public IP to connect to Azure VM via internet and fetch Guest OS metrics. By default, this option will be unchecked and private IP will be used. However, this works only when Applications Manager installed machine and Azure Virtual Machine reside in the same network.
1. Perform the below steps in Azure Portal.
Enable-AzVMPSRemoting -Name 'vm-hostname' -ResourceGroupName 'vm-resourcegroupname' -Protocol https -OsType Windows
Where you need to replace 'vm-hostname' and 'vm-resourcegroupname' with the Name and Resource group name of the VM for which the Guest OS metrics need to be monitored.
This enables PowerShell remoting for the respective VM with HTTPS protocol. To know more, click here.
Note: This command opens port 5986 on the virtual machine's firewall, allowing anyone to connect. To limit access, you can edit the firewall rule and specify the IP address of the allowed source (such as the Applications Manager machine).
2. Run Applications Manager with administrator privilege.
3. Perform the below steps in Applications Manager Server to enable Powershell Remoting (To collect metrics by remoting into Azure VMs).
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
If the above cmdlet produces an Error as below, you can configure Powershell Script Execution via Group Policy Editor:
#To configure Windows PowerShell for remoting, type the following command:
Enable-PSRemoting -force
#To configure the TrustedHosts setting to ensure that appmanager can trust the connections from other servers :
Set-Item wsman:\localhost\client\trustedhosts *
#To increase the maximum number of concurrent shells that a user can remotely open:
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Shell\MaxShellsPerUser -value 25 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
#To set idle timeout value for sessions : Determines how long the session stays open if the remote computer does not receive any communication from the local computer, including the heartbeat signal. When the interval expires, the session closes:
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Shell\IdleTimeout -value 60000 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
#Restart the WinRM service for changes to take effect:
Restart-Service WinRM
Configure Powershell Script Execution via Group Policy Editor
Here are the prerequisites to monitor Database Query Statistics in the Azure SQL Database monitor:
User Privileges:
To monitor Azure SQL Database Query Statistics, the SQL user account used for monitoring should have either Admin permissions or VIEW SERVER STATE permission. Additionally, the user must be granted permission for both the master database and the Azure SQL database. To create a user and provide access to both databases, follow the steps below:
CREATE LOGIN <login_name> WITH PASSWORD = '<password>';
CREATE USER <user_name> FOR LOGIN <login_name> WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = dbo;
ALTER SERVER ROLE ##MS_ServerStateReader##
ADD MEMBER <user_name>;
Firewall rule configuration in portal:
Allowing outgoing access on port 1433:
Install the Azure CLI on an Applications Manager-installed machine (Windows or Linux) to configure the cluster with kubectl for monitoring. Learn more.
kubectl version --client
If the version is incompatible, then install the compatible version.az aks install-cli --client-version [client-version]
The above command is bundled with both kubectl.exe and kubelogin.exe. Here, [client-version] refers to the compatible client-version to be installed. To find the [client-version], go to Azure portal -> AKS Cluster -> Overview -> Cluster Configuration -> Kubernetes Version.Note: Choose the supported kubectl version for your AKS cluster by using a minor version that is either an older or newer kubectl relative to your cluster's Kubernetes version (kube-apiserver), consistent with the Kubernetes support policy for kubectl. The Kubernetes version of the cluster can be found in the Azure portal itself.
Note:* indicates that the step is mandatory.
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -RequiredVersion 16.0.21116.12000
Install-Module -Name MSOnline
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -RequiredVersion 16.0.21116.12000
Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 2.3.1
Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 2.3.1 -AllowClobber
Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -RequiredVersion "1.1.9-preview"
* You need to have the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher version installed and Windows Management Framework 5.1 installed. For more information, see Installing the .NET Framework and download the latest version of Windows Management Framework.
To check the PowerShell version installed, open up a PowerShell prompt and execute the below command:
Check for the PSVersion attribute from the output to find out the version.
>Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Import-Module Microsoft.Online.Sharepoint.PowerShell
Connect-SPOService -Url https://<tenant>-admin.sharepoint.com
Set-SPOTenant -LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled $True
In Applications Manager, we require AWS Access keys [Access key & Secret Access key] to authenticate and retrieve key performance metrics from AWS portal.
Note: In addition to secret keys, we also require 'List' and 'Read' action type Amazon APIs permissions. Furthermore, we require 'Write' action type APIs permissions for Amazon EC2 actions [Start, Stop, Reboot] actions alone.
To create AWS access keys, login to the AWS console as root/IAM user and in the navigation bar on the upper right, choose your account name or number and then choose Security Credentials. To generate the access key, click on Create Access Key under Access Keys section. You can either copy the key or download it as a .csv file.
