With the APIs given below, you can get the raw data of SLA reports for the configured business applications and servers from Applications Manager. SLA Management software offered by Applications Manager will help you to keep track of the performance of your business applications.
Supported HTTP methods: GET
Allowed roles: Administrator, Manager
This API allows the user to get the raw data of SLA reports in Applications Manager.
Using period parameter:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/slaReport?apikey=[API Key]&period=[period]&showOnlySlaAppliedBAs=[true/false]
Using custom time:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/slaReport?apikey=[API Key]&showOnlySlaAppliedBAs=[true/false]&startTime=[Start Time]&endTime=[End Time]
Field | Description |
apikey | The key generated using the Generate API Key option in the Settings tab. |
period | The period for which the SLA report have been requested. Possible values are:
showOnlySlaAppliedBAs | Filters out Only SLA Applied BA(s) in the response. (True or False) |
startTime | Custom start time in milliseconds. |
endTime | Custom end time in milliseconds. |
Using period parameter:
Using custom time:
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/slaReport">
<response response-code="4000">
<SLA Availability="NA" AvailabilitySlaCondition="greater than" AvailabilitySlaStatus="NA" AvailabilitySlaValue="99.9" ClearEventCount="0" CriticalEventCount="0" EventSlaCondition="less than" EventSlaDuration="month" EventSlaStatus="PASS" EventSlaValue="10.0" MailOptedForSlaEscalation="false" MeanTimeBetweenFailures="0 Secs" MeanTimeToRepair="0 Secs" Name="Applications Manager" ResourceId="10000031" SlaId="1" SlaName="Gold" TotalDowntime="0 Secs" UnderScheduledMaintenancePercentage="0.0" UnmanagedPercentage="0.0" WarningEventCount="0"/>
<SLA Availability="NA" AvailabilitySlaCondition="greater than" AvailabilitySlaStatus="NA" AvailabilitySlaValue="25.0" ClearEventCount="0" CriticalEventCount="0" EventSlaCondition="less than" EventSlaDuration="month" EventSlaStatus="PASS" EventSlaValue="3.0" MailOptedForSlaEscalation="true" MeanTimeBetweenFailures="0 Secs" MeanTimeToRepair="0 Secs" Name="azuremes" ResourceId="10001080" SlaId="5" SlaName="MailInforSLA " TotalDowntime="0 Secs" UnderScheduledMaintenancePercentage="0.0" UnmanagedPercentage="0.0" WarningEventCount="0"/>
<SLA Availability="NA" AvailabilitySlaCondition="greater than" AvailabilitySlaStatus="NA" AvailabilitySlaValue="10.0" ClearEventCount="0" CriticalEventCount="0" EventSlaCondition="less than" EventSlaDuration="month" EventSlaStatus="PASS" EventSlaValue="9.0" MailOptedForSlaEscalation="false" MeanTimeBetweenFailures="0 Secs" MeanTimeToRepair="0 Secs" Name="DownGroup-Anandhi" ResourceId="10000958" SlaId="3" SlaName="BASLA " TotalDowntime="0 Secs" UnderScheduledMaintenancePercentage="0.0" UnmanagedPercentage="0.0" WarningEventCount="0"/>
This API allows the user to get the raw data of Server SLA reports in Applications Manager.
Using period parameter:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/serverSlaReport?apikey=[API Key]&period=[period]&showOnlySlaAppliedServers=[true/false]
Using custom time:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/serverSlaReport?apikey=[API Key]&showOnlySlaAppliedServers=[true/false]&startTime=[Start Time]&endTime=[End Time]
Field | Description |
apikey | The key generated using the Generate API Key option in the 'Admin' tab. |
period | The period for which the server SLA report have been requested. Possible values are:
showOnlySlaAppliedServers | Filters out Only SLA Applied servers in the response. (True or False) |
startTime | Custom start time in milliseconds. |
endTime | Custom end time in milliseconds. |
Using period parameter:
Using custom time:
"response-code": "4000",
"response": {
"result": [
"MeanTimeToRepair": "0 Secs",
"EventSlaStatus": "PASS",
"EventSlaCondition": "less than",
"Name": "Windows 10_AdminServer",
"ClearEventCount": "0",
"UnmanagedPercentage": "0",
"WarningEventCount": "0",
"MailOptedForSlaEscalation": "false",
"EventSlaDuration": "month",
"AvailabilitySlaCondition": "greater than",
"Availability": "100",
"MeanTimeBetweenFailures": "18 Hrs 14 Mins 51 Secs",
"UnderScheduledMaintenancePercentage": "0",
"SlaId": "2",
"AvailabilitySlaValue": "99.9",
"TotalDowntime": "0 Secs",
"AvailabilitySlaStatus": "PASS",
"CriticalEventCount": "0",
"ResourceId": "10017",
"EventSlaValue": "10",
"SlaName": "Silver"
"uri": "/AppManager/json/serverSlaReport"
This API allows the user to list the SLA configuration details in Applications Manager.
