SAP HANA Monitoring

Creating a new SAP HANA monitor

Prerequisites for monitoring SAP HANA metrics: Click here

Using the REST API to add a new SAP HANA monitor: Click here

To create a SAP HANA DB server monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select SAP HANA under Database Servers.
  3. Specify the Display Name of the SAP HANA monitor
  4. Enter Host Name of HANA server.
  5. If Using SAP HANA Cloud Platform,
    • Select SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
    • Enter Cloud Account Name, UserName and Password.
  6. Enter Port as IndexServer port, default port is 30015.
  7. You can enter your own credential details or select pre-configured credentials from Credentials Manager. If you wish to enter your own credentials, specify SAP HANA username and password details for this monitor.
  8. Enter Database Username and Database Password.
  9. Enter Instance Name.
  10. On checking the SSL is enabled box, secure connections will be established using SSL encryption.
  11. In the hostnameInCertificate field, enter the host name to be used to verify the server’s identity in the .
  12. Specify the Timeout value in seconds. Default value is 20 seconds.
  13. Set the Polling Interval.
  14. If you are adding a new monitor from the Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  15. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box with which you want to associate SAP HANA Server Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  16. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers SAP HANA server from the network and starts monitoring them.


  1. Need to copy ngdbc.jar into the location /working/classes. ngdbc.jar can be copied from installed SAP HANA Client folder. Click here to download SAP HANA Client
  2. If HANA is running On-demand, in addition to the above, SAP Cloud Platform SDK is needed. However, this is not needed for HANA On-premise. Click here to download SAP Cloud Platform SDK. The downloaded zip should be extracted under <Applications Manager Home>/working/hanacloud folder. After extracting need to verify whether <Applications Manager Home>/working/hanacloud/tools folder is available.
  3. Need to restart APM after performing the above steps.
  4. To effectively monitor SAP HANA, the SAP HANA DB User must have the below privileges,
    • System privilege CATALOG READ
    • Object privilege SELECT on the schema _SYS_STATISTICS
    To grant these privileges to the user, execute the below statements in SAP HANA SQL console.(Replace USER_NAME with actual HANA DB Username)
    • CALL GRANT_ACTIVATED_ROLE ('sap.hana.admin.roles:Monitoring','<USER_NAME>')

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on SAP HANA under the Database Servers Table. Displayed is the SAP HANA bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:


Memory and CPU
Memory Utilization Percentage of Memory Utilized by HANA System as a whole
CPU Utilization Percentage of CPU Utilized by HANA System as a whole
CPU  Available No. of CPU Available
CPU Used Used no. of CPU.
Total Physical Memory Total Physical Memory of HANA System
Used Physical Memory Memory Used by HANA System
Total Swap Memory Total Swap Memory allocated for HANA System
Connection Statistics
Active Connections Total No. of Active Connections
Inactive Connections Total No.of Inactive connections
Memory Details of Host
Total Physical Memory Total Memory for each host in the HANA system.
Free Physical Memory Free Memory Available in individual host
Used Physical Memory Used Memory in individual host (HANA+other appllications)
Swap Memory Swap Memory of individual host
Used Swap Memory Swap Memory used.
Peak Memory Peak Memory used in each host
Memory Used By HANA
Allocation Limit Memory allocated for HANA in each host
HANA used memory Memory Used only by HANA in each host (Total resident)
Memory Used by Column Tables The amount of memory used for column tables. (A major part of the SAP HANA Used Memory is taken up by the data tables).
Memory Used by Row tables The total amount of memory used for row tables. (A major part of the SAP HANA Used Memory is taken up by the data tables).
Code & Stack Memory Memory used by HANA Code and Stack
DataBase Resident The amount of physical memory actually in operational use by a process. (When a part of the virtually allocated memory actually needs to be used, it is loaded or mapped to the real, physical memory of the host, and becomes "resident".)
System Information
Version The version of the SAP HANA database that is installed on the system.
System Type A SAP HANA system can be configured as a single-host or multiple-host system.
All Services Started Indicates if all services are started and the system is operational and accessible.
Platform The operating system of the SAP HANA system.
Instance ID The instance ID of the SAP HANA database.


Service name The name of the service.
CPU used The percentage of CPU used by the service.
Memory Used The memory used by each service.
Requests per sec The number of requests that are processed by the host computer.
Response Time The time (in milliseconds) that is taken by the service to respond to requests from the clients.
Active Requests count The number of active requests that are being processed by the service.
Pending requests count The number of requests that are waiting in a queue to be processed by a service in the SAP HANA database server.
Active Threads count The total number of active threads for the service.
Open File Count The number of files that are currently opened through a service in the SAP HANA database server.
Service status The status of the service. The status can be no, yes, unknown, starting,and stopping.


