Predefined ServiceDesk Plus-MSP Reports

ServiceDesk Plus MSP comes with a set of preset reports generated from the data under various modules available in the application. The predefined reports can be edited to suit the needs of the organization.

Role Required: SDAdmin, SDReport, Technicians with Complete Access to Reports module.

To view the various reports available, go to the Reports tab. The various reports are listed and grouped under different headings.

Helpdesk Reports

Reports on Task

Analyze data related to the tasks in tabular reports. You can view the following task reports:

  • Task reports by status
  • Task reports by priority
  • Task reports by technician
  • Task reports by module
  • Task reports by group
  • Task reports by task type
  • Task reports on time spent

Reports on worklog

Analyze data related to the worklog based on technicians, worklog type, and modules.

  • Worklog reports by technician and Worklog reports by worklogtype are displayed as tabular reports.
  • Worklog reports by module is generated using a query.

Reports by All Releases

View metrics from release requests in the following reports:

  • Releases Overdue
  • Releases delivered on time by Item
  • Release approval details
  • Associated Change Details
  • Associated Project Details

Reports by Site, Support Group, and Technician

These reports outline data related to associations between sites, support groups, and technicians in the following query reports:

  • Support group with associated technicians and sites
  • Technician and associated groups
  • Technician and associated sites
  • Site and associated technicians
  • Site and associated users

Reports by SLA

This report presents request data aimed around SLA time. You can view the requests sorted by created time, due by time, resolved time, completed time, overdue status, elapsed time, and SLA resolution time. SLA reports help organizations track request SLA violations and measure the performance of their help desk teams.

Reports on Request Time Analysis

These reports can be grouped into two categories: Assessment reports and Time spent reports.

Assessment reports - These reports assess the status, technician, and group of a request based on parameters such as status/technician/group change, status change comments, time spent, and the technician who updated the status. These reports give an overview of the updates in a request and help identify the root cause in case of SLA violation.

You can also obtain reports based on parameters such as sum/average time spent on status, technician, and group. Alternatively, you can generate custom reports by specifying criteria for both changed from and changed to columns.

Time spent reports - These reports present the time spent by a request in each status and the time spent by various technicians and groups on a request in a visual graph.

Requests on OLA

Request OLA reports determine the OLA metrics in requests, largely in relation to the associated SLA. You can view these reports by:
Requests, group, and priority.
Requests where SLA is violated and OLA is not or vice-versa.
Requests where both SLA and OLA are violated.
You can also view data regarding the groups that have complied with the applied OLA.

Reports on Incident Requests

These reports consist of all the open, closed, and SLA violated Incident Requests based on parameters such as category, priority, request date, due date, technician, and group.

Reports on Service Requests

These reports consist of all the open, closed, and SLA violated Service Requests based on parameters such as category, priority, request date, due date, technician, and group.

Login based reports

These are reports based on the login activity of the users that provide information such as Last Login Time, Last Logout Time, IP Address, Domain, Email, Department, etc. The available default reports are Technicians who haven't logged in for the last 30 days, Last login and logout time of technicians, Number of logins of technicians in the current month, Login hours of technicians in the current month, Users last login and logout time, and Users currently logged in the application. 

Reports by all requests  

These reports provide you with graphical view of all open and closed requests by category, group, created date, department, due date, level, priority, status, technician, status by category, status by level, status by priority, status by technician.


Also they can be exported as HTML file, PDF file, XLS file and CSV file.

To save the report in a particular folder click Save report as button. This opens the Save Report page. Specify the Report Name and if you wish the report to be viewed by all select Every One (Public) report. If you wish to view the report by just yourself (Private), select Just me button.

Select the Folder name from the Save-in-Folder combo box. If you wish to add new folder click Add New Folder link.

Specify the Description about the report in the given text field and Save the details.

You can also Schedule reports, View query, mail this reports for these reports. These options are available for all the report types under each report title.

Reports by completed requests

These reports show the distribution of completed and closed requests. Similar to Report by all request, these reports are also generated based on various parameters such as category, group, department, due date, level, mode, priority and request date.  

