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Log a Ticket

This action will send a Trouble Ticket to the configured help desk, in the event of an alarm. To create a Ticket action, follow the steps given below:

  1. Select the New Action link from the top menu
  2. Click Log a Ticket under the Actions menu in the left frame. This opens the Configure Ticket Details screen
  3. Enter the name of the ticket
  4. If ServiceDesk Plus is configured, choose log a ticket action based on REST API Key or Credential. If SDP is above version 9, then REST API is recommended. If ServiceDesk Plus MSP is configured, choosing the Account and Site are mandatory in order to choose the other fields.
  5. Choose the fields to be tagged in the help desk for the tickets generated. If no fields are assigned to the ticket action, the default template for the ticket to be generated in the helpdesk will be used.
  6. For ServiceDesk Plus,
    • If another incident template is chosen, according to the Advanced Settings "Over-write the request template with the fields selected in the action profile" the other fields are displayed or hidden.

      Note: If an incident template is not available in the list but has been added in ServiceDesk Plus, please make sure that the technician used to integrate has access to this template in ServiceDesk Plus console.

    • In case if the template chosen has mandatory fields set in Servicedesk Plus, and they are different from the fields given in the form, then click on the Custom Fields - Incident template and provide the field name as given in Servicedesk Plus and the value to be added. If the fields Category, Sub Category, Item, Group or Technician is made mandatory then it is recommended to set the Advanced Settings "Over-write the request template with the fields selected in the action profile" as Yes, and to use the values from the form itself.
  7. For ServiceNow, additional fields to be sent to ServiceNow in the ticket generated can be added using the Custom Fields - Incident template. If Caller ID needs to be set in the form, please add the Name with the full name of the user that you need to assign the ticket to.
  8. Enter the title of the ticket, the title supports the usage of replaceable tags. You can add alarm variables to the title, by selecting those from the combo box
  9. Give the description of the mail content. The description also supports passing alarm variables as replaceable tags
  10. Choose the format of the message: HTMLPlain Text, or Both
  11. You can choose whether to append the alarm message that was generated, to the trouble ticket.
  12. If you want to execute the action during specific time periods, enable the Execute Action based on Business Hours option and select the Business Hour during which the action has to be executed. The action can be configured such that it is executed during or outside the selected Business Hours. Use the drop-down menu to select your time window or click on 'Add New Business Hour' to create a new time window.
  13. Click the Log a Ticket button to finish logging and creating the Ticket action.

Once the ticket is created, you can test its execution by clicking the Execute action [ ] button from the list view.

  • If the Create a new ticket action page displays an error message that Applications Manager is unable to connect to ServiceDesk Plus, please check whether the technician has sufficient privilege in Servicedesk Plus console.
  • In case this does not resolve the issue, please create a Support Information File and upload it using the Create Support file option in the Support tab.
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