Associate Requests to Project
You can associate requests to projects and view the associated requests from within a project details page. A project can be associated with multiple requests. Usually requests with similar demands will be associated with a project that successfully addresses some/most of these demands. This sort of association will help establish a successful project-request relationship which is vital for quickly resolving the innumerable requests your helpdesk might have to attend to everyday .
This page explains how you can Associate/Dissociate Requests to/from project and also how the associated requests can be viewed from the respective project's details page.
Associating Requests to Project
To Associate Requests to a Project,
Click the Projects tab. This opens the Projects List View page.
Select the project by clicking on the project title to be associated with request(s).
Click Settings icon (spiked wheel available below the project title) and select Associate Requests option.
Associate Request to Project popup box opens up.
Select Requests which you wish to associate with the project and click Associate Requests button (available above the requests being listed).
Tip: Once a request has been associated to a project, other requests will might follow, can be added directly using the Associate button without having to access the Settings icon (see image below)
To view Requests associated with a project,
Click the Projects tab. This opens the Projects List View page.
Select the project by clicking on the project title in order to view requests associated with it.
Requests which are associated with the project will get listed
To view a request in detail, select the same by clicking on the respective title
Request tab will be available only if requests are associated with the project. |
Dissociating Requests from Project
To dissociate requests from a project,
Click the Projects tab. This opens the Projects List View page.
Select the project by clicking on the project title in order to dissociate requests from it.
Click on the Requests tab.
Choose requests which you wish to dissociate from the project
Click Dissociate button (available above the list of associated requests)