Workstation Additional Fields
You can define your own specific fields that need to appear in the new workstation form apart from the default fields. You can add text fields, numeric fields, and date/time type fields in the form.
Adding Workstation Additional Fields
Configuring Additional Text fields
Click on Admin tab -> Click Workstation Additional Fields icon in the Configuration Wizard page. This opens Workstation � Additional Fields page. You can configure 12 additional text fields for a workstation.
By default the list of all additional text fields are displayed. Specify the Label for the Workstation Additional Fields.
Specify any relevant information about the additional fields in the Description text field.
Specify the Type of the text field by enabling the radio button. It can be either Single- Line, Multi � Line or drop down menu list.
Specify the Default Values in the given text field.
Click Save to save the settings.
Configuring Additional Numeric fields
Click on the Numeric tab. You can configure 4 additional numeric fields for a workstation.
Specify the Label for the additional field. This is a mandatory field.
Specify any relevant information about the additional fields in the Description text field.
Click Save to save the settings.
Configuring Additional Date/Time fields
Click on the Date/Time tab. You can configure 4 additional fields for a workstation.
Specify the Label for the additional field. This is a mandatory field.
Specify any relevant information about the additional fields in the Description text fields.
Click Save to save the settings.