By default, AWS users with administrator privileges have access to all the AWS Services APIs. If the user wishes to grant admin access privileges, he can provide the admin user access keys to configure AWS monitor. If the user however, wishes to provide limited permissions access keys, then he needs to create a separate policy with the required APIs and attach this policy to an IAM user. This can be done directly or can be attached to the 'Group' in which the IAM user is associated.
Policy content in JSON Format:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "eks:DescribeFargateProfile", "ec2:DescribeInstances", "cloudwatch:GetMetricData", "dynamodb:ListTables", "ec2:DescribeRegions", "sns:ListTopics", "ce:GetCostAndUsage", "s3:ListBucket", "ecs:ListServices", "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironmentResources", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers", "eks:DescribeNodegroup", "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironments", "ec2:StartInstances", "dynamodb:DescribeTable", "ecs:ListTasks", "autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups", "ec2:DescribeVolumes", "rds:DescribeDBInstances", "ecs:DescribeServices", "ecs:DescribeContainerInstances", "ecs:DescribeTasks", "dynamodb:DescribeLimits", "ecs:ListClusters", "ec2:RebootInstances", "sqs:ListQueues", "eks:ListNodegroups", "sns:ListSubscriptionsByTopic", "lambda:ListFunctions", "lambda:GetFunction", "sqs:GetQueueAttributes", "dynamodb:DescribeStream", "cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics", "ec2:StopInstances", "ecs:DescribeClusters", "ce:GetCostForecast", "eks:ListFargateProfiles", "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEvents", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups", "eks:DescribeCluster", "ecs:ListContainerInstances", "eks:ListClusters", "sts:GetCallerIdentity", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "rds:DescribeDBClusters", "ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute", "cloudwatch:ListMetrics", "ec2:GetConsoleOutput", "cloudformation:ListStackResources", "cloudfront:GetDistribution", "cloudfront:ListDistributions", "cloudfront:ListInvalidations", "elasticfilesystem:DescribeFileSystems", "elasticfilesystem:DescribeMountTargets", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes", "directconnect:DescribeConnections", "ecr:DescribeRepositories", "ecr:DescribeImages", "ec2:DescribeNatGateways", "fsx:DescribeFileCaches", "route53:ListHealthChecks", "route53:GetHealthCheck", "route53:GetHealthCheckStatus", "route53:GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason", "transfer:DescribeServer", "transfer:ListServers", "transfer:ListUsers", "wafv2:ListWebACLs", "wafv2:GetWebACL", "cloudhsm:DescribeClusters", "kms:ListKeys", "kms:DescribeKey", "kms:GetKeyRotationStatus", "kms:ListAliases", "kms:ListGrants", "kms:DescribeCustomKeyStores", "secretsmanager:ListSecrets", "secretsmanager:DescribeSecret", "storagegateway:ListGateways", "storagegateway:DescribeGatewayInformation", "storagegateway:ListFileShares", "storagegateway:DescribeSMBFileShares", "storagegateway:DescribeNFSFileShares", "storagegateway:ListVolumes", "storagegateway:DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes", "storagegateway:DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes", "dms:DescribeReplicationInstances", "dms:DescribeReplicationTasks", "dms:DescribeEvents", "dms:DescribeEndpoints", "mq:ListBrokers", "mq:DescribeBroker", "mq:ListConfigurations", "mq:DescribeConfiguration" ], "Resource": "*" },{"Sid": "VisualEditor1","Effect": "Allow","Action": "apigateway:GET","Resource": [ "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*", "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis"]},{"Sid": "VisualEditor2","Effect": "Allow","Action": "apigateway:GET","Resource": [ "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/apis/*","arn:aws:apigateway:*::/apis"]}]}
Finally, use the access keys created in the above steps to add the AWS monitor in Applications Manager.
