Add General Tasks
To add general tasks that are not associated with requests, problems, changes, projects and milestones, do the following:
Login into ServiceDesk Plus using your credentials
Click Quick Actions dropdown and select Add New under Tasks block (or)
Click Home tab of the header pane and click Click Add New button under My Tasks section
Add tasks in the same manner you would add task to associate with a request (refer: Adding Tasks)
Save the task
Viewing Tasks from Home Page
All the tasks present in ServiceDesk Plus application can be viewed from the home page by clicking the Show All button under My Tasks section (if you're a technician with SDAdmin Role).
Task List View of the Home Page also has the following options:
Trigger button for triggering tasks
New Task button for adding tasks
Close/Delete buttons for closing/deleting tasks respectively
Editing Tasks from Home Page
Tasks can be edited right from the task list view (applies for independent as well as associated tasks) if the technician is directly assigned to the task (or) if he/she possesses the SDAdmin role.
To edit tasks from task list view, do the following:
To edit status and priority associated with tasks, click on the respective fields and choose the appropriate option
To edit group and technicians assigned/marked with tasks, click on the respective field
To edit scheduled start time and end time, click the respective fields and select the desired date from the calendar popup
Select technician (or group) from select technician/group popup to whom you want the task to be reassigned
Mark or Assign the task to him/her
Click the tick mark
Editing Marked/Assigned Technicians
Identifying General Tasks and Associated Tasks
You can identify general tasks and associated tasks using the following details:
By enabling Link option in the Column Customizer box. Doing this will display info regarding whether the task is associated to request, problem, change, project or milestone in the task list view page.
By viewing the task's details by clicking on the respective task. In the right extreme of the task details page, next to the navigation buttons, the task's association with the request, problem, change, project or milestone will be displayed along with the task's status; for independent/general tasks, no information will be shown.