This section explains how to use the AddMonitor API to add monitors of the 'ERP' category type. The following monitors are supported:
Supported HTTP methods: POST
Allowed roles: Administrator
For versions R11i and R12.0:
For version R12.1.3:
For versions R12.2.0, R12.2.5 & above (Username and Password Mandatory):
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type | The type of the ERP server you want to add. Value should be OracleEBS. |
host | The name of the host in which Oracle EBS is running. |
port | The port number where the Oracle EBS is running. |
SSL | Indicates if SSL option is enabled. The value should be either yes or no. |
Version | The running version of the Oracle EBS (R11i, R12.0, R12.1.3, R12.2.0, R12.2.5 & above). |
Username | Username of the EBS admin server. |
Password | Username of the EBS admin server. |
instance | Name of the instance. |
ConcurrentRequest | Indicates the phase of the concurrent request. (Pending, Running, Inactive) |
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type | The type of the ERP server you want to add. Value should be sap server. |
host | The name of the host in which SAP server is running. |
username | The user name used for accessing the SAP server. |
password | The password of the SAP server. |
systemnumber | The SAP system number. |
logonClient | The SAP logon client. |
language | The SAP logon language. Default value is en. |
routerString | The SAP Router String through which SAP Server is connected.(Optional) |
https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=sap server&displayname=appmanagersap&host=app-xp1&username=admin&password=appman&systemnumber=00&logonClient=000&language=en&routerString=/H/it360-m4600-1
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
hostname | The name or IP address of the host in which SAP Java is running. |
p4port | The port number where the SAP Java is running. |
username | The user name of the administrator used for accessing the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. |
password | The password of the administrator used for accessing the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. |
clusterid | ID of the cluster element. |
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME] &host=[HOST]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&systemnumber=[SYSTEMNUMBER]&logonClient=[LOGONCLIENT]&language=[LANGUAGE]&monitorset=[MONITOR SET NAME]routerString=[ROUTERSTRING]
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type | The type of the ERP server you want to add. Value should be SAP CCMS. |
host | The name of the host in which SAP server is running. |
username | The user name used for accessing the SAP server. |
password | The password of the SAP server. |
systemnumber | The SAP system number. |
logonClient | The SAP logon client. |
language | The SAP logon language. Default value is en. |
monitorset | The CCMS Monitor Set name. |
routerString | The SAP Router String through which SAP Server is connected.(Optional) |
https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=SAP CCMS&displayname=appmanagersapccms&host=amp-2k8r2-2&username=admin&password=appman&systemnumber=00&logonClient=001&language=en&monitorset=SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors&routerString=/H/it360-m4600-1
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type | The type of the ERP server you want to add. Value should be SiebelEnterpriseServer. |
displayname | The display name of the Siebel Server. |
HostName | The name of the host in which Siebel server is installed. |
snmptelnetport | The port on which Siebel server is installed. |
mode | The mode of monitoring specified for the server. (SSH or WMI) |
userName | Siebel-installed server username (user role with executable permission). |
password | Siebel-installed server password. |
GatewayServer | The Siebel gateway server name. |
EnterpriseServer | The Siebel enterprise server. |
SUserName | The Siebel administrator username. |
SPassword | The Siebel Administrator password |
InsDirectory | The directory where Siebel is installed. |
prompt | The bash prompt for unix based servers. ($,#, or >) |
timeout | The timeout value, in minutes. |
discoverInterval | The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOSTNAME]&Version=[VERSION NO]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&eventlog=[YES/NO]&pollinterval=[INTERVAL]&kerberos=[True/False]
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
apikey | The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the 'Admin' tab. |
type | The type of the monitor you want to add. The value should be Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
host | The Host Name or IP Address of the host where the Dynamics CRM/365 application runs. |
displayname | The Display Name of the Dynamics CRM/365 monitor. |
username | The username of the Host Machine. To monitor a Microsoft Dynamics CRM/365 application, use Administrator user account which has the permission to excute WMI queries on 'root\CIMV2' namespace of the Dynamics CRM/365 Server. |
password | The password of the above user who has the permissions to execute WMI Queries. |
Version | The version of the Dynamics CRM/365 Application. Possible values are: 2011, 2013, 2016 or Dynamics365 |
kerberos | Option to enable Kerberos authentication. (True or False) |
https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=Microsoft Dynamics CRM&displayname=API CRM&host=
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST NAME]&Version=[VERSION NO]&UserName=[USERNAME]&Password=[PASSWORD]&AXServices=[AX SERVICES]&remoteSQL=[True/False]&SQLhostname=[SQL HOSTNAME]&SQLcredentialdetails=[SQL CREDENTIAL DETAILS]&SQLusername=[SQL USERNAME]&SQLpassword=[SQL PASSWORD]&pollinterval=[INTERVAL]&kerberos=[True/False]
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
apikey | The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the 'Admin' tab. |
type | The type of the monitor you want to add. The value should be MSDynamicsAX. |
displayname | .The display name of the AX application. |
host | The hostname or IP address of the host where the AX server runs. |
Version | The version of the Dynamics AX Application. Possible values are: 2012, 2012R2 or 2013R3 |
UserName | The UserName of the AX server machine. |
Password | The password of the AX Server Machine. |
AXServices | The services to be monitored. (AOS, MSSQLSERVER, RpcSs, IISADMIN) |
remoteSQL | Denotes whether MSSQL is in remote server. (True/False) |
SQLhostname | The hostname of the remote SQL server. |
SQLcredentialdetails | Choose whether to use the credentials of AX server or to enter new credentials for SQL server. (AXcred/SQLcred) |
SQLusername | The username of the remote SQL server. |
SQLpassword | The password of the remote SQL server. |
kerberos | Option to enable Kerberos authentication. (True or False) |
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST NAME]&port=[PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
apikey | The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the 'Admin' tab. |
type | The type of the monitor you want to add. The value should be SAPBusinessOne. |
displayname | The display name of the integration framework. |
host | The hostname or IP address of the integration framework. |
port | The port number at which the integration framework is running. |
username | The username of the integration framework. |
password | The password of the integration framework. |
Thank you for your feedback!