Category | APM Monitor Name | Service Name in AWS Portal | List of APIs |
Billing | Billing statistics | Cost Explorer Service | GetCostAndUsage, GetCostForecast |
Compute |
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) | EC2 | DescribeVolumes, DescribeInstances, DescribeRegions, DescribeInstanceAttribute |
EC2 Actions (System log, start, stop & reboot instances) | EC2 | GetConsoleOutput, StartInstances , StopInstances, RebootInstances | |
Elastic Beanstalk | EC2 Auto Scaling | DescribeAutoScalingGroups, ListStackResources | |
Elastic Beanstalk | Elastic Beanstalk | DescribeEnvironments, DescribeEnvironmentResources, DescribeEvents | |
ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) | ELB v2 | DescribeLoadBalancers, DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes, DescribeTargetGroups, DescribeTargetHealth | |
Lambda | Lambda | ListFunctions, GetFunction | |
Containers |
ECS (Elastic Container Service) |
Elastic Container Service | DescribeClusters, DescribeContainerInstances, DescribeServices, DescribeTasks, ListClusters, ListContainerInstances, ListServices, ListTasks |
EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) | EKS | ListFargateProfiles, DescribeNodegroup, ListNodegroups, DescribeFargateProfile, DescribeCluster, ListClusters | |
Elastic Container Registry | ECR | ecr:DescribeRepositories, ecr:DescribeImages | |
Database |
DynamoDB | DynamoDB | ListTables, DescribeTable, DescribeLimits, DescribeStream |
RDS (Relational Database Service) | RDS | DescribeDBInstances, DescribeDBClusters | |
Integration |
ActiveMQ | Amazon MQ | ListBrokers, DescribeBroker, ListConfigurations, DescribeConfiguration |
RabbitMQ | Amazon MQ | ListBrokers, DescribeBroker, ListConfigurations, DescribeConfiguration | |
SQS (Simple Queue Service) | SQS | ListQueues, GetQueueAttributes | |
SNS (Simple Notification Service) | SNS | ListTopics, ListSubscriptionsByTopic | |
Monitoring | To collect performance metrics from CloudWatch | CloudWatch | GetMetricData, GetMetricStatistics, ListMetrics |
Migration and Transfer |
File Transfer Family | AWS Transfer Family | ListServers, DescribeServer, ListUsers |
DMS Replication Instance | AWS Database Migration Service | DescribeReplicationInstances, DescribeReplicationTasks, DescribeEvents, DescribeEndpoints | |
DMS Replication Task | AWS Database Migration Service | DescribeReplicationInstances, DescribeReplicationTasks, DescribeEvents, DescribeEndpoints | |
Networking |
Cloudfront | CloudFront | ListDistributions, GetDistribution, ListInvalidations |
API Gateway | API Gateway | /restapis, /restapis/*, /apis, /apis/* | |
NAT Gateways | EC2 | ec2:DescribeNatGateways | |
Direct Connect | Direct Connect | directconnect:DescribeConnections | |
Route 53 (Health Checks) |
Route 53 | route53:ListHealthChecks, route53:GetHealthCheck, route53:GetHealthCheckStatus, route53:GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason | |
Security |
AWS monitor authentication/addition | STS (Security Token Service) | GetCallerIdentity |
CloudHSM | AWS CloudHSM | DescribeClusters | |
Key Management Service | AWS Key Management Service | ListKeys, DescribeKey, ListGrants, ListAliases, DescribeCustomKeyStores, GetKeyRotationStatus | |
Secrets Manager | AWS Secrets Manager | ListSecrets, DescribeSecre | |
Web Application Firewall | AWS WAF | ListWebACLs, GetWebACL | |
Storage |
S3 (Simple Storage Service) | S3 | ListAllMyBuckets, ListBucket, GetBucketLocation |
EFS (Elastic File System) | EFS | DescribeMountTargets, DescribeFileSystems | |
FSx (File Cache) | FSx | fsx:DescribeFileCaches | |
Storage Gateway | AWS Storage Gateway | storagegateway:ListGateways, storagegateway:DescribeGatewayInformation | |
Storage Gateway File Share | AWS Storage Gateway | storagegateway:ListFileShares, storagegateway:DescribeSMBFileShares, storagegateway:DescribeNFSFileShares | |
Storage Gateway Volume | AWS Storage Gateway | storagegateway:ListVolumes, storagegateway:DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes, storagegateway:DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes |
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
To collect operating system-level metrics like Memory and Disk, you must deploy the Cloud-Watch Agent inside EC2 instance. The agent will send your data to Cloud-Watch from where Applications Manager fetches and displays it in the console. Click here to know more about how you can collect metrics from Amazon ec2 instances and on-premises servers with the Cloud-Watch Agent.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API calls GetMetricStatistics and ListMetrics are used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from Cloudwatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricStatistics is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API calls GetMetricData and ListMetrics are used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API calls GetMetricData and ListMetrics are used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricStatistics is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
Note: Enable the Measure Latency option to monitor latency-related metrics when creating a Route 53 Health Check.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from Cloudwatch.
aws ecs update-cluster-settings --cluster <ClusterName> --settings name=containerInsights,value=disabled
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name CWAgentECS-<CLUSTERNAME>-<REGION> --template-body file://<FILENAME>.json --parameters ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue=<CLUSTERNAME> ParameterKey=CreateIAMRoles,ParameterValue=True --capabilities <CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM> --region <REGION>
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
AWS account users are required to use their AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key to add an AWS monitor in Applications Manager. By default, AWS users have administrator privileges and can access AWS Service APIs. However, if your AWS user account has limited permission, here is the list of APIs used to collect metrics from the respective AWS services and performance metrics from CloudWatch:
The common API call GetMetricData is used for all the metrics that we collect from CloudWatch.
