Reconcile Software

    Software Reconcile enables you to merge records of software applications from the same manufacturer. For example, when a software application has two records because the application record was created both manually and by scanning, you can use the reconcile option to merge them into a single record.


    To Reconcile Software:

    Go to the Assets List View page, click Software from the left pane, and select Scanned Software.


    Select any two software, enable the checkbox beside the two software applications to reconcile.

    Click the Actions drop-down and select Reconcile.


    The Reconciliation Successful message will be displayed.

    After Reconciliation  

    • The purchase request/purchase order and the license created for the child software will be moved to parent software and renamed accordingly. Recently updated software will be considered as parent software.

    Example:  Consider two software applications, MS Word 2010 (child) and Microsoft Word 2010 (parent) with software ID 47 and 58. If the license name of child software is "MS Word 2010 - 102", after reconciliation, the license name will be updated as "Microsoft Word 2010 - 102".

    • If the child software is associated with any suite software, the parent software is added as component software to child's suite software. If both child and parent software are component software of the same suite software the child software will be removed from the suite.

    • All attachments and hotfix of child software will be moved to parent software. If both parent and child software have the same hotfix, the parent hotfix will be retained.

    • All agreements, software metering information, upgraded licenses, downgraded licenses, CAL licenses, software audit details, software meter, and software meter history will be moved to the parent software.

    • CI associated with child software will be moved to parent and renamed automatically. 

    Example: If CI name of a child is MS Word 2010, it will be changed to Microsoft Word 2010.

    • After the update is complete, the child software name will be added to the table "RECONCILEDSW" with the parent software ID.
    • After reconcile, if the child software is scanned on any machine it will be automatically considered as parent software.


    Only two software can be reconciled at a time.

    You cannot reconcile suite software.

    Reconcile is restricted to two software if an upgrade/downgrade license exists between them.

    Reconcile is restricted to component software with two different suites.

    Zoho Corp. All rights reserved.