Without SLA ID:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/slaDetails?apikey=[API Key]
With SLA ID:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/slaDetails?apikey=[API Key]&slaId=[SLA IDs]
Field | Description |
apikey | The key generated using the Generate API Key option in the Settings tab. |
slaId | Indicates the SLA Identifier. Multiple SLA IDs can be given (separated by commas). |
Without SLA ID:
With SLA ID:
Without SLA ID:
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/slaDetails">
<response response-code="4000">
<SLA AvailabilityCondition="greater than" AvailabilityThreshold="97.0" BusinessHourId="-1" Description="This is For Server" EventCondition="less than" EventThreshold="10" Id="2" MailOptedForEscalation="true" Name="Silver " Type="Server">
<AssociatedResources DisplayName="apm-prod1_Windows 10" ResourceId="10000019"/>
<MailDetails FromAddress="gokul.v@zohocorp.com" Message="This information has been generated due to an SLA violation" Subject="Alarm due to SLA violation" ToAddress="gokul.v@zohocorp.com,gokulvgkl@gmail.com"/>
<SLA AvailabilityCondition="greater than" AvailabilityThreshold="99.9" BusinessHourId="-1" Description="This is For Business Application" EventCondition="less than" EventThreshold="10" Id="1" MailOptedForEscalation="true" Name="Gold " Type="Business Application">
<AssociatedResources DisplayName="Applications Manager" ResourceId="10000013"/>
<AssociatedResources DisplayName="test-1" ResourceId="10000206"/>
<MailDetails FromAddress="gokul.v@zohocorp.com" Message="This information has been generated due to an SLA violation" Subject="Alarm due to SLA violation" ToAddress="test"/>
<SLA AvailabilityCondition="greater than" AvailabilityThreshold="99.9" BusinessHourId="-1" Description="" EventCondition="not set" EventThreshold="not set" Id="3" MailOptedForEscalation="false" Name="Platinum " Type="Business Application"/>
With SLA ID:
"response-code": "4000",
"response": {
"result": [
"Description": "This is For Server",
"Type": "Server",
"AssociatedResources": [
{ "DisplayName": "Windows 10",
"ResourceId": "10000019"
"Id": "2",
"BusinessHourId": "-1",
"MailOptedForEscalation": "true",
"AvailabilityThreshold": "97.0",
"Name": "Silver ",
"MailDetails": [
{ "Subject": "Alarm due to SLA violation",
"Message": "This information has been generated due to an SLA violation",
"ToAddress": "info@test.com",
"FromAddress": "info1@test.com"
} ], "AvailabilityCondition": "greater than",
"EventCondition": "less than",
"EventThreshold": "10"
"Description": "This is For Business Application",
"Type": "Business Application",
"AssociatedResources": [
"DisplayName": "Applications Manager",
"ResourceId": "10000013"
"DisplayName": "test-1",
"ResourceId": "10000206"
"Id": "1",
"BusinessHourId": "-1",
"MailOptedForEscalation": "true",
"AvailabilityThreshold": "99.9",
"Name": "Gold ",
"MailDetails": [
"Subject": "Alarm due to SLA violation",
"Message": "This information has been generated due to an SLA violation",
"ToAddress": "test1@test.com",
"FromAddress": "test@test.com"
"AvailabilityCondition": "greater than",
"EventCondition": "less than",
"EventThreshold": "10"
"uri": "/AppManager/json/slaDetails"