Associate Change to Projects


    Project can be associated with a change from within the project details page. Just like requests, change management too relies on projects during the implementation phase where a number of projects can be associated/dissociated to/from the change, breaking down the implementation phase into a number of projects which ensure the change gets materialised in accordance with the paperwork available.

    This page explains how you can Associate/Dissociate Change to/from project and also how the associated changes can be viewed from the respective project's details page.



    Associating a Change to a Project

    To associate a change to a project:

    1. Click the Projects tab. This opens the Projects List View page.

    2. Select the project by clicking on the project title to be associated with the change

    3. Click Settings icon and select Associate Change option.

    4. Associate Change to Project popup box opens up.

    5. Select Change which you wish to associate with the project and click Associate Change button.

    Note: You can also associate multiple changes to a project.



    Viewing Change Details

    To view the associated change details,

    1. Click the Projects tab. This opens the Projects List View page.

    2. Select the project by clicking on the project title in order to view change associated with it.

    3. Click Settings icon and select Change Details option

    4. You will be lead to the respective Change Details page



    Note: Project can be associated with only one change at a given time


    Dissociating a Change from a Project

    To dissociate a change from a project:

    1. Click the Projects tab. This opens the Projects List View page.

    2. Select the project by clicking on the project title in order to dissociate change from it.

    3. Click Settings icon and select Dissociate Change option

    4. Okay the warrning message. The change will be successfully dissociated.




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