Editing and Deleting Contracts


Editing Contract

To edit a contract,

    1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using your user name and password or using admin login.

    2. Click the Contracts tab in the header pane. By default, the list of Open Contracts is displayed.

    3. Select the Account of the contract you wish to view using the Filter Showing combo box.  

    4. Select the status of the contract you wish to edit using the Filter Showing combo box.  

    5. Click the Contract Name link that you wish to edit. This opens the View Contract page.

    6. Click the Edit button on the right hand side of the page. (OR)

      Click Actions combo box - > Edit Contract option. This opens the Edit Contract form.  

    7. The existing details of the contract is displayed. As the contract ID is a system generated ID, it is not available in the edit contract form. You can edit all the other details.

    8. Once you are done with editing, click Save. If you entered wrong information and want to know what the initial values were, then instead of Save, click Reset.

Deleting Contract

To delete contract,

    1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using your user name and password or using admin login.

    2. Click the Contracts tab in the header pane. By default, the list of Open Contracts is displayed.

    3. Select the Account of the contract you wish to view using the Accounts combo box.

    4. Select the status of the contract you wish to delete using the Filter Showing combo box.  

    5. Click Delete on enabling the check box beside the contract.

    6. A pop up window confirming the delete operation appears. Click Ok to proceed. The contract will be deleted from the list.



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