To obtain data into Applications Manager, the user must have appropriate policies/permissions assigned by the administrator. To do so, follow the steps given below:
ALLOW GROUP <Your Group Name> to use all-resources IN TENANCY
ALLOW GROUP AppManager to use all-resources IN TENANCY
Make sure that you are in the 'root' compartment while creating the above policy.
Details to be specified while adding the OCI monitor
To monitor the services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you need to specify the RSA key pair in PEM format, fingerprint of the public key, tenancy OCID, user OCID and subscribed region while adding the Oracle Cloud monitor in Applications Manager. Browse through the following links to obtain the required details for adding the Oracle Cloud monitor:
To obtain data for TableSpace, Sessions, Processes and Jobs in Applications Manager, you must configure the Oracle Wallet credentials in the Oracle Autonomous DB monitor. To do so, follow the steps given below:
Note: In OpenStack, as per policy defaults, only users with the administrative role can perform all the operations.
Each service in OpenStack has its own role-based access policies to determine which user can access the objects.
These details are defined in the respective service's policy.json / policy.yaml file.
Configuring policies for a user allows you to access the required APIs that will be used by Applications Manager to collect data.
Set aside the values of the following fields to add an Openstack monitor in Applications Manager:
Applications Manager uses the Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) to monitor performance and availability of Oracle E-Business Suite. You can access performance metrics using servlets from the following URLs for different versions of EBS from Applications Managers:
For Oracle E-Business Suite Version R11i, the DMS Servlet has to be made accessible to the system where Applications Manager is running. For Versions R12.0 and R12.2.0, the DMS Servlet should be accessible by default. It is recommended that you test to ensure that the Servlet is accessible to the Applications Manager system. [The instructions given below are referred from the Oracle website.]
For Oracle E-Business Suite R11i:
By default, the dms0/AggreSpy URL is protected, allowing only the localhost ( to access the AggreSpy Servlet. To view metrics from a system other than the localhost, you need to change the DMS configuration for the system running the Oracle EBS that you want to monitor by modifying the trusted.conf file. This can be done as follows:
For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.0:
Ensure that you are able to access the URL http://<host>:<port>/dms0/Spy (Hostname = Hostname with domain name, Port number = OAS listening port) from the Applications Manager system.
For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1.3:
Applications Manager uses Oracle JDBC connection to monitor it.For monitoring Oracle EBS v12.1.3, the following user privileges will be required:
For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.0, R12.2.5 and above:
Ensure that you are able to access the URL http://<host>:<port>/dms/Spy (Hostname = Hostname with domain name, Port number = Weblogic Admin Server listening port) from the Applications Manager system. Users must enter the credentials of their Weblogic Admin server in their Oracle E-Business Suite to access the URL.
Caution: Modifying trusted.conf has security implications. Modify this file only if you understand the security implications for your site. By exposing metrics to systems other than the localhost, you allow other sites to potentially view critical Oracle EBS Server internal status and runtime information.
Note: The user name provided while adding SAP monitor should have sufficient privileges to access CCMS and Background job metrics. To check this, the user can execute RZ20 transaction in the SAP GUI and see if the CCMS monitor sets can be displayed.
For Windows:
Note: Do not copy the sapjco3.dll file neither into the {windows-dir}/system32 nor into the {windows-dir}/SysWOW64 directory. This will break the operability of other JCo versions that are already installed on the same system. Furthermore you would risk that the current installation also would not work anymore, if the sapjco3.dll gets replaced in the respective Windows system directory in the future.
For Linux:
For Windows:
Note: Do not copy the sapjco3.dll file neither into the {windows-dir}/system32 nor into the {windows-dir}/SysWOW64 directory. This will break the operability of other JCo versions that are already installed on the same system. Furthermore you would risk that the current installation also would not work anymore, if the sapjco3.dll gets replaced in the respective Windows system directory in the future.
For Linux:
To monitor a Microsoft Dynamics CRM / 365 application, the user must have Administrator privileges with permission to execute WMI queries on 'root\CIMV2' namespace of the Dynamics CRM / 365 Server. To add an Microsoft Dynamics CRM / 365 application, follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
To use Powershell for data collection, make sure proper steps are followed to enable Powershell remoting.
Note: If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
To monitor a Microsoft Dynamics AX application, the user must have Administrator privileges with permission to execute WMI queries on 'root\CIMV2' namespace of the Microsoft Dynamics AX. To add an Microsoft Dynamics AX application, follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
Note: If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
Integration Framework should be launched for SAP Business One and should be accessible from Applications Manager Server. To validate the connectivity, please execute the following API request from the 'Applications Manager' server:
The port value is a number over 50000. For each cluster element the ports begin with 50000+100*instance_number, where instance_number is a two digit number from 00 to 99 specifying the number of central instance and dialog instances.
Applications Manager supports users with both administrator and non-administrator roles for monitoring Windows servers through WMI mode. However, it is recommended to use administrator privilege for Windows server monitoring.
