Setting up Azure Application Proxy   

An alternative to hosting ServiceDesk Plus MSP server online is to use the 'Application Proxy' feature in Azure.  You can run a connector service that acts as a proxy to ServiceDesk Plus MSP running in your local network.

To install the connector to a Windows machine that is connected to your local network, follow the instructions given below:

  1. Head to the Azure portal.



  1. Once the connector is downloaded, install it, and log in to your Microsoft account when prompted.

  2. Now head back to the Azure portal and select Configure an app to set up your ServiceDesk Plus MSP server.

  3. Provide the application server name.

  4. Under Internal URL, Specify the URL that can be used to access ServiceDesk Plus MSP within the internal network or localhost if the application runs in the same machine.

  5. Specify the required external URL. Note that the URL must use the HTTPS protocol.

  6. Under Pre Authentication, choose Passthrough.

  7. Fill out the Additional Settings per requirements and save the configurations. 



  1. Once configured, the given external URL must point to ServiceDesk Plus MSP.


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