SDP MSP - ManageEngine Analytics Plus / Zoho Analytics Integration

Integration of Zoho/ManageEngine Analytics Plus with SDP MSP provides easy report generation, analysis, and interpretation and has the advantage of timely-sync. ManageEngine Analytics Plus is for On-premise integration while Zoho Analytics is for Cloud integration.
To configure the integration, follow the links below:


Role Required: SDAdmin


Go to Admin > Integrations > Advanced Analytics and click Setup Advanced Analytics integration. By default, the Enable Advanced Analytics menu option is selected to allow a quick navigation link to Advanced Analytics data from the header.

Analytics Plus Cloud

Analytics Plus Cloud is a reporting & business intelligence service that helps users to analyze business data and create insightful reports/dashboards. By integrating Analytics Plus Cloud with Service Desk Plus, you can analyze the key metrics of a service desk and provide informed decisions to optimize business operations.

Prerequisites: Create a Zoho Analytics Account

Zoho Analytics is hosted at multiple data centers, and therefore available on different domains. There are 5 different domains available for Zoho Analytics Integration.
Before setting up the integration, you are required to create a Zoho Analytics account in an applicable data center. We strongly recommend you use a common email address while signing up.
Use one of the signup links below to create an account in Zoho Analytics:

Generate OAuth Credentials

Service Desk Plus MSP uses an OAuth-based authorization protocol to provide secure and delegated access to users. Administrators can generate OAuth credentials via Zoho API Console by using one of the data center links below. Ensure that the data center you select corresponds with the signup URL where you created your Analytics Plus Cloud account earlier.


From the data center webpage, you will be prompted to create a new client. Follow the steps below to generate your OAuth Credentials:

  1. Select Server-based Applications as your Client Type.
  2. Enter a Client Name.
  3. Enter your ServiceDesk Plus MSP domain URL as the Homepage URL.
  4. Copy the Redirect URL displayed in ServiceDesk Plus MSP application as the Authorized Redirect URIs.
  5. Click Create.


After the client is created, navigate to the Client Secret tab and copy the Client ID and Client Secret values securely to configure them in ServiceDesk Plus MSP.

Configure Analytics Plus Cloud Integration in ServiceDesk Plus MSP

Once you have copied the Client ID and Client Secret values securely, go to the Advanced Analytics configuration page in ServiceDesk Plus MSP to complete the integration process as follows:

  1. Select a data center where you created the OAuth Client for your Analytics Plus Cloud account from the Choose Data Center drop-down.
  2. The Analytics Workspace Name is auto-populated. You can edit a unique name for your workspace created in Analytics Plus Cloud.
  3. Enter the Analytics Plus Email ID that you used to create your Analytics Plus Cloud Account.
  4. Provide the OAuth Client ID and Client Secret generated for your Analytics Plus Cloud Account while generating your OAuth credentials.
  5. Click Change Proxy Settings to configure proxy settings and change proxy settings, if needed. Enter the details such as Host, Port, Username, and Password. For further information about proxy settings, click here.
  6. In the Initial Data Synchronization section, select an initial date from when the reports have to be synchronized. After the initial sync, the data will be synchronized periodically based on the interval specified in the Periodic Data Synchronization section.
  7. Click Save to validate your credentials. To synchronize your data, click Save and Sync.
  • Requests, Changes, Projects, Tasks, Worklogs, and Additional fields (except multi-select) will be synchronized. 
  • Solutions, Request Time Elapsed Analysis, and Surveys will be synced. 
  • Assets, workstations, software, software licenses along with their additional fields will be synced. 
  • Encrypted additional fields of Requests and Resource data of service requests will not be synced. 
  • Under licensed/ignored Changes and Projects modules will not be synced.
If you have blocked the pop-ups on your browser, the user consent page opens upon clicking any of the save options. It notifies that the application is attempting to redirect to the Analytics Plus Cloud Reports API. Select Always allow pop-ups and redirects from <servicedeskplus_domain_URL> and click Done.
Once you have added your application URL as an exception, reconfigure the Analytics Plus Cloud integration. After clicking any of the save options, a pop-up window opens up listing the permissions required by Analytics Plus Cloud to complete the integration. Ensure that the scope allows only Analytics Plus Cloud to access your data and click Accept.
Once the integration is set up and the data is synced, the Re-Sync button will appear. You can initiate manual sync anytime using this button.
Details such as Analytics Plus Cloud AdminSync Status and Last Successful Sync Time will be displayed on top of the page.