Currently, Windows hardware performance monitoring is supported in SNMP and WMI monitoring mode:
Monitoring Dell hardware status:
Monitoring HP hardware status:
SNMP Mode of monitoring:
Determine if SNMP responds for the OID properly. Below are the correct OID'S for each vendor:
WMI mode of monitoring:
The following conditions must be met before you can proceed troubleshooting WMI nodes:
If using WMI, execute the below cmdlet from Powershell prompt with Administrator privileges:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
This is to allow execution of powershell scripts, which handle proper process termination during Datacollection
Start port: 49152
End port: 65535
Start port: 1025
End port: 5000
High port range: 49152 through 65535
Low port range: 1025 through 5000
Prerequisites for monitoring Linux:
sudo visudo
<USERNAME>ALL= NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl
Note: The above steps are unnecessary if the setup has been installed with ROOT user privilege. Ensure that the prerequisites are implemented correctly; otherwise, the setup might not start or stop properly.
The Serial number attribute is supported in SSH/Telnet mode for Linux servers. To retrieve the Serial number, use the following command:
If the dmidecode command is not installed on the Linux server, install it before proceeding. The command requires SUDO permissions. To enable these permissions, complete the following steps in the targeted Linux server:
sudo chmod 444 /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI
sudo chmod 444 /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/smbios_entry_point
Note: In some Linux distributions, these files may not be available. If so, use root user account to retrieve the serial number.
Prerequisites for monitoring Cron jobs:
Prerequisites for monitoring NTP Stats:
sudo visudo
<USERNAME>ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/startsrc, /usr/bin/stopsrc
Note: The above steps are unnecessary if the setup has been installed with ROOT user privilege. Ensure that the prerequisites are implemented correctly; otherwise, the setup might not start or stop properly.
To monitor a Windows Cluster, use the Cluster Domain Administrator username and password, for which the user account should have the permission to execute WMI queries on root\mscluster namespace in cluster server nodes.
Firewall access for monitoring:
Following are the ports required for monitoring via WMI:
To monitor a JMX Applications, the following java runtime options are to be added to your application
Replace 1099 with the actual port number of the agent
Refer Oracle documentation in this regard: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/management/agent.html#remote
Note: Refer to know more about monitoring a JMX Application if your application is behind a firewall. Also please note that the ping/telnet/nslookup should be working for the remote JMX:
telnet hostname port
ping hostname
ping IPAddress
nslookup hostname
nslookup IPAddress
Ceph status command is used to collect performance stats of Ceph Storage Monitor. The user given, should have read privileage to ceph.keyring file. Ensure the ceph.keyring file has appropriate permissions set (e.g., chmod 644) on your client machine.
1. To monitor Hadoop via REST API:
2. To monitor Hadoop via JMX:
Prerequisites for monitoring Apache Zookeeper:
Note: Please refer this link for troubleshooting the JMX Connectivity issues related to Apache Zookeeper Server or any other monitor that comes under the JMX Mode of monitoring.
To monitor a JDK1.5 JVM and above, add the following JVM arguments to your application:
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<IP Address>
To monitor IBM JDK1.5 JVM and above, add the following JVM arguments to your application:
-Djavax.management.builder.initial= -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<IP Address>
Note: Port number '1099' can be replaced with the actual port number of the JMX agent.
keytool -import -alias <certificat_aliasname> -file <target Application server Certificate> -keystore "<Applications Manager Home>\working\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -noprompt
keytool -import -alias jmxcert -file "E:\APMBuilds\certificates\ssloverjmx.cer" -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\AppManager14\working\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -noprompt
In the Tomcat Environment:
Make sure the catalina-jmx-remote.jar file is present in the $TOMCAT_HOME/lib location. This jar file can be downloaded for your version of Tomcat from the Apache website from the extras section (sample link: http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.55/bin/extras/catalina-jmx-remote.jar).
Enable JMX in WebLogic
Prerequisites for monitoring Active Directory metrics
To monitor an Active Directory Service, the user must have "Administrator" privileges. To add an Active Directory Service, follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
Note: It is also possible for a non-admin user to monitor Active Directory, except that some of the data may not be available for monitoring. If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
Using CredSSP Authentication for Active Directory monitoring
To monitor Network Policy Server (Radius Server), the user must have "Administrator" privileges. To add an Network Policy Server (Radius Server), follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
Note: If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
Following are the list of LDAP-specific fields that need to be entered while adding the LDAP monitor:
Note: Username and password are needed only if the authentication is enabled.
The Apache Spark host and port should be accessible from the machine where Applications Manager server is running. Make sure that the required credentials are provided while adding the monitor.
Monitoring of Exchange Server is possible only if Applications Manager is running in a Windows System. Exchange Monitoring supports two Modes of Monitoring.
