Defining a Survey


You can define your own survey by adding your own questions and satisfaction levels that will suit the needs of end users. You can also display the survey to the users in various languages supported by ServiceDesk Plus - MSP, provided the multi language license is purchased.


To define your survey,

  1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using the user name and password of a ServiceDesk Plus - MSP administrator.

  2. Click the Admin tab in the header pane.

  3. In the User Survey block, click Define a Survey iconUser Survey Definition Icon. Here you can add, edit, or delete your survey questions and satisfaction levels.

Add Survey Questions

To add a survey questions

  1. Click the + Add Question button available in the Questions tab in the Define Survey page.

  2. In the Question pop-up window, type your question in the text area provided.

  3. Click Save. The question will get added in the Define Survey Questions tab.

You can add any number of questions to the survey by following the above steps. As you keep adding questions it will get appended at the end of the list of questions. You can change the order of the questions by clicking the Move Up and Move Down link that is available beside each question.


Edit a Survey Question

To edit the survey question

  1. In the Questions tab, click the Edit link beside the question you wish to edit.

  2. In the Question pop-up window, edit the question displayed in the text area.

  3. Click Save. The Define Survey page is refreshed to display the modifications made.

Delete a Survey Question

  1. In the Questions tab, click Delete link beside the question you wish to delete. A confirmation dialog pops up.

  2. Click OK to delete the question.

Note: If you delete a question from a survey, then it will have an impact on the survey results that have been collected previously.


Add Satisfaction Levels

To add satisfaction levels that will be displayed as choices for each of the survey questions

  1. Click the Satisfaction Levels tab in the Define Survey page.

  2. Click + Add Level button.

  3. In the satisfaction level pop-up window, enter the satisfaction level in the text area provided.

  4. Click Save. The satisfaction level is added and the Define Survey page is refreshed to display the added satisfaction level.

You can add any number of satisfaction level to the survey by following the above steps. As you keep adding, the levels will get appended at the end of the list of the existing levels. You can change the order of the same by clicking the Move Up and Move Down link that is available beside each question. Satisfaction levels scales from good to bad, good at the top bad at the bottom. Moving up or down changes the satisfaction levels.


Edit a Satisfaction Level

To edit a Satisfaction level

  1. In the Satisfaction Levels tab, click the Edit link beside the satisfaction level you wish to edit.

  2. In the satisfaction level pop-up window, edit the satisfaction level displayed in the text area.

  3. Click Save. The Define Survey page is refreshed to display the modifications made.

Delete a Satisfaction Level

  1. In the Satisfaction Levels tab, click the Delete link beside the satisfaction level you wish to delete. A confirmation dialog pops up.

  2. Click OK to delete the satisfaction level.

Note: If you delete a satisfaction level from a survey or change its order, then it will have an impact on the survey results that have been collected previously.


Survey Translate

If you have purchased the license along with multi language, then the Survey Translate tab appears. The survey can be displayed in various languages supported by ServiceDesk Plus - MSP to users located in various locations.


Add New Translation

To add new translation,

  1. In the Define Survey page, click on Survey Translate tab.

  2. In Translate Languages list view page, select New Translation link. The New Translation form appears.

  3. Select the Survey Language from the drop down list. The languages supported by ServiceDesk Plus - MSP is displayed. The languages for which a translation is added does not appear again in the Survey Language drop down list.

  4. Enter the Survey Questions in the language selected in Survey language drop down list.

  5. Similarly, specify the Satisfactory Levels and Messages in the respective fields.

  6. Click Save to save the new translation in the list view. By default, while adding a new translation the language is enabled. To disable the language, select the check box beside the language to be disabled and click Disable button.

The survey form for the requester consists of Display Language drop down listing all the enabled languages configured under Survey Translate tab. Select the language to view the survey.


Edit a Translation

While editing a translation, the Survey Language cannot be modified.

  1. In the Translate Language page, click the Edit icon editicon beside the language you wish to edit. The New Translation form appears

  2. The Survey Language is in non editable text. Modify the details in Survey Question, Satisfactory Levels and Messages.

  3. Click Update to save the changes.

Delete a translation

  1. In the Translation Language page, select the check box beside the language you wish to delete.

  2. Click Delete button. A confirmation box appears. Click Ok to continue. The translated language is deleted from the list.



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