

    Multi-Contract allows you to have multiple active contracts for the same account during the same period.


    To create multi-contracts

    • Go to Admin>> Billing>> Contract Billing

    • Select the account from Billing - Contract Billing for drop-down box.

    • Click Add New Contract to add multiple contracts to the selected account. 



    To change the contract of a request

    • From the request module, select a request to open the request edit page. 

    • Click Actions>> Associate contract and choose a contract from the Associate Contract pop up window.

    • Select any of the below options.

      • Make all the existing work logs as Non-Billable. 

      • Convert all the existing work logs.

      • Mark Requests as Non-Billable.

    • Click Associate to change the contract of a request.


    Note: When no option is enabled in the Associate Contract window, clicking on Associate will change the request's contract.




    To change the contract of a work log

    • From the request edit page, click Tasks & Work log tab and edit a work log.

    • Choose a contract from the Contract Name drop-down box.

    • Click Update Work log to change the contract of a work log.


    Note: Work log cannot be edited after billing and only charge per hour contract will be listed.





    To associate contracts through business rules

    • Go to Admin>> Details>> Business Rule to add/edit a business rule.

    • On the Add/Edit Business Rule page, specify Rule Name, Site, and Criteria. 

    • From the Actions drop-down, select Associate Contract and click Choose to open the Select Contract pop up window.

    • From the list, select a contract and click OK.

    • Click Save.






    Contract Conversion


    Conversion Type Association options Functionality after enabling the options Functionality after disabling the options
    Charge per Hour to Charge per Hour

    1. Mark all the existing work logs as non-billable

    2. Convert all the existing work logs

    3. Mark request as non-billable

    On enabling option 1, all the existing work logs will be marked as non-billable.

    On enabling option 2, all the existing work logs will be converted to the current contract and will be billed according to the current contract plan.

    On enabling option 3, requests will be marked as non-billable.

    On disabling option 1, work logs will remain billable.

    On disabling option 2, the existing work logs will continue with the previous contract and newly added work logs will be under the current contract plan.

    On disabling option 3, requests will remain billable.

    Charge per Hour to Charge per Request
    1. Mark request as non-billable
    On enabling this option, the request will be marked as non-billable.
    On disabling this option, the request will be billed according to the current contract plan.
    Charge per Request to Charge per Hour

    1. Mark all the existing work logs as non-billable

    2. Mark request as non-billable

    On enabling option 1, all the existing work logs will be marked as non-billable and will not be considered for billing.

    On enabling option 2, requests will be marked as non-billable.

    On disabling option 1, all the existing work logs will be converted to the current contract plan. 

    On disabling option 2, requests will remain billable.

    Charge per Hour to Fixed Charge No options
    The request will be billed at a fixed charge.
    The request will be billed at a fixed charge.

    Charge per Request to Fixed Charge

    No options
    The request will be billed at a fixed charge.
    The request will be billed at a fixed charge.
    Fixed  Charge to Charge per Hour

    1. Mark all the existing work logs as non-billable

    2. Mark request as non-billable

    On enabling option 1, all the existing work logs will be marked as non-billable and will not be considered for billing.

    On enabling option 2, requests will be marked as non-billable.

    On disabling option 1, all the existing work logs will be converted to the current contract plan.

    On disabling option 2, requests will remain billable.

    Fixed  Charge to Charge per Request
    1. Mark request as non-billable
    On enabling this option, requests will be marked as non-billable.
    On disabling this option, requests will be billed according to the current contract plan.


    Note: Conversion of service plan types will have no effect on billed work logs.

    Zoho Corp. All rights reserved.