Ports required for monitoring:
Note: It is also possible for a non-admin user to monitor Exchange Server, except that some of the data may not be available for monitoring. If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
User Account Used for Monitoring:
The User Account used to add the monitor should be a member of View-Only Organization Management group. Make sure that the group has the following Roles assigned - Mailbox Search & Monitoring.
For Exchange View-Only Administrators:
This role allows read access only to Exchange organization container and containers with Exchange recipients in AD. They can verify settings, but can not change or add any settings. Only Powershell "Get-<cmdlet>" can be executed.
Adding Users to the View-Only Organization Management group and assigning roles in:
The ConnectionURI is used to establish a connection to a remote computer using the URI address of the related HTTP or HTTPS endpoint.These connections are made over TCP port 80 for HTTP and TCP port 443 for HTTPS. By default,the connection URI is of the form http://<Hostname/IPaddress>/powershell and uses Kerberos authentication.
Note: If you decide to use Basic Authentication, HTTPS should be used as mode of connection for connectionURI. If the connectionURI should be customized it can be done so by clicking the "Customize ConnectionURI" option in new monitor page. To provide a different port for the connectionUri provide it in the following format: <https://<hostname>/Powershell:<portnumber> (or) <http://<hostname>/Powershell:<portnumber>
For Example: http://win-exchange13/Powershell:4444
To monitor IBM Websphere MQ Series, the following jar files must be added to the respective locations:
For IBM Websphere MQ Series version | Jar files to be added | Location in Websphere MQ | Location in Applications Manager |
Version 8 and above |
All the jar files can be found under <Websphere MQ Home Directory>\Java\lib directory. | Copy the jar files to <ProductHome>\working\jre\lib\ext directory. |
Version 7 |
All the jar files can be found under <Websphere MQ Home Directory>\Java\lib directory. | Copy the jar files to <ProductHome>\working\jre\lib\ext directory. |
Version 5.x/6.x |
The jar files can be found under <Websphere MQ Home Directory>\Java\lib directory. |
Copy the jar files to <ProductHome>\working\jre\lib\ext directory. |
Note: The username & password length should be less than or equal to 12.
To monitor Queue statistics, make sure MONQ value is set to MEDIUM or HIGH for all queues. You can check the current MONQ status using
To modify,
where Q1 is the queue.
To monitor Channel statistics, make sure MONCHL value is set to MEDIUM or HIGH for all channels. You can check the current MONCHL status using
To modify,
where QM1.TO.QM2 is the channel name and SDR is its type.
To discover Message Broker, the following jars are required:
Copy the two jar files to <AppManager Installation>\working\jre\lib\ext directory.
Note: Copy these jar files to <JavaHome>\jre\lib\ext directory if external JDK is configured for AppManager. Restart Applications Manager and try adding the monitor.
Note: Copy these jar files to <JavaHome>\jre\lib\ext directory if external JDK is configured for AppManager. Restart Applications Manager and try adding the monitor.
Note: WebLogic Integration Server needs some additional configuration and conditions to be followed for monitoring.
To monitor MS Office SharePoint Server, the user must have Administrator privileges. Browse through the following topics to monitor SharePoint server based on server types:
To monitor SharePoint Standalone Server, WMI access to remote server is required. Follow the below given steps to monitor SharePoint Standalone server through WMI:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
To use Powershell for data collection, make sure proper steps have been followed to enable Powershell remoting.
Note: It is also possible for a non-admin user to monitor SharePoint server, except that some of the data may not be available for monitoring. If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
To monitor SharePoint Farm Server, make sure proper steps have been followed to enable Powershell remoting on both remote server as well as Applications Manager-installed server. Once this is done, perform the following steps on the SharePoint server(s):
Enabling CredSSP Authentication for SharePoint Farm server monitoring
To monitor the SharePoint Farm server, CredSSP authentication should be used. To do so, enable the Use CredSSP Authentication and refer the prerequisites for using CredSSP authentication. Then, perform the following steps on the Applications Manager Server:
If there are any errors related to permissions issue while executing the above commands, resolve the same.
For any issues related to Add-SPShellAdmin, check the following link: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff607596.aspx
Below are the prerequisites for monitoring MSMQ server in Applications Manager:
To monitor Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server, the user must have Administrator privileges. To monitor the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server, follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
To use Powershell for data collection, make sure the proper steps have been followed to enable Powershell remoting.
Note: If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
To monitor a Microsoft BizTalk Server, the user must have Administrator privileges. To monitor the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server, follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
Note: It is also possible for a non-admin user to monitor Microsoft Biztalk server, except that some of the data may not be available for monitoring. If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
To use Powershell for data collection, make sure the proper steps have been followed to enable Powershell remoting.
If the Biztalk Management Database is on a different server from that where Applications Manager is running, the credentials of the Biztalk Server should be delegated for data collection to happen (Delegation is disabled by default). Refer to know more about Enabling CredSSP Authentication.
