User - Additional Fields


While adding new requester or technician, you might want to record additional information about the users apart from the preset fields. The User - Additional Fields lets you configure any number of additional fields that would appear in requester or technician forms, or common fields for both requester and technician.


To access User - Additional Fields configuration wizard,

  1. Login to the ServiceDesk Plus MSP application using the user name and password of a ServiceDesk Plus administrator.

  2. Click the Admin tab in the header pane.

  3. In the Users block, click User - Additional Fields.

By default, the User - Additional Field list view displays the list of Common Additional Fields that are configured in the application. To view the Requester Additional Fields list, select Requester Additional Fields option from Filter by Type drop-down menu. Similarly, if you want to view the Technician Additional Field list, select Technician Additional Field option.


Adding Custom Fields

Say for instance, you want to configure additional fields that should appear in the requester as well as the technician forms i.e., Common Additional Fields. To add the custom fields,

  1. In Filter by type drop-down menu, select Common Additional Fields option. The list of Common Additional Fields configured in the application is displayed.

  2. Click Add Field button.

  3. In the Add Field form, select the type of field. The Field Type is Text, Numeric and Date/Time Fields. The Text Fields are of 3 types namely,

    • Single-line Text Fields: A Single-line text field allows you to add just a text field.

    • Multi-line Text Field: The Multi-line text field allows you to add a text box where a lengthy description can be added

    • Pick List Fields: A Pick List allows you to add a list menu from which you can select.

      To add items for the pick list, enter the value in the text filed and click Add Item. The value will get added to the list below. To select the default selected value of the list, click on the value in the list.

  4. Enter a unique name for the additional field in the Field Name text field.

  5. If you have selected Single-line or Multi-line text fields, then you can enter Default Value. The default value is displayed in the new requester/technician form and can be edited, if required.

NOTE: Please note that you cannot enter default values for Date/Time fields.

  1. Enter brief description about the field in the Description text field.

  2. Click Save button. The additional fields appear in the List view of the selected Filter by type.

NOTE: If you want to add additional fields for requester, then select Requester Additional Fields option from Filter by type drop-down menu, and follow the steps given above. Similarly, if you want to add additional fields for technician, then select Technician Additional Fields option.


Editing Custom Fields

  1. In the User - Additional Fields List view, select the filter type under which you want to edit the additional fields.

  2. Click Edit icon beside the Field Name to edit. The Add Field form is displayed with values filled while adding the field.

  3. Edit the fields in the form.

  4. Click Update button.


Deleting Custom Fields

  1. In the User - Additional Fields List view, select the filter type under which you want to delete the additional fields.

  2. Click Delete icon beside the Field Name. A dialog box confirming the delete operation appears.

  3. Click OK to proceed. The additional field is deleted from the list.

NOTE: Please note that while deleting the additional fields, the value entered in the new requester or technician form will be lost.

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