Performance Settings

Performance settings allow you to configure various settings to improve the performance and stability of the application. You can configure Database related settings under General tab and report related settings under Reports tab.

General Settings

In this section, you can configure various database-related settings to improve stability and performance of the application such as Schedule database maintenance and configure disk usage threshold to optimize the performance of ServiceDesk Plus MSP.

Database Maintenance Schedule

The query optimizer uses table statistics to create query plans. To ensure optimal performance of query plans, the table statistics must be updated regularly. This database maintenance activity is carried out differently in different database systems. In the case of Postgres, the operation "VACUUM ANALYZE" is used and in the case of MS SQL, the operation "sp_updatestats" is used.  

Schedule database maintenance

To configure scheduled maintenance,

  1. Enable Maintenance Schedule using the Toggle Button.

  1. Select a preferred Frequency and set a Starting Date, along with a preferred time. To avoid performance issues, schedule maintenance during non-operational hours.


Monitoring disk usage is essential to prevent application failure or downtime. To do this, configure thresholds to send an email notification to Admin users.  

Disk Usage Threshold - Over time, the disk usage increases and eventually all available disk space will be consumed causing application failure. To prevent this, you can configure disk utilization threshold to trigger notifications to admin users.

  • To set the disk utilization threshold, enter a preferred value in percentage in Disk Space field.


Log File Size Threshold

MS SQL server maintains a transaction log file (.LDF) to record all transactions. This file could grow large and fill up the disk if left unmonitored and cause application downtime. To prevent this, an additional option is enabled for MS SQL users to configure log file size threshold that triggers an email notification to users.

  • To set the log file size threshold, enter a preferred file size in MB in Database Log File Size field.

Reports Settings

To optimize stability,

  1. Modify limits on various report generation criteria such as row limits, the maximum number of simultaneous users, and report generation timeouts.

  1. Finally, click Save.


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