Release Classic View

Classic view is a customization that allows you to view release request records as rows with prominence for release title, release status, and task completion. All other attributes are displayed in subsequent lines below the title. This view is more focused on the release progress. You can toggle this view by clicking Classic View  on the top-right corner.




In the classic view, you can perform the following actions:


Release Related Functionalities



View Related Functionalities




Release Related Functionalities


Creating a new release request


To create a new release request, click New, fill out the form, and click Save. To learn more about creating a release request, click here.


Pickup release request 


To pick up release requests, select your preferred requests, and click Pick Up.



Assign technicians 


To assign technicians to release requests, select the requests, and choose your preferred technician from the Assign drop-down.



Edit/Delete release requests 


To edit a request,


  1. Click Actions  on your preferred release request and choose Edit.

  1. Make necessary changes to the release request.

  1. Finally, click Update.


To delete a request,


  1. Click Actions  on your preferred release request and choose Delete.

  1. Confirm your action.




To delete multiple release requests, select your preferred release requests, click Delete .


The edit and delete options are also available on the details page. To access the release details page, click the release title.


The deleted release requests will be trashed. To access trash, click the filter drop-down on the top-right, and click Trash.


View workflow

You can access the workflow associated with a release request directly from the list view. To access it, click Workflow  on your preferred release record.



View Related Functionalities 


Add or remove columns


You can customize the view to show/hide specific attributes as required. To do this, click Column Customizer , select/deselect as required attributes and click Save.



Apply filters


You can customize the list view by applying filters to show specific release requests. To do this, click the filter drop-down on the top-left, and choose your preferred filter.


The filter list can be reordered. To do this, hover over the filter name, use the grab handle to move the filter to your preferred position.


You can also use the search to find filters.



Advanced Filters


To create a custom filter,


  1. Click Advanced Filter .

  1. Configure filter condition by choosing column, criteria, and value.

  1. Finally, click Apply.



You can add multiple conditions to a filter and also order the filters.


  • To add another condition, click Add  and repeat the steps to create the custom filter.

  • To remove condition in a filter, click Remove .

  • To change the order of conditions, use the grab handle to move the condition to your preferred position.



Sort records


You can sort the release requests based on any attribute (column) in ascending or descending order. To do this, choose your preferred attribute from the Sort By drop-down, and click Sort .




Refresh list view


You can manually refresh the list view by clicking Refresh . You can also configure automatic refresh. To do this, select your preferred refresh frequency using the drop-down beside Refresh .



Set number of records per page


You can set the number of records shown per page in the list view. To do this, select your preferred limit from the records per page drop-down.



Navigate between pages


Use the Previous and Next  icons to navigate between pages when there are multiple pages.

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