Configure Additional Setup

Navigate to the Additional Setup tab and follow the pointers below:

  • Choose the day and time for scheduling the data sync from the Periodic Data Synchronization section. You can use the Instant Sync button to sync the reports immediately with the database anytime.

Only a maximum of 7 Instant Syncs is allowed per day. 

  • Select the time duration for clearing up the old data in the Data Retention Policy section.
  • In Zoho Analytics User Info, you can view the users who share the configured database in Zoho Analytics. Both the available and unavailable users in ServiceDesk Plus MSP are displayed here.
  • The available records and the Zoho Analytics license expiry date are displayed under Zoho Analytics License Information.
  • The security information provides detailed information about the data transfer and other precautions.

By default, the synchronization frequency under the Periodic Data Synchronization section will be set to Repeat for Every 1 Hour. In the event of failure, a failure message will be displayed and an email will be sent to the administrator.

Reset Integration

Navigate to the Reset tab to:

  • Repopulate all configurations in Analytics Plus Cloud.
  • Remove all the configured settings in Analytics Plus Cloud.

If the integration is removed, the default reports and customized reports will also be removed.

ManageEngine Analytics Plus for On-Premises

ManageEngine Analytics Plus is a business intelligence and reporting software from ManageEngine that helps generate detailed reports about your Help desk performance & metrics. With a variety of reporting functionalities, it helps you analyze your help desk and take control over your assets & tickets.


To integrate ManageEngine Analytics Plus,

  1. Go to Admin > Integrations > Advanced Analytics.

  2. Select the checkbox Enable Advanced Analytics Menu. (optional)

  3. Click Setup Advanced Analytics Integration.



  1. Choose ManageEngine Analytics Plus (On premise) and provide the following information: Host Name/ IP Address, HTTPS Port Number, Analytics Workspace Name, User Name, and Password.

  2. Configure Proxy Settings if required.

  3. For Synchronize From, choose a synchronization date and time.

  4. Click Save.



To synchronize data immediately, click Save and Sync.

 Analytics Plus Integration with SSO

After successful synchronization, you can use a single sign-on to allow users to access Analytics Plus without requiring them to re-login. To do this, select Enable SSO, and click Save


The Enable SSO option is available only after successful synchronization.



Single sign-on with Analytics Plus will be configured automatically. You can view details of SSO-based integration such as login and log out URLs in Analytics Plus under Settings > User Management > SAML Configuration.



SSO works only when the users in Analytics Plus are configured with the same email addresses as used in ServiceDesk Plus MSP.

When new users are added to Analytics Plus, they can access Analytics Plus from ServiceDesk Plus MSP only after the next periodic synchronization. Alternatively, you can refresh the integration page in ServiceDesk Plus MSP to provide access to users immediately.
Users can enable/disable SSO anytime as required.


Additional Setup  

Under the Additional Setup tab, you can configure periodic data synchronization, data retention policy, and view Analytics Plus information such as user information, license information, and security information.

Periodic synchronization

To configure periodic synchronization, set the synchronization frequency. You can either choose to repeat synchronization every day after specific hours or synchronize at specific intervals every day. You can also perform instant synchronization, by clicking Instant Sync.

Instant Sync can be used only 7 times a day.

Data Retention

You can configure a data retention policy for your Analytics Plus. To do this, select the number of months after which the data on Analytics Plus should be cleaned up.




Under the Reset tab, you can repopulate all configurations or remove all configured settings and databases in Analytics Plus.



 Accessing Analytics Plus from ServiceDesk Plus MSP 

You can access Analytics Plus in the following ways:

  • To access Analytics Plus dashboard under Reports
  • Go to Reports and click Advanced Analytics.

If SSO is enabled in ServiceDesk Plus MSP and for the user in Analytics Plus, the user will be automatically authenticated and the dashboard will be shown. In all other cases, the user must login with their Analytics Plus credentials to view the dashboard.



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