Reports by SLA Violated requests

These reports display the distribution of the requests that have violated the SLA that was applicable on them. You can view these violations based on the request category, group,  the department from which the request was generated, and the technician who handled the request and so on.

Reports by pending requests

This shows the distribution of all pending requests for a specific period of time, based on different parameters, such as priority, department, technician, category, due date, request date and so on.

Request Summary requests

These reports provide you with a high level view of the requests received and closed during a particular period, date-wise. The summary reports available are the received request summary reports by date and closed request summary reports by date. These reports are generated on the parameters of request received or closed by technicians, request received or closed in a specific category, priority, and mode.


Request Timespent Reports

These reports provide information on the technician's time spent on requests and the cost per technician based on the time spent. You can group the report information based on category, department, requester and technician attending to the request. The time spent report by requester, gives you an idea on the cost per requester and the number of request.

By default, the help desk reports will be created for the current week. You can choose any custom period of your choice or choose to create reports for last week, or this month, or for just this day. All these reports can be used for analysis purposes. For example, the reports mapped against the parameter technician can be used to measure the technician responsiveness and load handling capability.


Survey Reports

These reports provide you with the summary details on the survey results based on various parameters. All these reports help in measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the support team and take respective corrective actions.

Under Survey reports you have,

  • Survey Overview Report whichgives you the overall ratings of each of the questions in the survey based on the feedback of the users who took the survey. The ratings give you an idea about the value that is associated with the corresponding question. This report provides both tabular and a graphic representation of the results.

  • Survey Results by Category report has the survey information grouped based on the category. Against each category, the points gained by each of the survey questions will be tabulated. Depending on the kind of survey questions, this report will provide valuable information based on individual request categories.

  • Survey Results by Department has the survey information grouped based on the department from which the requests originated. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the department name from where the request originated.

  • Survey Results by Level has the survey information grouped based on the level of the requests. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the level of the request for which the survey was sent.

  • Survey Results by Mode has the survey information grouped based on the mode of the requests. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the mode of the request for which the survey was sent. This also gives you an idea on the mode of request that is most frequently used to create a new request.

  • Survey Results by Priority has the survey information grouped based on the priority of the requests. The points for each question of the survey is mapped against the priority of the request for which the survey was sent.

  • Survey Results by Requester has the survey information grouped based on individual requester. This helps you in finding out which requester has sent the maximum number of requests and any other information based on your survey questions. This will give you an idea of the users perspective and help you in deciding about the corrective actions that need to be taken to make the support team more efficient and effective.

  • Survey Results by Technicians has the survey information grouped based on individual technicians. Each of the survey questions will carry some value and based on this value, the average value for the questions will be marked against the technicians. These points will enable you to objectively measure the technicians efficiency and effectiveness from the users perspective and take any corrective measures, if required.


Chat Reports

Chat reports lists down the reports based on chats between technicians and end users. You can view these reports by:

  • Chats initiated by requester

  • Chats answered by a technician

  • Unanswered chats

  • Completed chats

In each report, you can obtain the total count of chats for each criteria. The Completed chats report gives comprehensive details such as chat ID, requester, technician, chat start time, chat completed time, request ID, and the time taken to complete the chat.

Asset Reports


All Computers ( Workstation and Servers )


The workstation reports give you information about the various workstation-related metrics.

  • Computers  by Domain report tells you the computers grouping based on domains. Thus you get to know the number of computers in each of the domains in selected Account's network.

  • Computers  by Manufacturer report gives you a high-level distribution view of the computers used from different manufacturers.

  • Computers  by OS report gives you an overview on the percentage of computers belonging to each type of operating system. Thus you will also know the different types of Operating Systems in use in selected Account.

  • Computers  by Processor Manufacturer report gives you the graphical view as well as the tabular view of the computers by processor manufacturer. Thus it gives a count of all computers with processor vendor name used in selected Account.

  • Computers  by Processor Type report will give a tabular view of all processor type in each computers used in selected Account.

  • Computers  by Vendor report gives a graphical as well as the tabular view of all vendors for each the computers in selected Account.          

  • Computers with less than 256MB RAM and more than256MB RAM gives the report of all computers in selected Account with more than 256MB RAM and less than 256MB RAM.

