Preventive Maintenance


You can create a Preventive Maintenance Task for regular maintenance such as changing the printer toner every month or perform a regular service shutdown for an account's site.


To schedule a preventive maintenance task,

  1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using the user name and password of an admin user.

  2. Click the Admin tab in the header pane.

  3. In the Account Details block, click the Preventive Maintenance Tasks iconpreventive-maintenance. This opens the Configuration Wizard page.

  4. Click the Preventive Maintenance Tasks link at the left side of the page under the HelpDesk block. This opens Request Maintenance Tasks page.

  5. Click Add New PM Task link. This opens Add Preventive Maintenance Task page. You can create a preventive maintenance task in two steps.


Creating a Task Template

Task template has four blocks, Request details, Owner details, Requester details, Category details.

  1. Specify the Status of the request from the comb box. Ex. Open.

  2. Specify the Level of the request from the combo box. The level should be selected based on the priority. Ex. If the priority of the request is high then select Tier 1.

  3. Select the Mode from the combo box. This will be the mode of communication, to inform the technician.

  4. Select the Priority from the combo box.  For ex. High, Medium, Low etc

  5. Select the Site from the combo box. This is a mandatory field.

  6. Select the Group from the combo box. This option is given to group the task template. Ex. Network, Hardware etc.

  7. Select the Technician from the combo box to assign the task and click the requester list icon to select the requester Name. This is a mandatory field. The other details such as Contact Number, Workstation ID and Department get filled automatically based on the requester details specified in the requester form.

  8. Select the Category, Sub Category and Item from the combo box.

  9. Specify the Subject line for the task in the given text field. Specify relevant information about the task in the given Description field.

  10. To attach a file to the task template click Attach a File button to attach files.

  11. You can add Resolution in the resolution text field.

  12. Click Next>> button for Task Scheduling.


Task Scheduling

To schedule a task, select the time frame from the listed options:


Daily Schedule: To run a daily maintenance task, click Daily Schedule radio button.

  1. Select the Time at which the maintenance task should be scheduled from the combo box.

  2. Select the Date on when the maintenance task should be scheduled from the Calendar button.

  3. Save the details.

Weekly Schedule: To run a weekly maintenance task, click Weekly Schedule radio button.

  1. Select the day of the week by enabling the corresponding check box beside the day of the week.

  2. Else if you wish to schedule on all days of the week, then click Everyday check box.

  3. Select the Time frame to schedule the task from the combo box.

  4. Save the details.   

Monthly Schedule: To run a monthly maintenance task, click Monthly Schedule radio button.

  1. Select the month to run the task by enabling the check box beside Every Month.  

  2. Select the Date on when the task should be scheduled from the combo box.

  3. Select the Time at which the task should be scheduled from the combo box.

  4. Save the details

Periodic Schedule: To run a periodic maintenance task, click Periodic schedule radio button.

  1. Specify the day (s) in the given text field to schedule the maintenance task. i.e after every specified nth day the maintenance task will be executed.

  2. Save the details.

One Time Schedule: To run a one time maintenance task, click One Time Scheduling radio button.

  1. Select the Date & Time on when the maintenance task should be executed.

  2. Save the details.

For Example:


If you wish to schedule a monthly task to change the printer cartridges,

  1. Select Monthly Schedule radio button.

  2. Select the check box every month.

  3. Choose the date from the combo box. Ex: 3rd of every month.

  4. Select the time from the combo box. Ex: 1500 hrs.

  5. Save this schedule. A task to change cartridge will be sent to you every month on 3rd at 1500 hrs helping you to complete the regular maintenance task in advance without any request sent from the users.





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