Integrating with ADSelfService Plus


Integrate ServiceDesk Plus MSP with ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus and allow your Active Directory users (both technicians and requesters) to self-service their Active Directory passwords and accounts easily. ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus is a secure, web-based, end-user password reset management program. This software helps domain users to perform password self-service, account self service and self service of their personal details (e.g telephone number, e-mail id, etc.,) in Microsoft Windows Active Directory. If you have installed both of these products, you just have to provide the details of the computer where ADSelfService Plus is installed, along with its Port Number.


Steps to Install:

  1. Download and Install ADSelfService Plus.

  2. Configure ADSelfService Plus Settings in ServiceDesk Plus MSP.


Steps to Configure:

  1. Go to Admin > Integrations > ADSelfService Plus.

  2. Decide to whom ADSelfService Plus menu should be displayed [technicians or requesters or both] by Enabling/Disabling ADSelfService menu checkboxes for technicians/requesters.

  3. Configure whom ADSelfService Plus should be applicable for from following options:

    1. All accounts

    2. Selected Account Groups

    3. Selected Accounts

  4. Specify Server Name and Port Number.

  5. Select the protocol (HTTP or HTTPs).

  6. Click Test Connection and Save. The connection will be established.

  7. Once the connection is established, use the "Jump To" link to switch over to ADSelfService Plus server.


ADSelfService Plus tab will be displayed to the technicians when the same has been enabled irrespective of the integration status between ServiceDesk Plus MSP and ADSelfService Plus. ADSelfService Plus tab will be displayed to the requesters when the same has been enabled only if ServiceDesk Plus is integrated with ADSelfService Plus


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