This API will list all alarms of the monitors configured in the Applications Manager for the user corresponding to the provided API Key. The response includes details such as Monitor Details, Severity, Alert Triggered Time, Alert Message, Assigned Technician, Latest Annotation, and Attribute Details for each Alert. Additionally, specific alerts can be filtered by Severity, Monitor Group, Custom Field, Type, or category by including appropriate filters in the request.
Note: The allowed roles include Administrator, Operator and User.
Example API Request:
Field | Description | Possible values |
acknowledged | To show/hide acknowledged alerts. | True/False |
attributeId | To show the alerts of a particular attribute(s). | ID of the attribute. |
attributeType | To filter only health, availability or attribute level alert(s). | Health, Availability, and others. (Multiple values can be entered separated by commas) |
category | To filter monitors that come under a selected resource group. | SER, NET, SYS, URL, MS, APP, DBS, CAM, MOM, ERP, NWD, SAN, VIR, CLD, EMO, and CIF. |
customFieldName | To filter the result set assigned to a particular custom field. | Name of the custom field. |
customFieldType | To filter the result set assigned to a particular custom field type. | Type of the custom field (Only 'list' is supported for now). |
customFieldValue | To filter the result set assigned to a particular custom field value. | Value of the custom field. |
duration | To filter alerts that are triggered during the given duration. |
endTime | To filter alerts triggered before a given time. | Time in milliseconds (Eg: endTime=1248868798900) |
includeSubLevel | To include sub level alerts. | True/False |
monitorGroup | To show the alerts of a particular monitor group(s). | Name of the Monitor Group(s). (Multiple values can be entered separated by commas) |
monitorGroupId | To show the alerts of a particular monitor group ID(s). | ID of the Monitor Group(s). (Multiple values can be entered separated by commas) |
monitorName | To show the alerts of a particular monitor(s). | Name of the Monitor(s). (Multiple values can be entered separated by commas) |
onlyMonitors | To include only monitor alerts. It excludes all monitor group alerts. | True/False |
onlyMonitorGroups | To include only monitor group alerts. It excludes all monitor level alerts. | True/False |
page | To determine the page to be returned. | Numeric value |
resourceId | To show the alerts of a particular resource ID(s). | Resource ID of the Monitor(s)/Monitor Group(s). (Multiple values can be entered separated by commas) |
rows | To determine the number of rows to be returned to the selected page. | Number of rows to be returned. |
severity | To filter the result set based on the severity value. | Critical/Warning/Clear/Down/Up |
sortByColumn | To sort the result set based on the column provided. | Monitorname/Severity/Modifiedtime |
sortByType | To sort the results in ascending/descending order. | ASC/DESC |
startTime | To filter alerts triggered after a given time. | Time in milliseconds (Eg: startTime=1248868798900) |
type | To filter monitors that belong to a particular monitor type(s). | Name of the Monitor type. (Multiple values can be entered separated by commas) |
view | To determine the response template. | Basic/Extended |
Field | Description |
Alarm Details | |
resourceId | Resource ID of the Monitor |
displayName | Display name of the Monitor |
monitorType | The type of monitor |
monitorTypeDisplayName | Display name of the monitor type |
parentResourceId | Resource id of the parent monitor |
parentMonitorName | Name of the parent monitor |
parentMonitorType | Type of the parent monitor |
severity | Severity value in integer form (Possible values: Down/Critical - 1, Warning - 4, Up/Clear - 5) |
severityText | Severity in I18N text |
alertCreationTime | Time alert was created (in ms) |
alertModifiedTimeInMillis | Alert modification time (in ms) |
alertModifiedTime | Alert modification time in word format |
prettyTime | Time since the alert is triggered |
message | Alert message |
technician | Name of the user assigned to the alert |
attributeId | Attribute id of the alert |
attributeName | Attribute name of the alert |
attributeDisplayName | Attribute display name of the alert |
annotationAdded | Indicates whether the alert has an annotation or not (Possible values: true/false) |
latestNote | Latest annotation |
managedServerName | Name of the Probe Server of the monitor (Only for Central Server ) |
"message": "success",
"data": [
"displayName": "Production_Tomcat-server",
"monitorTypeDisplayName": "Tomcat Server",
"parentMonitorName": "",
"parentMonitorType": "",
"severityText": "Critical",
"alertCreationTime": "Apr 25, 2024 3:58 PM",
"alertModifiedTime": "Apr 30, 2024 1:56 PM",
"prettyTime": "2d 2h 55min 21s ago.",
"message": "Health of Production_Tomcat-server (Tomcat-server) is critical. <br>Root
Cause : <br>1. Heap Memory (MemoryUsage) --> Used Memory in MB 316 > 0 (threshold).<br>",
"technician": "",
"attributeDisplayName": "Health",
"annotationAdded": false,
"latestNote": "",
"managedServerName": ""
"displayName": "Production_Tomcat-server",
"monitorTypeDisplayName": "Tomcat Server",
"parentMonitorName": "",
"parentMonitorType": "",
"severityText": "Up",
"alertCreationTime": "Apr 25, 2024 3:56 PM",
"alertModifiedTime": "Apr 25, 2024 3:56 PM",
"prettyTime": "7d 55min 5s ago.",
"message": "Resource up. <br>The resource Production_Tomcat-server is available.",
"technician": "",
"attributeDisplayName": "Availability",
"annotationAdded": false,
"latestNote": "",
"managedServerName": ""
"meta": {
"total": 2,
"records": 2,
"page": 1
Thank you for your feedback!