To monitor a Microsoft Skype for Business Server, the user must have Administrator privileges. To monitor the Microsoft Skype for Business Server, follow the below given steps:
Note: The .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite applies only to Applications Manager versions up to 173100.
Note: If you want to monitor as a non-admin user, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
To add an Azure Service Bus Namespace in Applications Manager, a .pfx file (which contains the cryptographic information of private keys) of the certificate uploaded in Azure Management certificates is required.
In the console, execute the script <APM_HOME>/bin/exportCertificateToAppManager.sh/bat file to export the managed certificate of your account to Applications Manager.
To know more about creating certificates and uploading in Windows Azure portal, click here.
Example: <APM_HOME>/bin/exportCertificateToAppManager.bat [testCertificate.pfx] [password]
Apache ActiveMQ has extensive support for JMX to allow you to monitor and control the behavior of the broker via the JMX MBeans.
You can enable/disable Remote JMX support as follows:
For Windows
set ACTIVEMQ_SUNJMX_START=-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<HOSTNAME>
Replace <HOSTNAME> with hostname/IP of ActiveMQ-installed machine.
For Linux
Add the following lines in apachemq.sh file (located under <ActiveMQHome>/bin/ directory) under invoke_start() function:
ACTIVEMQ_SUNJMX_START="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1099 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<HOSTNAME>"
Replace <HOSTNAME> with hostname/IP of ActiveMQ-installed machine.
Using JMX to monitor Apache Kafka
To enable JMX monitoring, set the JMX_PORT environment variable in the kafka-run-class.sh/kafka-run-class.bat file or use the standard Java system properties. Alternatively, you can set the KAFKA_JMX_OPTS environment variable in the kafka-run-class.sh/kafka-run-class.bat file to enable JMX monitoring in Applications Manager. The default JMX port is 9999.
For more information on configuring JMX, click here.
To monitor RabbitMQ in Applications Manager, the Management plugin has to be enabled in the RabbitMQ server. Kindly execute the following command under <RABBITMQ_HOME>/sbin to enable the Management plugin in the target RabbitMQ server:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
After enabling the Management plugin, check if the following URL is accessible from Applications Manager installed machine:
For more information on the Management plugin, kindly refer to this link.
Supported Versions: VMware Horizon v7.x and above
Prerequisites for adding the Connection Broker monitor in the Applications Manager host:
Since Docker and Docker Container metrics are collected via their REST APIs, it is necessary to enable Docker's REST API to add a Docker Monitor. To enable Docker's remote API on Docker host, follow the steps mentioned in this link.
Supported Versions: ESX 3.5 and above; ESXi 3 and above
Following are the prerequisites for monitoring VMware ESXi servers / vCenter Virtual Infrastructure:
Applications Manager makes use of WMI mode to monitor Hyper-V servers. Following are the prerequisites for monitoring Hyper-V servers:
Note: WinRM mode is only supported in Applications Manager versions 16820 and above.
User must have the permission to execute WMI queries on 'root\CIMV2' namespace of the IIS Server.
For Applications Manager versions till 15110, user must have the permission to access 'root\MicrosoftIISv2' and 'root\WebAdministration' WMI namespaces.
From Applications Manager versions 15120 onwards, user must have permission to access 'root\WebAdministration' WMI namespace alone.
Note: User account with Administrator permissions is mandatory for monitoring Application Pool Statistics.
Troubleshooting: In case you encounter with issues in IIS server monitoring, refer here.
Place the phpstats.php file in the webserver's document root. The phpstats.php can be found in <Applications Manager Home>/working/resourcesdirectory.
Enabling the Server status and the Extended-status will give additional information for the Apache server.
To enable the Server Status, follow the steps given below:
To enable the Extended-status, follow the steps given below:
* You can change the port (9000 by default) to any free port that you wish to use.
* The line number 7 is for setting up basic authentication for this stats url. A user can provide his own username and password.
* We use the following URL to collect metrics: http://[HOSTNAME]:[PORT]/;csv
(Replace [HOSTNAME] and [PORT] with the respective hostname of the HAProxy instance and port which is mentioned in the above configuration).
LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Require all granted
Note: Making the above changes will open the /server-status handler with no restrictions. To restrict access to the Applications Manager, make the following changes to the configuration file:
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Required host <hostname_of_apm_installed_machine>
Required ip <ip_of_apm_installed_machine>
LoadModule status_module "${PRODUCT_HOME}/modules/mod_status.so"
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Require all granted
Note: Making the above changes will open the /server-status handler with no restrictions. To restrict access to the Applications Manager, make the following changes to the configuration file:
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Required host <hostname_of_apm_installed_machine>
Required ip <ip_of_apm_installed_machine>
To Enable the Nginx Server Status, follow the steps given below:
Make sure that the location is defined with the ngx_http_api_module configured for your Nginx Plus server. Learn how to configure the API
RBM requires network connectivity between the End User Monitoring (EUM) agent and the Applications Manager server. This network connectivity can be ensured with the help of the VPN or NAT or by assigning an direct IP Address to the Applications Manager server. In the case where an agent is deployed within the local network and another one in a remote site, a dual NIC or any one of the above means would be required to ensure this connectivity.