Disk usage Type The type of disk usage on the host computer. The usage types are log,data, trace, data_backup, and log_backup.
Total Disk Space The total Space allocated for each Disk
Disk Used Disk Used
Disk Free percentage The free space percentage of the disk.
Disk Path The path to the disk, disk location.
Disk Volume size The total disk space in GB.
Disk Volume
Service Name The name of the service.
Volume ID The unique volume identifier.
File Type The type of file in the volume directories. Possible values are - DATA, LOG, TRACE.
File Name The name of the file,
Total Volume Size The total data volume sizes of the SAP HANA servers.
Used Volume Size The total data volume sizes used.
Free Size The free memory size of the module.
Volume IO Statistics
Service Name The name of the service.
Volume ID The unique volume identifier.
Volume Path The Filesystem path.
Disk Type The Filesystem type.
Blocked Write Requests The count of blocked write requests.
Total Reads Total number of file reads on the disk for all file types.
Total Failed Reads Total number of failed reads from the disk.
Total Read Size Total size of read data (in MB).
Total Read Time Total time taken to read data (in sec).
Total Appends Total number of file appends on the disk for all file types.
Total Writes Total number of file writes on the disk for all file types.
Total Failed Writes Total number of of failed writes.
Total Write Size Total size of written data (in MB).
Total Write Time Total time taken to write data (in sec).
Total I/O Time Total time taken to perform I/O operations (in sec).
Speed The I/O performance measured in MB/sec.


No.of Column Tables The number of Column Tables in this partition.
Size of Column Tables Allocated memory size for fixed-size and variable-size column table paritions.
No. of Row Tables The number of Row Tables in this partition.
Size of row tables Allocated memory size for fixed-size and variable-size row table paritions.


Host Host name
Service Name Name of the Service
Site Name Logical site name
Secondary Host The secondary host name.
Secondary Site Name The secondary logical site name.
Replication Status Replication Status


Backup Size The size of the backup.
Source Type name Type of persistence to be backed up: 'volume', 'topology'.
Service Type Name Type of database service: 'indexserver', 'nameserver', 'statisticsserver'.
Entry type Name Classification of backup catalog entries: 'complete data backup', 'data snapshot', 'log backup', 'log missing'
Start time Time stamp when backup started
Total Time TimeTaken for Backup
State Result of corresponding action: 'successful', 'failed', 'running', 'cancel pending', 'canceled'
Backup Configuration
Max Recovery File Age The maximum recovery file age in seconds.
Log Replay Step Size The Log replay step size in bytes.
Max Recovery Backint Channels The max number of parallel backint channels per request during recovery.
Backint Executable Link The link name of the backint executable.
Backint Executable The filename of the backint executable.
Backint Data Backup Path The data backup directory for backint.
File Data Backup Path The default directory for file-based data backups.
File Log Backup Path The current directory for file-based log backups.
Latest Backup Details
Latest Backup ID The unique ID of a data backup or a log backup respectively.
Latest Backup Start Time The start time of the backup operation.
Latest Backup End Time The end time of the backup operation.
Latest Backup Entry Type The classification of backup catalog entries. The following types are supported: 'complete data backup', 'log backup', 'log missing'.
Latest Backup Destination Type The type of backup location. Possible values are - 'file' or 'backint'.
Latest Backup Size Specifies the size of the backup.


Current Execution Rate/min The current statement execution count per minute.
Current Compilation Rate/min The current statement preparation count per minute.
Current Transaction Rate/min The current transaction count per minute.
Current Commit Rate/min The total number of commits per minute.
Current Rollback Rate/min The total number of rollbacks per minute.
Current Memory Usage Rate/min The total size of used memory per minute.


The Blocked Transaction data set provides information about the transactions that are waiting to acquire transaction locks held by another transaction, network, or disk.

Blocked Transaction Id The connection ID of the blocked transaction.
Lock Owner Transaction Id The connection ID associated with the write transaction that is holding the lock.
Blocked Time The time from when the transaction is blocked.
Waiting Schema Name The name of the schema on which the lock is placed.
Waiting Object Name The type of the object on which the lock is placed.
Lock Type The type of lock that is held by the blocking transaction. The lock type can be record, object, and metadata.
Lock Mode The access level of transactions to the locked record, table, and database. The lock mode can be shared, exclusive, and intentional exclusive.
Blocked Statement The statement that is blocking the transaction.

Expensive Statements

The Expensive Statement data set provides information about the statements for which execution timewas greater than the configured threshold.

Statement Duration The time that is required for executing the statement.
Records The number of records in the database table.
Memory Size The memory required for computing the statement.
DB User The user name that is used to connect to the database.
Operation Type of operation: e.g. prepare, execute, fetch, close.
Statement The SQL statement that runs for duration longer than the defined threshold.
Error Code The error code associated with the query.
Error Message The error message associated with the error code.


Connection Id The connection that triggered the operation.
Schema name Schema of the object.
Object name Name of the object.
Job Name The type of the operation.
Start Time The time when the operation was started.
Current Job Progress The current status of the operation. One of the following values is possible: inactive, active, precommitted, aborting, partial_aborting, and active_prepare_commit.


Cache id The unique identifier for the cache.
Total Size Maximum available memory for each cache instance
Used Size Memory Used by Cache instance
Hits Count Number of cache hits for the cache instance.
Misses Count Number of cache misses for the cache instance.


Alert ID The ID of the current alert.
Alert rating The severity of the alert occurrence. The severity might be different for each alert. The following values are possible: 1 (information message), 2 (warning level 1), 3 (warning level 2), 4 (warning level 3), 5 (error message).
Alert TimeStamp The time according to the local server time when the alert was occurred.
Description The information about the alert.

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