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Enterprise Edition Settings

This section explains the Enterprise Edition settings that can be made in Applications Manager. This can be accessed by clicking the Settings tab and selecting Enterprise Edition Settings under Product Settings section. On performing any of the configurations, click the Save button provided at the bottom of the page to implement the configured settings.

Following are the list of options that are available in the Enterprise Edition Settings page:
  • Show Central server status: Enabling this option allows you to display the status of Central server in all the corresponding Probe servers. However, this option is applicable only for Probe Servers.
  • Proxy Probe Server request through Central Server: By enabling this option, the graphs and images displayed for a monitor are retrieved directly from the corresponding Probe server and will be shown in the Central console. This option will be applicable only for Central server. For more information, refer here.
  • Delete Synced SQL files in Central Server: Disabling this option will ensure that .sql files (sent from Probe servers to Central server for syncing data) are not deleted in Central server after syncing data.
  • Probe Key Regeneration interval (days): Time interval set to regenerate the Probe Registration Key in the Central server (in days). Value entered should be greater than 0.
  • Enable probe server(s) report data sync with Central server: Enabling this option will sync report data of Probe server(s) with the Central server.
  • Send email when probe server goes down: Allows you to send email alerts whenever the Probe server goes down. After enabling this option, you can configure to send the mail based on the number of times for the Probe server has went down consecutively by specifying the value for the same.
  • Send Mail Alert from Central for Selected Probe Servers: Allows you to send mail alerts for the selected Probe servers from Central server.

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