For any further support please contact appmanager-support@manageengine.com. You can visit Troubleshooting details.
Following the steps to be done for setting up Webpage Analyzer monitor :
Number of Webpage Analyzer Monitors | OS | Processor | Memory | Hard Disk |
1 to 10 | Windows / Linux | 4 Core / 2.4 GHz and above | 8 GB | 40 GB & above |
11 to 30 | Windows / Linux | 8 Core / 2.4 GHz and above | 16 GB RAM | 75 GB & above |
Number of Webpage Analyzer Monitors | Processor | Hard Disk | AWS recommended instance type | Azure recommended instance size |
1 to 10 | 4 Core / 2.4 GHz and above | 40 GB & above | Type: m4.xlarge vCPU: 4 Memory: 16 GB Processor: 2.4 GHZ |
Size: D4s_v3 vCPU: 4 Memory: 16 GB Processor: 2.4 GHZ |
11 to 30 | 8 Core / 2.4 GHz and above | 75 GB & above | Type: m4.2xlarge vCPU: 8 Memory: 32 GB Processor: 2.4 GHZ |
Size: D8s_v3 vCPU: 8 Memory: 32 GB Processor: 2.4 GHZ |
Following are the components that can be found in the ZIP file of the add-on, which are required for data collection in Webpage Analyzer:
To learn how to set up Real User Monitoring in Applications Manager, refer here.
The WSDL URL and endpoint URL should be accessible from the machine where Applications Manager server is running. Make sure that the required credentials are provided for reading the WSDL and endpoint URL response while adding the monitor.
The URL should be accessible from the machine where Applications Manager server is running. Make sure that the required credentials are provided for reading the URL response while adding the monitor.
The URL should be accessible from the machine where Applications Manager server is running. Make sure that the required credentials are provided for reading the URL response while adding the monitor.
The API should be accessible from the machine where Applications Manager server is running. Make sure that the required credentials are provided for reading the API response while adding the monitor.
Mode of Monitoring: Remote JMX
Security/Firewall Requirements:
User Privilege: To monitor PostgreSQL DB of ADManager Plus, the user provided for monitoring should have at least read-only access to statistics collector.
1. Add below entries in wrapper.conf (D:\ManageEngine Products\ADManager Plus\conf\wrapper.conf) or run.bat (D:\ManageEngine Products\ADManager Plus\bin\run.bat) file:
#Enable Remote JMX
2. To monitor PostgreSQL DB, implement the following changes:
# IPv4 local connections:
#host all all trust
host all all trust
For PostgreSQL/MS SQL database, statistics will be collected by connecting to the database.
Security/Firewall Requirements:
User Privilege:
To monitor PostgreSQL DB, implement the following changes:
# IPv4 local connections:
#host all all trust
host all all trust
The below given step should be followed for SDP versions below 9400:
Whereas, for SDP versions 9400 and above, the step to be followed is:
Mode of Monitoring: Remote JMX
Prerequisites for monitoring ManageEngine OpManager:
1. Add below entries in wrapper.conf file.
# Enable Remote JMX
wrapper.java.additional.21=-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<Hostname/IP address of OpManager>
2. After adding the above entries, save the file and restart OpManager.
Append the following parameters to JAVA_OPTS:
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<Hostname/IP address of OpManager>
Add the following entry in run.sh:
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<Hostname/IP address of OpManager>"
2. To monitor PostgreSQL DB, do the following changes:
Ensure that your environment meets the following prerequisites and configurations for smooth installation and monitoring of the agent.
Note: For Java versions below 8, use Java Agent v5.5, available here.
Note: Please note that it is necessary to restart your application server to start monitoring after the agent installation.
Note: After installing the agent, it is essential to restart your application server for monitoring to begin. For IIS sites, execute the IISRESET command; for Windows services and desktop applications, perform a manual restart of the respective services or apps.
Cisco UCS Manager should be installed and running in the Cisco UCS device while adding the monitor.
For MSSQL, to run a specific query on a particular database, the database should be provided with "db_datareader" role or "db owner role" or "connect any database" at server level permission for the SQL user account.
To monitor a Windows Performance Counter, use the Cluster Domain Administrator username and password, for which the user account should have the permission to execute WMI queries on root\mscluster namespace in cluster server nodes.
Firewall access for monitoring:
Following are the ports required for monitoring via WMI:
Thank you for your feedback!