  • Operating System by Region gives you the list of workstations that are grouped under a particular region but are not yet assigned to any user or department. The list of computers is also displayed in the tabular form just below the graph.

  • Unassigned workstations by Domain gives you the number of computers that are connected to the domains but are not assigned to any user or department or computer. The list of computers is also displayed in the tabular form just below the graph.



  • Server with less than 10% Free Disk space gives the report of all the servers in selected Account with less than 10% free Disk space.

  • Servers with less than 512MB RAM gives the report of all the servers in selected Account with less than 512MB RAM.




Under software reports you have, Software Reports - Purchased Vs Installed software, Software by Category and Software by Manufacturer. Under software reports - purchased Vs Installed software you can view the list of all software purchased vs installed in each of the workstation in selected Account. Under software by category you can view the list of all software classified under default software category. Under Software by Manufacturer you can have the tabular view of all software used in selected Account listed based on the manufacturer of the software.


Workstation Summary Reports


Under workstation summary reports you have, Software Summary Report and Hardware Summary Report.  Software summary report provides you with the tabular view of all the software installed in each workstation. This includes all managed, unmanaged software. Hardware summary report provides you with all the hardware details of an workstation such as, memory details, drive information, hard disk information, physical drive information, network adapters and so on. Thus it gives a complete overview of all the software installed and hardware details of an workstation.    


Audit Reports


Under audit reports you have audit history by workstation, audit history by time line, audit history by changes. The updated audit reports are available only by scanning the workstation. Audit history by workstation gives a complete report on the account of all actions taken place in a workstation. This provides detail report on both hardware and software details. Audit history by time line gives a detail overview of all actions taken place in a workstation for a specific time period. By default you can get only the current week report. Audit history by changes gives a complete report on all changes taken place in a workstation for the current week.

To get the audit report for previous weeks,

  1. Click the Edit button. This opens the Custom Reports.

  2. From the Date Filter block-> select the Scan Date option from the combo box -> select the duration by clicking During combo box which provides you with the last week, last month, this month, this quarter, last quarter or yesterday options to generate reports. (OR) if you wish to generate reports for a specific time period then select the From and To radio button and select the dates from the calender button.

  3. Click Run Report button. You can get report for the specified time period.   


Resources Reports


Under resources reports you have, resources by product type, resources by vendor, resources types by site. Resources by product types gives the graphical view as well as the tabular view of all the resources (assets) available for all default and newly added product types. Resources by Vendor gives the graphical and tabular view of all the resources in the selected Account based on the vendor name. The name of the vendor will be in X-axis and the resource count will be in Y-axis.  Resource Types by Site lists all the available resources in selected Account distributed across each sites of your company.



Contract Reports


Under contracts reports you have reports based on Active contracts, Contracts by Max value, Contracts by status, Contracts by vendor and Expired contracts. Active Contracts shows all the open contracts in selected Account in a graphical and tabular view. Contracts by Max Value shows all the contracts which costs above 1000$ will be displayed in both graphical and tabular view. Contracts by Status shows the list of all contracts with its status level such as, open contracts, expired, expired in the last 30 days, expiring in next 7 days and expiring in next 30 days in a graphical and tabular view. Contracts by Vendor shows all the contracts with all status level but classified based on the vendor. Expired Contracts shows the list of all the expired contracts in selected Account.    


Purchase Reports


Under purchases you have reports based on  PO Vendors, PO by Ordered Date, PO by Required Date, PO by Status. Purchase orders by vendors gives the graphical view and tabular view of all the approved, pending for approval, partially approved, closed, overdue, po's due in next 7 days, po's due in next 30 days purchase orders classified based on the  vendor name. Purchase orders by ordered date gives the graphical view and tabular view of all the approved, pending for approval, partially approved, closed, overdue, po's due in next 7 days, po's due in next 30 days purchase orders classified based on the ordered date. Purchase orders by required date gives the graphical view and tabular view of all the approved, pending for approval, partially approved, closed, overdue, po's due in next 7 days, po's due in next 30 days purchase orders classified based on the required date.  



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